62 INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

Support and Complaint Center

24 Feb 2025 @ 00:00 CET


We strongly recommend using our Support ticket system to file a complaint. By reporting rule-breakers, you help convey that cheating and bad behavior are unacceptable, making the platform better for everyone.


What could you report?

Players going AFK (Away From Keyboard).
Improper use of game items.
Deliberate feeding.
Use of forbidden software (map hack).
Offensive language (insult other players)

New to the ticket system?

Don't worry! We've prepared a visual guide to walk you through the complaint filing process across all sections.




Step-by-Step Guide to Filing a Complaint


1. Secure Your Login and navigate to Support: Ensure you are signed into your account before navigating to support.



2. Initiate Your Ticket: After reaching the Support Center, you select DotA AllStars to create a complaint.



3. Select the Appropriate Category: you will have four, choose the one that suits you the best. In order to have accurate and efficient assistance, follow the detailed instructions.




a) Points and Rating: 

This category offers two subcategories to address specific concerns.



a.1) Disconnect / Incorrect Point Allocation: address this section if you experienced a disconnection during gameplay or received an incorrect point allocation.



Note: adding replay and match list is mandatory.


a.2) Wrong Points Transfer: Use this section to report any discrepancies in statistics transfer.

These issues often arise when utilizing the points transfer feature in our Shop.

Fun fact: This feature is entirely free! Explore it here Transfer.





b)Tickets for Game Violations:

This category encompasses three subcategories for reporting various infractions:



b.1) Feeding / AFK Behavior Reports: Feeding refers to intentionally dying to benefit the opposing team. It's crucial to understand that players won't face bans for lack of skill or connection issues. However, deliberately dying multiple times followed by game abandonment is considered feeding and may result in penalties.



To report feeding or AFK behavior:

— Provide the offender's in-game name.
— Note the timestamp of the violation from the replay (Use the /time command in chat to mark the incident).
— Offer a clear descryption of the event, including the specific occurrence time.

Note: adding replay and match list is mandatory.


b.2) DotA Ladder Cheating Reports: You need concrete evidence of cheating in a ranked match.



To report suspected cheating:

— Include the alleged cheater's nickname.
— Attach the game replay.
— Provide at least three timestamps of suspicious activity.
— Explain in detail why you believe the player is cheating.

Note: adding replay and match list is mandatory.


b.3) Abuse and Account - Stat Transfer Reports: Abuse typically involves repeatedly feeding an enemy player across multiple games (usually 3 or more). This can be identified by examining specific players' match histories.



To report abuse or unauthorized account/stat transfers:

— List the violator nickname.
— Provide links to relevant match lists.
— Include a link to the replay.

Note: adding replay and match list is mandatory.




c) Insults and Spam


This category is divided into four subcategories to address various forms of misconduct.



c1) Bad Manners: If you encounter a player insulting others or yourself, report it here and include the names of all involved.



Note: adding replay and match list is mandatory.


c.2) Spam: especifically flooding the chat with messages for over 15 seconds or posting 17+ messages in rapid succession. This also includes the excessive minimap pings.



c.3) Channel / Custom Games / Lobby Incidents: For insults occurring in channels, custom games, or lobbies.



Your report should include:

— The offender's nickname
— A screenshot displaying the insult and the /time command in chat


c.4) Private Message / Wall Insults: If you receive insults via private message or on your wall.



Your report must include:

— The offender's nickname.
— A screenshot of the insult with the /time command visible.

Note: For wall insults, do not remove the offensive content. It must remain visible on your wall for verification.




d) Complaints Against Admins


If you disagree with an administrator's decision or believe an administrator has acted inappropriately, you can file a report here.



To submit a complaint:

— Include the nickname of the administrator involved.
— Provide a clear, detailed descryption of the incident.




5. Await Our Response: After submitting your ticket, we kindly ask for your patience. Our support team manages a high volume of requests, and we are dedicated to maintaining a fair and enjoyable gaming environment for all.

We take all complaints seriously, and they will be methodically reviewed by our Head and Super Administrators.


If you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to ask here!