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#1 Posted: 01 Feb 2023 @ 17:37 CET alinti
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Hi guys! today we will talk briefly about image for review.


image image image image image


image image image image image


image image image image image image

Describing a game in a pub.

We buy image futher image. On this pumping we go only solo mid.[/i]

At level 4 we pump image, so we have SunStrike and Meteor, and after using these abilities, we can upgrade Alacrity, as a result, at level 4 we have 3 very strong skills. From level 4, you can kill your opponent on the mid lane, if he does not have a jump, or an evading skill - magic.

It is done like this, we knead from the opponent’s hand, our first main goal is to leave the enemy 60-70% of health, and more if the hero is very thin. Next, we should try to catch him last hitting the creep with our 2 skills, SunStrike and Meteor. We throw SunStrike behind the enemy (for 1 hero model) and at the Meteor hero himself, if you hit a sun with a strike and hit him with a meteorite, he dies with almost 100% probability, and if you are not sure that you can kill him, you can play it safe and use more alacriti, after giving him 1-2 pokes, he will die with a 100% probability.

Also, from level 6 you can easily kill thin heroes (who do not have an escape or disable) with a combination: tornado, meteorite, cold snap. To do this, we approach the enemy at a range of 200-450, throw a meteorite under the hero, then instantly give a tornado so that the opponent does not have time to sneak away, quickly download and use a cold snap on the enemy, at the moment when the meteorite will fall on the target , as soon as the action of the tornado ends and it will fall under the meteorite, and under your cold snap and will not go anywhere.

Or, having caught the right moment, throw a meteorite, give a cold snap and use a blast.

We don’t leave the mid lane until we farm our desired image. We help (steal) the team only with san strikes..

We go to ganks only if we find the rune Invisibility or Haste, because ganking image in a pub - unprofitable, often, your teammates will not press the buttons during the time in order to help you.

Mid game.

In the middle of the game, we kill targets that are easy for us on cd with image (Sun Strike, Meteor, Blast) in order to farm our necessary image

Also, do not forget to look at the map and give during the san strike.

Having 4 image

and 4 image we can already kill roshan (in smoke) with the help of forge spirits, alacrity and cold snap.

On cd, we gank the cores of the opponents' heroes, not giving them a chance to farm, breaking the tower along the way.

Саппортов можно убивать той же комбинацией, что и рошана, либо через торнадо, сан страйк и бласт.

Late game.

In the late game, if the opponents have image, we can breed them by throwing a tornado, temp and a wall, jumping back from the dagger, they will have no chance not to use image, otherwise, they will die.

You can easily kill opponents with forges, walls and cold snaps, call forges, ordering them to attack the enemy, run up, use cold snap and jump from the dagger, put up a wall by using alacrity on yourself, kill the enemy, if the enemy is fat, you can finish off with a blast, or strike, through image.

We give procasts for a bunch of enemies from 4-5 skills, tornado, emp, meteor, blast and wall.

In the beginning, it will be difficult for you to give good procasts and kill heroes in the mid lane, but over time, you will become an experienced magician and will break the skulls of your rivals.))

Thank you for your attention, have a good rest and stay with us always


Edited by iCCup.Moose (01 Feb 2023 @ 18:09 CET)
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