INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

The new season is coming soon — don’t miss your chance to reach your best rank with the Ladder Bonus !

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Join Our Telegram Channel

05 Mar 2025 @ 00:00 CET


Telegram Community


We are happy to announce that now you will be able to play with your friends and stay connected using the Telegram app.




Advantages of Telegram?


  • Connect  with people Worldwide.

  • Chat and coordinate without problems with voice and text channels.

  • Stay ahead with game news, tournaments, and special events.

  • Dedicated channels for different languages, so everyone feels at home.

  • Exchange replays, tips, and strategies to improve your skill.

  • Lightweight and works on any device.

  • Secure and Ad-Free.



Elevate your gaming experience and be part of the action!


Join Us Today!




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Support and Complaint Center

24 Feb 2025 @ 00:00 CET


We strongly recommend using our Support ticket system to file a complaint. By reporting rule-breakers, you help convey that cheating and bad behavior are unacceptable, making the platform better for everyone.


What could you report?

Players going AFK (Away From Keyboard).
Improper use of game items.
Deliberate feeding.
Use of forbidden software (map hack).
Offensive language (insult other players)

New to the ticket system?

Don't worry! We've prepared a visual guide to walk you through the complaint filing process across all sections.




Step-by-Step Guide to Filing a Complaint


1. Secure Your Login and navigate to Support: Ensure you are signed into your account before navigating to support.



2. Initiate Your Ticket: After reaching the Support Center, you select DotA AllStars to create a complaint.



3. Select the Appropriate Category: you will have four, choose the one that suits you the best. In order to have accurate and efficient assistance, follow the detailed instructions.




a) Points and Rating: 

This category offers two subcategories to address specific concerns.



a.1) Disconnect / Incorrect Point Allocation: address this section if you experienced a disconnection during gameplay or received an incorrect point allocation.



Note: adding replay and match list is mandatory.


a.2) Wrong Points Transfer: Use this section to report any discrepancies in statistics transfer.

These issues often arise when utilizing the points transfer feature in our Shop.

Fun fact: This feature is entirely free! Explore it here Transfer.





b)Tickets for Game Violations:

This category encompasses three subcategories for reporting various infractions:



b.1) Feeding / AFK Behavior Reports: Feeding refers to intentionally dying to benefit the opposing team. It's crucial to understand that players won't face bans for lack of skill or connection issues. However, deliberately dying multiple times followed by game abandonment is considered feeding and may result in penalties.



To report feeding or AFK behavior:

— Provide the offender's in-game name.
— Note the timestamp of the violation from the replay (Use the /time command in chat to mark the incident).
— Offer a clear descryption of the event, including the specific occurrence time.

Note: adding replay and match list is mandatory.


b.2) DotA Ladder Cheating Reports: You need concrete evidence of cheating in a ranked match.



To report suspected cheating:

— Include the alleged cheater's nickname.
— Attach the game replay.
— Provide at least three timestamps of suspicious activity.
— Explain in detail why you believe the player is cheating.

Note: adding replay and match list is mandatory.


b.3) Abuse and Account - Stat Transfer Reports: Abuse typically involves repeatedly feeding an enemy player across multiple games (usually 3 or more). This can be identified by examining specific players' match histories.



To report abuse or unauthorized account/stat transfers:

— List the violator nickname.
— Provide links to relevant match lists.
— Include a link to the replay.

Note: adding replay and match list is mandatory.




c) Insults and Spam


This category is divided into four subcategories to address various forms of misconduct.



c1) Bad Manners: If you encounter a player insulting others or yourself, report it here and include the names of all involved.



Note: adding replay and match list is mandatory.


c.2) Spam: especifically flooding the chat with messages for over 15 seconds or posting 17+ messages in rapid succession. This also includes the excessive minimap pings.



c.3) Channel / Custom Games / Lobby Incidents: For insults occurring in channels, custom games, or lobbies.



Your report should include:

— The offender's nickname
— A screenshot displaying the insult and the /time command in chat


c.4) Private Message / Wall Insults: If you receive insults via private message or on your wall.



Your report must include:

— The offender's nickname.
— A screenshot of the insult with the /time command visible.

Note: For wall insults, do not remove the offensive content. It must remain visible on your wall for verification.




d) Complaints Against Admins


If you disagree with an administrator's decision or believe an administrator has acted inappropriately, you can file a report here.



To submit a complaint:

— Include the nickname of the administrator involved.
— Provide a clear, detailed descryption of the incident.




5. Await Our Response: After submitting your ticket, we kindly ask for your patience. Our support team manages a high volume of requests, and we are dedicated to maintaining a fair and enjoyable gaming environment for all.

We take all complaints seriously, and they will be methodically reviewed by our Head and Super Administrators.


If you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to ask here!




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Service - New Profile Section

18 Feb 2025 @ 00:00 CET


Service - New Profile Section


Our Team is always working to enhance your gaming experience and offer you maximum flexibility with your account settings.

Today, we are excited to introduce the new Service section, giving you complete control over the connected options.




What is New?


Previously, managing your connected services required contacting support or waiting for them to expire. Now,  it’s much easier! In the Service section, you could:


  1. Enable and disable services at any time


For example, if you don’t need a PRO account, Bonus, or Armor right away, you could temporarily suspend and reactivate them whenever needed. This way, you can efficiently manage your resources and avoid unnecessary expenses.


  1. Change your title in battle


Nowaday you are able to choose the perfect status to display on your profile! Want to stand out? Head over to your settings and pick a title that matches your style!


  1. Customize purchased flags


If you have multiple purchased flags, you may now easily switch between them — pick the one that suits your mood or personal style best!

Note: This feature only works if you have previously enabled this feature/purchased this privilege.





How does It work?


First, go to the Service section in your gaming profile.



Managing game bonuses


  • Extend your PRO account, Armor and Bonuses — both separately and the Full Pack at once.

  • Increase the number of Mute charges for convenience.

  • Change your title in the battle to one that is more suitable for you.



Managing flags


Buy new flags by clicking to All flags and choosing what you like.

Place already purchased flags.

Changing the flag from your collection is available for free. So, it means – 0 image.

Buying a new flag will cost the same as in our store – 19 image.




What's The best part?

You now have the ability to suspend purchased services whenever needed!



Suspending your services costs 5 image.

Resuming services is free.

After a service is suspended, at least 5 minutes must pass before it can be reactivated.

Suspension of services applies only to 3 products: Pro-Account, Bonus and Armor.

Suspension of services does not apply to temporary icons.





Why is this convenient?


  • Flexibility – Choose the services you need, exactly when you need them.

  • Savings – Disable unused services to optimize your resources efficiently.

  • Simplicity – No need to contact support; manage everything with just a few clicks.


Enjoy a new level of convenience!

Head over to Service section to activate and customize features to fit your needs perfectly.


And last, but certainly not least...



The plans include adding a collection of purchased icons in BNet, similar to the flags collection. You will be able to place and change these icons as you wish. We will be implementing this feature in the near future.


We also have plans to add a profile design feature, giving you the ability to personalize your design to match your mood. For example...


Alien Profile



Regular Profile



Winter Profile



Of course, we won’t stop there!

We will continue to create even more customized profiles to suit your taste, so everyone can find one they love.

Now, log in and check out the new section!

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Special News - Valentine's Day

14 Feb 2025 @ 00:01 CET


Happy Valentine's Day


Welcome Back February 14th. Get ready to perform romantic gestures and spend tons of money on overpriced chocolates and roses.

Whether you are planning a candlelit dinner with your lover or hanging out with friends, enjoy the excuse to eat extra dessert, get mountains of candy and why not, treat yourself in luxurious ways. However you celebrate, It’s all good mate. The real question is:




Where did it all begin?


Truth be told, we can blame the ancient Romans for this one. Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers and banned marriages. But a Priest named Valentine thought that was absurd and kept secretly marrying couples anyway.

Long story short, he got caught and was executed, could you guess when? Yes, February 14th. Somehow that tragic ending turned into love letters, fancy dinners, and heart-shaped everything.

Another theory is back from the Middle Ages when poet Geoffrey Chaucer decided February was the month of love because birds supposedly started picking their match around this time. Does It make sense? An entire holiday about romance is based on bird intercourse season. If only modern relationships were that simple!





EU Ways of celebrating 


Germans: Forget about roses, nothing represents romance like a cookie with a farm animal. So, they give each other gingerbread pigs. Bored.

French: These people got the first public flirting ban, why? In the past, singles would yell across the street to find a date. Police had to shut it down because it got chaotic.

Baltics and Nordics: These countries celebrate friendship day instead, where it’s all about appreciating pals rather than romance. A win for besties everywhere.

Italians: Here Valentine’s Day is called “La Festa degli Innamorati”. It is strictly for lovers, unlike in some countries where friends and family exchange gifts too. A famous tradition was attaching “love locks” to bridges. Authorities banned this due to safety concerns. 

Danes: in Denmark, people send “Gaekkebrev”, funny rhyming love poems written anonymously. If the recipient guesses the sender correctly, they win an Easter egg. Who cares about eggs? Chocolates are still the MVP.





What About DotA?


Each country has its unique way of celebrating it. However, if you are going to play on this day remember to be a good Bro - mate and gift:


  • Ultra kills and Rampages.
  • Buy a courier and Upgrade it (don’t forget to share it).
  • Allow others to use your Magical bottle and leave the Rune!
  • Stack creeps on Woods or just let them farm in line.
  • Buy ward's and Sentry's.
  • Spend some money on Pro Account or Mutes (really important against flamers).


The list could go above and beyond, But just be nice and show some love!



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Installing iCCup Launcher And WarCraft III

07 Feb 2025 @ 06:18 CET


Step-by-Step Guide to Installing iCCup Launcher and Warcraft III


ICCup Launcher, iCCup BETA Launcher, and Warcraft III work well on both Windows 10 and Windows 11. Generally works better on Windows 10. However, regardless of your operating system, you might be experiencing issues. No worries, we are here to help you.

Starting from scratch is the best way to prevent errors. So, if you have previous versions of Warcraft III or ICCup installed, please remove them before installing fresh copies.




Now, Follow each step carefully.


Step 1 - Download WinRAR


WinRAR is a file compression and extraction tool that allows you to open, create, and manage compressed files like .rar, .zip, and other formats.



Step 2 - Download WarCraft III and iCCup Launcher


Download both files as in the picture below.

Remember the file password: 100500



Step 3 - Install WarCraft III


Select the extracted ICC game client install folder.

Open Readme_for_real_you_need_this (text document) with CD-keys.


Select WarCraft III 1.21b ROC Installer enGB.

Once you open the above file double-click on the installer and past CD-key --> Key for ROC.


Select WarCraft III 1.21b TFT Installer enGB.

Once you open the above file double-click on the installer and past CD-key --> Key for TFT.



Step 4 - Patch WarCraft III


Select the extracted ICC game client install folder.

Copy War3TFT_126a_English.


Open WarCraft III installed folder (you will find it in a location where you chose while installing WarCraft III).

Paste War3TFT_126a_English.


Right-click on pasted War3TFT_126a_English and Run As Administrator.

Patch Installed.

Note: If the patch is successfully installed The Frozen Throne will automatically open.



Step 5 - Install iCCup Launcher


Click on the downloaded iCCup Launcher and install it.

(iCCup BETA Launcher or iCCup Launcher)



Step 6 - Link WarCraft III with iCCup Launcher


Open Setting (top right corner).

Click on Browse.

Open the WarCraft III folder.

Select War3 should be in last place.



You have successfully installed WarCraft III and iCCup Launcher!





Sometimes, things can get difficult, That's why we've included a video with detailed explanation. Feel free to watch it for additional clarity and step-by-step guidance. 

Click Here





Got questions or need help? Reach out to us on Discord— we are happy to assist!

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English Community - Discord Channel

01 Feb 2025 @ 15:35 CET


Are you looking for a fun, friendly space to chat and improve your DotA skills?


Whether you are a newbie or a veteran, iCCup server is perfect!


  • Find Teammates
  • Improve your abilities
  • Share tips, tricks, and strategies
  • Create Clans
  • Avoid miscomunication while gaming


What are you waiting mate?

Join us!


image    [English Community Discord Link]





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iCCup DotA 4.42 Map Update

30 Jan 2025 @ 04:33 CET

iCCup Map Update



iCCup DotA 4.42 Map Update 



The new iCCup DotA 4.42 map update brings some key changes to improve the game's balance, with major tweaks to the abilities of two heroes and the Courier.

You might remember that iCCup DotA 4.36 map already made some changes to heroes like Moon Rider, Storm Spirit, Alchemist, Tuskar, Omniknight, Slardar. The great feedback from our players about those updates has inspired us to keep fine-tuning the balance even further.

Now, let’s dive into the details of those upgrades.



  • We've fixed a bug that allowed Invoker to hit Roshan without any reaction from him.


  • A bug has been fixed where the Degen Aura effect would remain at the hero’s death location.

 Flying Courier

  • The courier is no longer able to pick up New Year gifts and toys from the New Year event.

  • The Radiance aura no longer causes damage when the item is being carried by the courier.


Hero balance is an ongoing task. Our developers are constantly refining and adjusting to maintain fairness and competitiveness. The goal is to ensure an exciting experience for players!

We encourage you to submit any bug reports or suggestions through our Bugtracker.

Your feedback helps us improve the game!


image  Download the latest Map version

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Special News - iCCup DotA Commands

24 Jan 2025 @ 03:30 CET


iCCup DotA Commands


Knowing the host commands is super important when playing. They give the host the ability to manage the game environment, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and that the match stays fair.
With host commands, you can control things like who is in the game, adjust settings like map and game mode, and even kick or ban disruptive players.
Here are a few reasons why knowing host commands for iCCup games is a game-changer:


  • Managing Cheating: You can use commands to kick out cheaters, helping to maintain a fair competitive environment.

  • Fixing Lag Issues: If you’re hosting and there’s lag, commands allow you to make adjustments that could improve performance, ensuring a smoother game.

  • Handling Disruptive Players: Sometimes players can be disruptive or not follow the rules. Knowing host commands lets you kick or ban these players, keeping the game enjoyable for everyone.

  • Faster Game Starts: With the right commands, you can quickly get the game started without waiting for unnecessary delays.

  • Create a Balanced Game: You can also set things like team distribution or starting conditions to make sure the game is as balanced as possible, improving the competitive experience for everyone.




Most Useful commands You should Know


  •  /hostbots : Displays the number of online bots and the number of free bots.
  •  /host [game name]: Creates public game
  •  /public: Changes the status of private game to public.
  •  /private: Changes the status of public game to private.
  • /unhost: Deletes the public/private game you've created.
  • /start: Starts the game. Works only when the game is full(10 players).
  • /hold [slot number]+[user name]: Reserves a slot for the player. If the game is full, a random player will be kicked.
  •  /unhold [slot number]: Deletes reservation of a chosen slot.
  • /kick [slot number]: Kicks the player from the game.
  • /ban [slot number]: Kicks the player from the game and gives him a ban.
  • /close [slot number]: Close the slot.
  • /open [slot number]: Opens the slot.
  • /closeall: Close all slots.
  • /openall: Opens all slots. 
  • /shuffle:  Shuffles players.
  •  /swap [slot number]:  Swaps those players, whose slot number you've typed.
  • /nah: Blocks/unblocks users, who play without antihack.
  • /ranklimit [lowest grade] [highest grade]: Use this command to put limits for your game.
  • -latency [number]: Sets in-game latency to a selected level. If no parameters follow the command, the information about current latency will be shown.
  • -fastfinish [-ff]: Adds you to a list of people who voted for finish of the current game. If all players of a team vote for fast finish the game will be ended.
  • /votekick: Voting is called at the same time allies must register a command of their choice/yes /no.
  • /no leavers: Blocks users, whose percentage of leaves if higher than 15%.
  • /banlist ban [user]: Blocks the user(ban) or  /banlist unban [user]: Unblocks the user.
  • /clearstats YES: Clears your Dota statistics, giving you 1000 points, D rank and null the number of leaves. Using this command is allowed once a month.




Stay tuned for more command updates, and thank you for being part of our gaming community!

We’re always working to make the gaming experience better, and your participation helps us improve and keep things running.


Keep leveling up and enjoy the game!


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Boost Your Gaming Experience!

21 Jan 2025 @ 02:41 CET

iCCup Beta Star Launcher: Revolutionizing Warcraft 3 Gaming Experience

We're excited to introduce the public BETA version of our new Star Launcher! This isn't just another update – it's a complete reimagining of how you connect, play, and interact in the Warcraft 3 community.

Key Highlights of Our Beta Launch:
-Seamless Account Integration: Log in effortlessly and connect to servers with unprecedented ease
-Advanced Social Features: A next-generation chat system that keeps you connected with fellow gamers
-Sophisticated Game Matching: Powerful filters to find exactly the game you want
-Streamlined Warcraft 3 Experience: The launcher now handles all pre-game interactions, allowing us to modernize the game's interface and squash long-standing bugs

What's New in Version 0.1 Beta:
Improved Connectivity: No more game crashes during reconnection
Enhanced Lobby Management:
  — Wider lobby interface
  — Mouse-controlled slot positioning
  — Comprehensive player statistics display
  — Advanced user role visibility (Admin, Elite, Pro badges)
Technical Improvements:
  — Extended camera view distance (perfect for 27-inch monitors)
  — Refined map and game filters
  — New installation options
  — Security updates like password visibility toggle

A Note About Our Beta:
We're transparent about our development process. This is a beta version, which means you might encounter some rough edges. We're actively collecting feedback to make continuous improvements. Found a bug? We want to hear about it! Please report your findings in our dedicated Bug Tracker.

Community-Driven Development:
Your feedback is crucial. We've created direct links to our Discord servers to ensure you're always connected and can contribute to the launcher's evolution.

Next Steps:
— Download the new launcher
— Explore the new features
— Share your experiences with us
— Help us build the ultimate Warcraft 3 gaming platform

Here take a look to iCCup Beta Star Launcher :

---+--- Spoiler ---+---

Download (114.76Mb)

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being part of our gaming community!

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How to use iCCup Ticket System?

19 Jan 2025 @ 19:08 CET

Welcome to Our Support Hub!

Your gaming experience matters to us. This is your go-to destination for assistance with custom games, technical difficulties, Dota Allstars, donations, or shopping queries. Our dedicated support team and vibrant community are standing by, ready to address your questions and value your feedback.

Navigating the Ticket System for ICCup Concerns

When you encounter ICCup-related issues, such as:
* Players going AFK (Away From Keyboard)
* Improper use of in-game items
* Deliberate feeding
* Usage of unauthorized modifications
* Offensive language
* Transaction difficulties

We strongly recommend utilizing our ticket system for reporting. This streamlined process ensures swift handling of your concerns and directs them to the appropriate team members.

A Crucial Reminder:

While we encourage open discussions in this forum, please be mindful that all posts are visible to the public. We cannot take official action based solely on forum discussions. For ICCup-specific issues, it's essential to use the designated ticket system to receive proper assistance.

We appreciate your understanding and are committed to supporting you throughout your gaming journey.

New to the ticket system?
Don't worry! We've prepared a comprehensive visual guide to walk you through the complaint filing process across all four categories.

Step-by-Step Guide to Filing a Support Center Complaint

1. Secure Your Login: Ensure you're signed into your account before initiating a complaint.

2. Navigate to Support: Click the «Support» button located at the top of the forum to enter our Support Center.

3. Initiate Your Ticket: Upon reaching the Support Center, you'll have the option to create a ticket by selecting one of four available categories.

4. Select the Appropriate Category: For Dota Allstars related issues, you'll be presented with four subcategories:

Choose the subcategory that best aligns with your issue to ensure efficient and accurate assistance.

5. Adhere to Guidelines: After selecting your category, you'll find detailed instructions for submitting your complaint. Please follow these carefully to ensure your ticket is properly processed.

6. Await Our Response: After submitting your ticket, we kindly ask for your patience. Our support team manages a high volume of requests, and we're dedicated to maintaining a fair and enjoyable gaming environment for all.

Let's now delve deeper into each category to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the process and available options.




Points and Rating

This category offers two subcategories to address specific concerns:

  • Disconnect / Wrong Points
  • Incorrect Points Transfer

Disconnect / Incorrect Point Allocation:
If you experienced a disconnection during gameplay or received an incorrect point allocation (such as losing points after a victory), this is the appropriate section for your report. Simply provide a detailed descryption of the incident, and our administrative team will swiftly address the issue.

Points Transfer Errors:
Use this section to report any discrepancies in statistics transfer. Offer a comprehensive explanation of the problem, and our administrators will promptly review and rectify the situation.

These issues often arise when utilizing the points transfer feature in our  shop. The silver lining? This feature is entirely free! Explore it here: Transfer.

Tickets for Game Violations

This category encompasses three subcategories for reporting various infractions:

1. Feeding / AFK Behavior
2. DotA Ladder Cheating
3. Abuse and Account/Stat Transfers

1. Feeding / AFK Behavior Reports
«Feeding» refers to intentionally dying to benefit the opposing team. It's crucial to understand that players won't face bans for lack of skill or connection issues. However, deliberately dying multiple times followed by game abandonment is considered feeding and may result in penalties.

To report feeding or AFK behavior:
— Provide the offender's in-game name
— Note the timestamp of the violation from the replay (Use the /time command in chat to mark the incident)
— Offer a clear descryption of the event, including the specific occurrence time

Please be patient, as we process numerous reports and review may take several days.

2. DotA Ladder Cheating Reports
If you have concrete evidence of cheating in a ranked match, use this subcategory for reporting.

To report suspected cheating:
— Include the alleged cheater's nickname
— Attach the game replay
— Provide at least three timestamps of suspicious activity
— Explain in detail why you believe the player is cheating

Your thorough report aids in maintaining fair play. Please note that manual review of these reports can take 3-7 days. We appreciate your patience and commitment to game integrity.

3. Abuse and Account/Stat Transfer Reports
Abuse typically involves repeatedly feeding an enemy player across multiple games (usually 3+). This can be identified by examining specific players' match histories.

To report abuse or unauthorized account/stat transfers:
— List the violators' nicknames
— Provide links to relevant match lists
— Include a link to the replay

For abuse reports, both the replay and match list are mandatory.

Insult and Spam

This category is divided into four subcategories to address various forms of misconduct:

1. Bad Manners / AFK Behavior
2. Spam
3. Channel / Custom Games / Lobby Incidents
4. Private Message / Wall Insults

1. Bad Manners Reports
If you encounter a player insulting others or yourself, report it here. Include the names of all involved parties in your complaint. Refer to our guidelines for a comprehensive understanding of what constitutes bad manners.

2. Spam Reports
Spam includes flooding the chat with messages for over 15 seconds or posting 17+ messages in rapid succession. This encompasses both text spam and excessive minimap pings. Report such behavior under this subcategory.

3. Channel / Custom Games / Lobby Incident Reports
For insults occurring in channels, custom games, or lobbies, report here. Your report should include:
— The offender's nickname
— A screenshot displaying the insult and the /time command in chat
Note: Reports without the /time command visible will not be processed.

4. Private Message / Wall Insult Reports
If you receive insults via private message or on your wall, report it here. Your report must include:
— The offender's nickname
— A screenshot of the insult with the /time command visible
Important: For wall insults, do not remove the offensive content. Screenshots alone are insufficient—the insult must remain visible on your wall for verification.

Complaints Against Admin

If you disagree with an administrator's decision or believe an administrator has acted inappropriately, you can file a report here.

To submit a complaint:
— Include the nickname(s) of the administrator(s) involved
— Provide a clear, detailed descryption of the incident

We take all complaints seriously, and they will be thoroughly reviewed by our Head and Super Administrators.

If you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy your gaming experience!

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