62 INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

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#1 қосылды: 14 Sep 2024 @ 05:22 CET цитата келтіру

Results of the 59th Season: Part 1

As our joyful and scorching summer comes to an end, we welcome the gentle charm of autumn. With its arrival, we bid farewell to the hot summer and its unique colors. Now it's time to enjoy the remaining warm days of gentle September. How time flies… Along with summer, our 59th season has concluded! The platform has prepared a couple of nominations and determined several winners in them!


Let's start with the most interesting part — the most sought-after heroes! These are the characters our professionals used to dominate the ladder! Or maybe lose some matches… Let's get acquainted with our favorites on the 6.85 map!

RankHero | Pick Rate %

1. Earthshaker | 37.86

2.Butcher | 32.86

3.Ogre Magi | 25.27

4.Legion Commander | 25.11

5.Spiritbreaker | 24.88

6.Necrolyte | 24.17

7.Phantom Assassin | 21.56

8.Murloc | 21.35

9.Dwarven Sniper | 20.66

10.Lifestealer | 20.56


Stay with us on your favorite platform, enjoy cozy meetings with friends anywhere — in D rank or high-level team battles! Let's winter together as a community from London to… wherever the last time zone is — it's warmer that way!

RankHero | Pick Rate %

1.Earthshaker | 50.68

2.Butcher | 41.86

3.Dwarven Sniper | 29.13

4.Spiritbreaker | 26.64

5.Slayer | 26.56

6.Storm Spirit | 24.30

7.Faceless Void | 23.37

8.Lord of Olympia | 23.12

9.Stone Giant | 23.03

10.Murloc | 22.87


The GAMER OF THE SEASON award for the highest number of games goes to the player who has the ability to join public games and play until they're blue in the face. We can't leave unrewarded the person who, day after day, tries to reach Olympus, but whose teammates are like a wheel of fortune: either carrying them to victory or crumbling faster than water flows.

Rank |Nickname |Reward |Wins |Losses |Total Games

1.UA strelok01239 | 200 | 465| 660| 1125

2.KZ Nenadomnetop | 175 | 391| 649| 1040

3.KZ saske_2359 | 150 | 279| 558| 837

4.KZ AJIMaTa(2) | 125 | 415| 351| 766

5.UZ frost6008022 | 100 | 251| 513| 764

These dedicated players have shown incredible persistence and passion for the game. Let's give a round of applause to our top gamers, especially to strelok01239 for an impressive 1125 games played this season!


This award for the most hours played goes to those who have the tireless ability to devote endless time to our beloved Dota. We can't leave unrewarded the person who plays simply for their own pleasure, sometimes even instead of sleeping and eating.

Rank| Nickname| Reward| Games| Time (Hours)

1.UA strelok01239 | 200 | 1215 | 866:14:19

2.UZ Bar_Lerma | 175 | 1079 | 776:05:02

3.KZ Nenadomnetop | 150 | 1161 | 738:29:13

4. GG.Assass1n | 125 | 1024 | 711:00:12

5.RU AVEMJAOVRJOROP | 100 | 1195 | 701:25:40


This is for the one who strives to destroy everything that moves! And they won't relax until they reach their goal. So, meet the 5 best farmer players of the season!

RankNickname |Reward| Creeps

1. HYDRA-GAMING | 200 | 111012

2.UA strelok01239 | 175 | 103632

3. MoMoMonstrKill | 150 | 102498

4.RU AVEMJAOVRJOROP | 125 | 98931

5.RU vuzuvayshi | 100 | 96284


These players can be called the bankers of the season. How did they earn so much gold? Credit or installment plan? None of them will reveal their secrets to us, but such tricks exist.

Rank|Nickname | Reward | Gold

1.KZ Nenadomnetop | 200 | 4692603

2. MoMoMonstrKill | 175 | 2679594

3.RU AVEMJAOVRJOROP | 150 | 2509728

4. GG.Assass1n | 125 | 2134498

5. cyber_cup___ | 100 | 2107033


A person whose goal is destruction. Since childhood, they broke everything that came to hand, and now that they've grown up, they've found a new goal — to destroy as many buildings in DotA as possible! So, meet the 5 best PUSHER players of the season!

Rank|Nickname |Reward | Towers

1.UA ToruS.dno | 200 | 2444

2.RU AVEMJAOVRJOROP | 175 | 1667

3.RU vuzuvayshi | 150 | 1465

4.RU SAWAT | 125 | 1371

5.RU XEN_sf) | 100 | 1341


These are the heroes whose goal is to preserve the lives of their allies and give them a chance to get more gold and experience. They don't know what pain and fatigue are, but they want to help their allies and win the game, so they help their allies until the end of their lives. So, meet the TOP 5 best supports of the season!

Rank | Nickname| Reward | Assists

1.UA strelok01239 | 200 | 13244

2. asd_rebu | 175 | 11403

3.UZ Bar_Lerma | 150 | 10844

4.UZ HYDRA-GAMING | 125| 10353

5. cyber_cup___ | 100 | 10143


A person whose calling is to feed and bring destruction to every game! A player who plays only for pleasure. A sea of insults is poured in their direction, but they still continue to go towards their goal. So, here's the TOP 5 crab players of the season!

Rank | Nickname | Reward | Wins | Losses | GamesPoints

1.KZ Nenadomnetop | 200 | 391| 649| 10401

2.SE digl07175 | 116 | 179| 2951

3.TJ Enzo_7ooo150 | 82 | 200| 2821

4.UZ temp_028125 | 71 | 182| 2531

5. NikolaMarina100 | 106 | 140| 2461


An important task in the game is to leave the opponent without the slightest option for a purchase. And how to do it? Right! Prevent them from farming on the lane and in the forest. The main defenders of their team and the annoyance of the enemy! So, here's the TOP 5 best players of the season in the CREEP DENIES nomination!

Rank|Nickname |Reward |Creeps |Denied

1.UA .YouRDaddY. |200 | 16196

2.UZ MoMoMonstrKill |175 | 7677

3.UA WakeUpBitch. | 150 | 7498

4.UZ NukeTown... |125 | 6515

5.RU AVEMJAOVRJOROP | 100 | 6390


If we consider the chances of survival of forest creeps, they are negligibly small. After all, they understand that their time will soon come and they can only hide to prolong the time of their miserable existence! Ravage our forests and become the best forester! It turns out that many forest creatures died for a higher purpose! So, here's the TOP 5 best players of the season in the GAMEKEEPER nomination!

Rank|Nickname|Reward| Naturel Creeps

1.UA ToruS.dno | 200 | 95360

2.KZ Nenadomnetop | 175 | 80822

3.RU SAWAT | 150 | 70301

4.UZ Bar_Lerma | 125 | 48512

5.BY Bruhlya | 100 | 43956


These players feel the taste of blood anywhere the enemy might hide. They don't stop at what they've achieved and constantly hone their skills. All attention is focused on them, because they are the best! So, meet our best 5x5 players:

Rank|Nickname| Reward|Wins|Losses|Rating

1.MRSMILE FUNNY | 2500 | 100 | 63 | 25060

2.SIMPSON Luke_TV | 2000 | 170 | 120 | 23718

3.KRG l0lbxdl0l | 1500 | 188 | 141 | 21620

4.US Saylisa | 1000 | 226 | 156 | 21619

5.MADDEVIL MANYAK | 750 | 250 | 225| 20708

6.KZ Mefistro | 500 | 269| 225 | 20660

7. EU rEdL1ne-_- | 500 | 221 | 164 |20586

8.KRG _SIAMKA_ | 500 | 383 | 348 | 20431

9.UZ Niyazov) | 500 | 236 | 195| 20339

10.BY AnderSandvich | 500 | 188 | 145 | 20324


Now let's go through the XLTB streakers. They are also called victory chasers. They are ready to give almost everything for victory. And these guys also know how to carry games 1v9. Catch the nicknames of our steel-nerved owners — our carriers!


1.UZ JANAGA] | 500 | 29

2.UZ FMX | 400| 27

3.RU Connelly | 300| 22

4.IS .chocopie | 200 | 18

5.RU subaru_505 | 100 | 16

We have summarized the main results for the 59th season! Congratulations to all the winners and we wish them success in the new, 60th season! Nominations for other sections of the platform will be summarized soon and published in subsequent parts.

Өңдеген iCCup.ironside (14 Sep 2024 @ 05:34 CET)
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