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Outcast clan Spiridov, Barathrum disgrace went to the spirit world, where aimlessly wandered for centuries alone until he was found and adopted into the service of the King of the Dead. And now, with incredible speed and over natural opportunities he deals with the worst enemies the forces of Darkness. His torch is capable of focusing the energy of weak enemies, knocking them back with incredible force. Thanks to the ability to travel long distances to sacrifice for a fraction of a second, Barathrum is one of the most worthy opponents any hero.
Rushes to the enemy from anywhere on the map. It passes any obstacle while moving under the influence of this ability. When Barathrum will catch up with his target, he stuns and push. Head over to target for the allies shows the mark of this ability. Any unit on the heros path in a radius of 300 will be subject to ability Greater Bash, if it is pumped. The ability is countered and can be dropped by enemies camp or isolationism.
Increases movement speed Barathrum'and all allied heroes in 900 radius. You can activate for 6 seconds, increasing the additional rate (50% aura).
Gives 17% chance to stun enemies and deals additional damage based on movement speed. If the ability triggers, Barathrum will increase your speed by 15% for 3 seconds.
Quickly moves to the enemy and deals damage. The goal will be applied ability Great Bash of the current level. When interrupt is not spending mana is not recharged and ready to use. The ability can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter artifact: triggers a Greater Bash of the current level on all units in 250 range, and increases cast range and reduces cooldown.
i hate bash bara haha, good job
Bara is a real bulldozer
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