[G727]Games727 VS [pk]Push
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- APM: 146
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- APM: 146
- Min: 0
- Max: 0
[G727]Games727 VS [pk]Push
03 Oct 2010 @ 06:06 CET
(1 / 5.0 | 4 голосов)
Версия игры
Дата игры
30 Aug 2010 @ 11:26 CET
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This is the reply of Beautiful Mirco
This is when i was D- rank....
2 months ago lol..
And now you are what? You're 1000pt D rank after clearstats. Good work.
2 month? sorry dudes is not 2 month about 2 week and you not D- i think you D but for this seasson you still D
"30 Aug @ 20:26 AEST"
Learn to read dipshit.
Oh, AND IM almost C-.
lol... you're both D-.
Kid, maybe you ´never studied math beyond addition and subtraction, but 1143 points does not round up to 3000. Looking at your matchlist, you barely beat some D- terran in a 30 minute pvt and lost a game against some guy who's in that other nub's clan; that does not exactly translate to C- level, not on this server anyway.
Lol As i said KID, this was 2 months ago.
I accidently CLEARED STATS because i forgot to put the . before it in ./clearstats YES while trying to teach some noob who wanted to do that.
I was at 2800 btw
Oh, lol.. that's rich. hahahaha. you wouldnt be able to get 2000 pts if your life depended on it.