62 INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

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EU iCCup.EU [ EU Work Account ]
  • 04 Feb 2024 @ 10:12 CET
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#1 қосылды: 14 Apr 2023 @ 00:40 CET цитата келтіру
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Dear English-speaking users, before contacting us with your problems / ideas > here by posting your threads, first of all go through these topics listed below, please!!! Because you often host topics with basic questions, the answers to which can be found here in this topic, and so:

1) Technical support:

---+--- click here! ---+---

If you have any problems with the game, website or any other portal module - write. All bugs are especially valuable. First of all to independently solve standard problems, we suggest using this guide. >>>iccup.com

2) Shop and caps:

---+--- click here! ---+---

If you have any difficulties with donations or with the acquisition of additional bonuses in the store, you should contact this section. Describe your problem as accurately as possible and they will certainly help you.

I.Caps did not come >>> iccup.com

You'll have to write all information about you below there.

1. From which number did you send SMS;

2. What number did you send SMS to;

3. What text did you send;

4. What came in response to your SMS and whether it came;

5. Did you withdraw money from your account as for services or just as for SMS;

6. Estimated time of sending SMS;

7. Screenshots of incoming and outgoing SMS;

And if you replenished your account through a mobile payment, you must specify the following:

1. Date of replenishment;

2. Is the telephone number issued to an individual;

3. Name of operator;

4. The number from which the account was replenished (fully +7, etc.);

If you used Webmoney or other payments, you need to attach a screenshot of the payment details!!!

II.Services do not work >>> iccup.com

If you purchased services in our store, but for some reason they do not work, then you need to contact this section. Attach screenshots of service activation or other useful information in the complaint descryption.

Important note: All purchases in the iCCup store take effect 5 minutes after activation. In rare cases, you need to re-enter the server to notice the changes!

III.Caps Transfer >>> iccup.com

If your account is banned, but there are caps on it, you can refer to this section to transfer them to your other account.

Transfer Terms:

- Transfer of caps is carried out once a week.

- You will be denied a transfer if the server rules for transferring caps were specifically violated.

- Services are not migrated.

- Mailboxes and accounts created on 10-minute mail are not served.

- The account from which the caps are transferred must be banned by 2038.

- Only purchased caps are transferred from accounts that have been banned for using hacks.

- Transfer of caps to a banned account is not carried out.

For transfering you need:

1. Indicate the e-mail and Nickname of the banned account;

2. Unsubscribe from this e-mail to the administrator the mail that he will provide in the answer.

3. Indicate the nickname of your new account.

3) Dota AllStars - reports:

---+--- click here! ---+---

There are 4 sections:

I.Points and Rating >>> iccup.com

Disconnect / Incorrect crediting of points: If for any reason there was a disconnect or did not receive well-deserved points and need support related to the rating, then you selected the correct section. We need to describe the essence of the complaint, and our administrators will try to solve the problem as soon as possible! >>> iccup.com

InvalidIncorrect points transfering: If for some reason you made an erroneous transfer of statistics, you need to contact this section. An error transfer is considered to be the transfer / purchase of statistics from the account to which you want to transfer it to the account whose statistics you want to transfer. In the topic, you must specify the nicknames of the accounts that participated in the transfer. >>> iccup.com

II.Game violation reports

Feeders / Afk Reports: A feed is feeding an adversary through intentional death. Once again, we want to draw your attention to the fact that the feed is a deliberate action. There is no ban for the low skill. Also, "lags" are not an excuse for the feed. Two intentional deaths or one intentional death with subsequent livelihood are sufficient to receive punishment for the feed.To report the feed, you must indicate in the application:

1. Indicate the nickname of the offender.

2. Indicate the time of violation by replay.

3. As accurately as possible to describe the very moment of violation and time.

Note: there are a lot of complaints. Consideration of the applications may take several days. >>> iccup.com

Hacker: The use of hacks and programs that give an advantage in the game, as well as their distribution and sale attempts, is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, including various bugs. For reporting the violator, you must indicate in the application:

1. Intruder nickname.

2. Replay violation time.

3. As accurately as possible to describe the very moment of violation and time. There are a lot of complaints. So the consideration of the applications may take several days. >>> iccup.com

Abuse, transfer of account / stats abuse of games: - the feed of the player (s) to another (them) from the opposite team for several games, namely 3 or more. You can calculate the abus by looking at the match lists of certain players. In the subject you must specify:

1. Indicate nicknames of violators.

2. Indicate a link to matchlists (if complaint about abuse).

3. Indicate a link to the replay (if available). >>> iccup.com

Hacker (not raiting): The use of hacks and programs that give an advantage in the game, as well as their distribution and sale attempts, is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, including various bugs. For reporting the violator, you must indicate in the application:

1. Intruder nickname.

2. A link to the replay.

3. Replay violation time.

4. As accurately as possible to describe the very moment of violation and time.

This section discusses the games created only through /chost!!! >>> iccup.com

4) Insults and spam:

---+--- click here! ---+---

There are 6 sections:

I.In-game insults: If you notice players who insult relatives, the nation or religion of others in the game, you need to contact this section. Please note that when considering complaints of insults, chat blocking will be received by all participants who violate the rules of the platform. >>> iccup.com

II.Insults of the LAN / Wall: If you have been insulted on the site, namely, on your wall or in private messages, as well as on the channel, then you need to contact this section. The application must contain:

1) Intruder nickname.

2) Screenshot with insult and / time command (We recommend using hosting www.iccup.com Note: If the insult occurred in the LAN, only unedited screenshots in full size are accepted. If the insult occurred on the wall, then the post of the offender should not be removed. Screenshots with insults on the wall are not considered! >>> iccup.com

III.Channel / Custom Games / Lobby: If you were offended on a channel, in custom games or in the lobby, then you need to contact this section. The application should contain:

1) Intruder nickname.

2) Screenshot with insult and / time command! (we recommend using hosting >>> www.iccup.com

Note: only unedited screenshots in full size are accepted! >>> iccup.com

IV.Minimap / chat spam: If in the game abuse the blinking on the minimap or annoyingly flood in the chat, then you need to contact this section. >>> iccup.com

The application must contain:

1) Intruder nickname.

2) Replay violation time.

Forbidden Nicknames: iccup.com

5) Complaints against admin:

---+--- click here! ---+---

If you are unhappy with the decision of the administrator (s), noticed a violation on the part of the representative (s) of the administration, you should contact this section. Do not forget to indicate the nickname of the administrator (s) in the complaint and describe the essence of the complaint as accurately as possible. All complaints are dealt with without fail. >>> iccup.com

6) Account recovery:

---+--- click here! ---+---

If you forgot / lost your password / mail, became a victim of the theft of your account / statistics, then you should contact this section. This section does not deal with account unbundling. An attempt to restore an account or reminder mail is given only once. Mailboxes and accounts created using 10-minute mail are not serviced. In order to qualify for the recovery of a stolen account or mail reminder, you need to provide some evidence.

The topic must specify:

1. Link to account.

2. @mail or part thereof.

3. The approximate date of registration of the nickname (as accurate as possible: day, month, year).

4. The approximate number of caps on the account.

5. City of account registration.

6. Purchases in the store (What? When? For how long?).

7. Was there a donating (When? How much?).

Your application will be considered as soon as possible.

Applications created not according to the template will be closed automatically. >>> iccup.com

7) Custom maps - reports:

---+--- click here! ---+---

Hacker Complaints:

This section is intended for complaints of custom (non-rated) games. The complaint must indicate:

1. Indicate the nickname of the offender.

2. As accurately as possible to describe the moment (moments) of the violation and indicate the time.

3. Attach a link to the replay.

We urge you to comply with the above requirements. The administration has the right to refuse to consider a complaint if your complaint does not meet the above requirements! >>> iccup.com

8) How to download Warcraft III Frozen Throne:

---+--- click here! ---+---

The main bot commands:

/host - Creates a Dota game, works only on the channel.

Available mods: ap / cm / rd / sd / ar / xl, and also to any of the mods you can add Team balance (tb) if you play

Example: / host 5x5 / 3x3 ap Ladder D + GO! or / host 5x5 / 3x3 rdtb by unknown.

/chost - Creates a Custom maps game, you also need to be on the channel.

To create such a game, you need a unique card code, which you can find out by writing /chost. The code will be located to the right of the card you need, such a code has only a few characters.

Example: /chost sw Shadow Wars! & /chost dota 5x5 ap GO!

to view ALL Custom Maps just write in chat these codes >>> /Clist 1 & /Clist 2

/unhost - Deletes the game you created.

/start - Starts the game, does not work if there are less than 10 players in the game.

/hold - Reserves a slot for a given player.

Example: /hold 4 RandomNickname

/kick — Kicks a player from your lobby.

Example: /kick 3

/close - Closes the specified slot.

Example: / close 6

/open - Opens the specified slot.

Example: /open 10

/swap - Swaps the players in the specified slots.

Example: /swap 4 6

/stats - Displays statistics.

/ah - Checks for Anti-hack.

/wrl - Sets the minimum winrate limit. (Available only to players with a Pro Account)

Example: / wrl 50 (only those with more than 50% win-raitings in games will get into the game)

/rl - Sets the minimum pts limit. (Available only to players with a Pro Account)

Example: / rl 5000 (only those with TCP above 5000 will enter the game)

/location - Changes your location on the server and, accordingly, you will see the hosts of a particular country.

Example: / location SNG (you will only see games with hosts from SNG)

/pub & /public - Allows you to change the type of game to "public" in the already created game.

/priv & /private - Allows you to change the type of game to "private" in the already created game.

/hop & /hostprivate - Immediately creates a "private" game. Very handy if you play with friends.

for more information >>> click here!

With best regards image iCCup.Dep3kuu, wish you all the best to all of you!!! grin.gif


Өңдеген iCCup.BILL (03 Feb 2024 @ 00:07 CET)
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