User replay
- APM: 103
- деңгей: 13
- APM: 78
- деңгей: 18
- APM: 172
- деңгей: 13
- APM: 139
- деңгей: 19
- APM: 173
- деңгей: 21
- APM: 84
- деңгей: 13
- APM: 78
- деңгей: 12
- APM: 98
- деңгей: 16
- APM: 85
- деңгей: 13
- APM: 99
- деңгей: 9
03 Oct 2024 @ 02:20 CET
(0 / 5.0 | 0 дауыс саны)
Ойынның нұсқасы
Ойын түрі
Спойлерді көрсету
Sentinel Won
Уақыт | Никнейм | Ақылды хабар |
00:00 | Kokca | Shortest load by player Nothing. was 3.12 seconds |
00:00 | Kokca | Longest load by player GaR1KTheSlayer was 6.32 seconds |
00:00 | Kokca | Your load time was 4.31 seconds |
00:03 | Kokca | -cm |
00:03 | Kokca | -cm |
00:03 | Kokca | -cm |
00:24 | GoodBye | -clear |
00:29 | Kokca | Banned : E02F |
00:34 | idinahyii | Banned : N0MU |
00:40 | Kokca | Banned : E02I |
00:49 | idinahyii | Banned : Harf |
01:00 | gps_21(nac)... | slardara mne dai |
01:07 | GoodBye | -clear |
02:00 | Kokca | Banned : U00C |
02:10 | idinahyii | Banned : Ubal |
02:15 | Kokca | Banned : H00Q |
02:21 | idinahyii | Banned : UC42 |
03:14 | gps_21(nac)... | rizrak? |
04:59 | GoodBye | D |
05:01 | GoodBye | wispa |
05:02 | GoodBye | D |
05:27 | gps_21(nac)... | tam leorik |
05:28 | gps_21(nac)... | last budet |
06:09 | GoodBye | ну там |
06:09 | GoodBye | вокер |
06:10 | GoodBye | будет |
06:11 | GoodBye | ща |
06:39 | Kokca | Banned : H00U |
07:18 | idinahyii | Banned : H00T |
08:52 | GoodBye | -clear |
09:02 | GoodBye | -clear |
09:14 | GoodBye | танго |
09:16 | GoodBye | врд |
09:17 | Nothing. | -clear |
09:32 | GaR1KTheSlayer |
09:34 | GoodBye | танго |
09:35 | GoodBye | дай |
10:00 | GaR1KTheSlayer | G? |
10:03 | VeteranSeksa |
10:47 | Creep spawning |
11:21 | GaR1KTheSlayer | got level 2 |
11:35 | idinahyii | got level 2 |
11:48 | GoodBye | got level 2 |
12:03 | GaR1KTheSlayer | got level 3 |
12:05 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 2 |
12:11 | VeteranSeksa | got level 2 |
12:19 | idinahyii | got level 3 |
12:32 | GoodBye | got level 3 |
12:33 | Nothing. | got level 2 |
12:40 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 3 |
12:45 | l0lbxdl0l | got level 2 |
12:47 | Kokca | First Kill: Killed MadeWithLove. |
12:47 | kapone. | got level 2 |
12:54 | GaR1KTheSlayer | got level 4 |
13:05 | idinahyii | got level 4 |
13:11 | Kokca | got level 2 |
13:23 | VeteranSeksa | got level 3 |
13:35 | Nothing. | got level 3 |
13:47 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 4 |
13:55 | GoodBye | -clear |
13:58 | idinahyii | got level 5 |
14:01 | GaR1KTheSlayer | got level 5 |
14:12 | l0lbxdl0l | got level 3 |
14:15 | GoodBye | got level 4 |
14:31 | MadeWithLove. | got level 2 |
14:38 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 5 |
14:44 | GoodBye | -clear |
15:13 | GoodBye | got level 5 |
15:22 | kapone. | got level 3 |
15:22 | VeteranSeksa | Killed Nothing. |
15:22 | VeteranSeksa | got level 4 |
15:22 | Kokca | got level 3 |
15:26 | GaR1KTheSlayer | got level 6 |
15:30 | VeteranSeksa | Killed MadeWithLove. |
15:34 | idinahyii | got level 6 |
15:43 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 6 |
15:46 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed idinahyii |
16:08 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 7 |
16:09 | Nothing. | got level 4 |
16:09 | Nothing. | Killed VeteranSeksa |
16:54 | GaR1KTheSlayer | got level 7 |
16:58 | idinahyii | got level 7 |
17:06 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed idinahyii |
17:06 | VeteranSeksa | got level 5 |
17:09 | Nothing. | got level 5 |
17:11 | GoodBye | got level 6 |
17:16 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 8 |
17:29 | GaR1KTheSlayer | Killed Kokca |
17:29 | MadeWithLove. | got level 3 |
17:58 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed MadeWithLove. |
17:58 | kapone. | got level 4 |
18:11 | VeteranSeksa | got level 6 |
18:23 | Nothing. | got level 6 |
18:43 | Kokca | got level 4 |
18:48 | idinahyii | got level 8 |
19:00 | l0lbxdl0l | got level 4 |
19:16 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed Nothing. |
19:33 | VeteranSeksa | Killed MadeWithLove. |
19:33 | VeteranSeksa | got level 7 |
19:35 | idinahyii | Killed gps_21(nac)... |
19:54 | GaR1KTheSlayer | got level 8 |
20:00 | GoodBye | got level 7 |
20:05 | idinahyii | got level 9 |
20:23 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed idinahyii |
20:23 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 9 |
20:23 | VeteranSeksa | got level 8 |
20:39 | Kokca | .abilitystate A1SW 2 34104 58386 |
20:49 | MadeWithLove. | got level 4 |
20:55 | GoodBye | got level 8 |
21:01 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed GaR1KTheSlayer |
21:08 | Kokca | .abilitystate A1SW 2 5110 0 |
21:08 | Kokca | .abilitystate A1SW 2 4910 0 |
21:18 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed Nothing. |
21:18 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 10 |
21:25 | MadeWithLove. | Killed Kokca |
21:25 | l0lbxdl0l | got level 5 |
21:34 | GoodBye | -clear |
21:56 | Nothing. | got level 7 |
22:28 | VeteranSeksa | Killed Nothing. |
22:28 | VeteranSeksa | got level 9 |
22:35 | l0lbxdl0l | got level 6 |
22:41 | kapone. | got level 5 |
22:45 | Kokca | got level 5 |
23:32 | GoodBye | got level 9 |
23:39 | GaR1KTheSlayer | got level 9 |
23:41 | kapone. | got level 6 |
23:56 | Nothing. | got level 8 |
24:01 | MadeWithLove. | got level 5 |
24:26 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 11 |
24:37 | GoodBye | got level 10 |
24:54 | idinahyii | got level 10 |
25:07 | Kokca | got level 6 |
25:08 | l0lbxdl0l | got level 7 |
25:19 | VeteranSeksa | Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower |
25:23 | VeteranSeksa | got level 10 |
25:30 | GaR1KTheSlayer | got level 10 |
25:35 | GoodBye | got level 11 |
26:12 | gps_21(nac)... | 4e kypit |
26:24 | Kokca | got level 7 |
26:36 | l0lbxdl0l | got level 8 |
26:37 | MadeWithLove. | got level 6 |
26:40 | GaR1KTheSlayer | got level 11 |
26:51 | kapone. | got level 7 |
27:06 | VeteranSeksa | got level 11 |
27:06 | VeteranSeksa | Killed idinahyii |
27:08 | kapone. | got level 8 |
27:09 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed GaR1KTheSlayer |
27:10 | Nothing. | Killed gps_21(nac)... |
27:10 | Nothing. | got level 9 |
27:11 | GaR1KTheSlayer | -ff. |
27:12 | GaR1KTheSlayer | -ff |
27:12 | GaR1KTheSlayer | -ff |
27:16 | GoodBye | -clear |
27:26 | GoodBye | got level 12 |
27:30 | VeteranSeksa | Killed MadeWithLove. |
27:41 | Kokca | Killed Nothing. |
27:56 | GoodBye | got level 13 |
28:00 | Kokca | got level 8 |
28:00 | idinahyii | got level 11 |
28:02 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 12 |
28:21 | VeteranSeksa | AHAH |
28:28 | GoodBye | Killed GaR1KTheSlayer |
28:28 | GoodBye | got level 14 |
28:36 | GoodBye | -clear |
28:45 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 13 |
28:45 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed l0lbxdl0l |
28:47 | Nothing. | got level 10 |
28:47 | idinahyii | Killed gps_21(nac)... |
28:47 | Nothing. | got level 11 |
28:54 | VeteranSeksa | got level 12 |
29:12 | VeteranSeksa | Destroyed external scourge top Tower |
29:15 | GoodBye | -clear |
29:27 | GoodBye | Killed MadeWithLove. |
29:30 | GoodBye | Killed idinahyii |
29:30 | GoodBye | got level 15 |
29:30 | kapone. | got level 9 |
30:07 | kapone. | .abilitystate A11K 1 12547 0 |
30:20 | l0lbxdl0l | got level 9 |
30:23 | VeteranSeksa | got level 13 |
30:41 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed idinahyii |
30:41 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 14 |
30:45 | GoodBye | Killed Nothing. |
30:45 | GoodBye | got level 16 |
30:45 | Kokca | got level 9 |
30:48 | GaR1KTheSlayer | got level 12 |
30:48 | MadeWithLove. | got level 7 |
30:48 | GaR1KTheSlayer | Killed gps_21(nac)... |
30:48 | MadeWithLove. | got level 8 |
30:56 | GoodBye | Killed l0lbxdl0l |
31:03 | GoodBye | Killed GaR1KTheSlayer |
31:05 | GoodBye | got level 17 |
31:26 | GoodBye | Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower |
31:27 | kapone. | got level 10 |
32:09 | VeteranSeksa | got level 14 |
32:16 | GaR1KTheSlayer | got level 13 |
32:26 | idinahyii | got level 12 |
32:26 | Nothing. | Killed GoodBye |
32:26 | MadeWithLove. | got level 9 |
32:26 | Nothing. | got level 12 |
32:34 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed MadeWithLove. |
32:50 | idinahyii | Killed kapone. |
32:50 | idinahyii | got level 13 |
32:52 | VeteranSeksa | Killed Nothing. |
32:57 | GaR1KTheSlayer | got level 14 |
32:59 | VeteranSeksa | got level 15 |
32:59 | VeteranSeksa | Killed l0lbxdl0l |
33:10 | GaR1KTheSlayer | Killed Kokca |
33:11 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed GaR1KTheSlayer |
33:11 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 15 |
33:26 | GoodBye | Destroyed external scourge mid Tower |
33:48 | GoodBye | got level 18 |
34:24 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed idinahyii |
34:24 | Kokca | got level 10 |
34:30 | VeteranSeksa | Killed l0lbxdl0l |
34:30 | VeteranSeksa | got level 16 |
34:30 | Kokca | got level 11 |
34:37 | GoodBye | Killed MadeWithLove. |
34:37 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 16 |
34:42 | GaR1KTheSlayer | got level 15 |
34:42 | GaR1KTheSlayer | Killed VeteranSeksa |
34:47 | kapone. | got level 11 |
34:47 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed GaR1KTheSlayer |
35:14 | VeteranSeksa | поляк на хуй еула |
35:16 | VeteranSeksa | гж |
35:21 | Scourges | Destroyed external sentinel top Tower |
35:21 | Nothing. | + |
35:27 | GoodBye | got level 19 |
35:54 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed l0lbxdl0l |
35:57 | Nothing. | got level 13 |
36:06 | GoodBye | Killed MadeWithLove. |
36:07 | GaR1KTheSlayer | got level 16 |
36:07 | GaR1KTheSlayer | Killed kapone. |
36:17 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed GaR1KTheSlayer |
36:17 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 17 |
36:28 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed idinahyii |
36:28 | GoodBye | got level 20 |
36:31 | Sentinels | Destroyed base scourge bottom Tower |
36:33 | GoodBye | Killed Nothing. |
36:39 | GoodBye | -clear |
36:41 | GoodBye | Destroyed scourge bottom ranged Barracks |
36:49 | Sentinels | Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks |
36:51 | gps_21(nac)... | Denied gps_21(nac)... |
36:58 | GaR1KTheSlayer | Len' bejat" |
37:00 | GaR1KTheSlayer | na fontan? |
37:04 | l0lbxdl0l | got level 10 |
37:07 | VeteranSeksa | за рецептом |
37:12 | VeteranSeksa | Destroyed intermediate scourge mid Tower |
37:26 | VeteranSeksa | got level 17 |
37:27 | l0lbxdl0l | got level 11 |
37:47 | GoodBye | Killed Nothing. |
37:47 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 18 |
37:55 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed MadeWithLove. |
37:56 | GoodBye | Killed idinahyii |
38:00 | Kokca | Nothing. has left the game. |
38:01 | GoodBye | got level 21 |
38:01 | GoodBye | Killed Nothing. |
38:06 | Kokca | got level 12 |
38:17 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed GaR1KTheSlayer |
38:17 | gps_21(nac)... | got level 19 |
38:17 | VeteranSeksa | got level 18 |
38:18 | GoodBye | -clear |
38:22 | Kokca | GaR1KTheSlayer has left the game. |
38:23 | GoodBye | Destroyed base scourge mid Tower |
38:30 | Scourges | Killed gps_21(nac)... |
38:30 | l0lbxdl0l | got level 12 |
38:30 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed l0lbxdl0l |
38:31 | GoodBye | -clear |
38:34 | GoodBye | -clear |
38:35 | GoodBye | Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks |
38:38 | VeteranSeksa | Destroyed scourge mid ranged Barracks |
38:40 | l0lbxdl0l | ваще слабый |
38:42 | l0lbxdl0l | хз |
38:58 | GoodBye | АКТЁР |
38:59 | GoodBye | НА ПИТЕ? |
39:03 | VeteranSeksa | Destroyed final scourge mid Tower |
39:04 | kapone. | got level 12 |
39:17 | kapone. | Killed idinahyii |
39:17 | Kokca | got level 13 |
39:19 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed MadeWithLove. |
39:20 | VeteranSeksa | Killed Nothing. |
39:25 | GoodBye | -clear |
39:28 | GoodBye | Destroyed final scourge mid Tower |
39:33 | Frozen Throne at 75% |
39:35 | kapone. | got level 13 |
39:35 | gps_21(nac)... | Killed GaR1KTheSlayer |
39:39 | Frozen Throne at 50% |
39:40 | GoodBye | Killed l0lbxdl0l |
39:41 | Kokca | l0lbxdl0l has left the game. |
39:43 | Frozen Throne at 25% |
39:44 | Frozen Throne at 10% |
39:45 | Kokca | MadeWithLove. has left the game. |
39:45 | GoodBye | -clear |
39:45 | Sentinel Won |
39:45 | Sentinel Won |
39:45 | Sentinel Won |
39:45 | Sentinel Won |
39:45 | Sentinel Won |
39:45 | Sentinel Won |
39:47 | Kokca | kapone. has left the game. |
39:48 | Kokca | idinahyii has left the game. |