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EU Media Backup Admin (Inactive)
PE iCCup.Lion [ EU Media Backup Admin (Inactive) ]
#1 qo`shildi: 28 Aug 2024 @ 05:30 CET ajratib ko`rsatish
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Is a science fiction film directed by the Wachowski brothers. The story follows Thomas Anderson, a software programmer who leads a double life as the hacker ´´Neo.´´ Neo senses that something is not right in the world and searches for the truth about ´´the Matrix´´, a term he has come across in his investigations.


Neo is contacted by a group of rebels led by Morpheus, who offers him the option to discover the truth. Morpheus presents him with two pills: a blue one, which would keep him in his current life, and a red one, which would take him out of the illusion of the Matrix. Neo chooses the red pill and wakes up in a devastated world, where he discovers that reality is a simulation created by intelligent machines.

Machines have enslaved humanity, keeping them in a state of sleep while using their bodies as sources of energy. The Matrix is a virtual reality designed to keep people in check. Neo joins Morpheus and his team to fight the machines and free humanity.

Morpheus believes that Neo is ´´The Chosen One´´, a figure prophesied to end the Matrix and free humans. Throughout the film, Neo begins to develop extraordinary abilities within the Matrix, suggesting that he can control and manipulate the simulation environment.

Final scenes

The film culminates in a confrontation between Neo and the Agents, Matrix programs designed to maintain order and eliminate threats. In the climax, Neo accepts his role as The Chosen One, demonstrating powers that defy the rules of simulation. Finally, he promises to liberate humanity, setting the stage for future battles against machines.

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#2 qo`shildi: 28 Aug 2024 @ 07:56 CET ajratib ko`rsatish
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Xabar qoldirishni istaysizmi? Bizning safimizga qo`shiling!, yoki o`zingizni tanishtiring.