iCCup.mystick — EU Technical Super Admin
2. User tournaments:
2.1. Allowed
2.1.1. Members of the iCCup portal are allowed to create and conduct user tournaments.
2.2. Prohibited
2.2.1. Create tournaments held on third-party platforms.
Punishment: ban from 3 to 30 days.
2.2.2. Create tournaments with cash contributions, as well as with prizes in the form of money, without the consent of the iCCup administration and in the absence of a guarantor from the platform.
Punishment: ban up to *indefinitely*.
2.2.3. Create a tournament without rules.
Punishment: Deletion.
2.2.4. Incorrect tournament name. (The tournament name must contain the Tournament Type, Tournament Mode or Hero, on which the tournament will be held!)
Punishment: Deletion.
2.2.5. Using any variations with the prefix «iCCup» in the tournament name.
Punishment: Deletion.
2.2.6. Using iCCup tournament banners.
Punishment: Deletion.
2.2.7. Creating tournaments in a period of more than one month.
Punishment: Deletion.
3. Comments on tournaments:
3.1. Publications
3.1.1. Messages that are prohibited under the laws of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, including racist statements, drug propaganda, etc.
Punishment: ban from 1 year to 3 years, ban from 3 years to *indefinitely*.
3.1.2. Public quotation of personal correspondence without the author's consent.
Punishment: ban from 3 to 30 days.
3.1.3. Posting multimedia information containing scenes of a sexual nature, large amounts of blood, images of sadism or masochism, murders, drugs, attributes and symbols of Nazism, swearing; publishing links to pornographic resources or posting files containing elements of pornography. It is also prohibited to distribute hacker information or information about the use of bugs or shortcomings of the iCCup platform.
Punishment: ban from 7 days (for minimal violation in this area) to *indefinitely*, if the violation intersects with the law.
3.1.4. Posting information that is not true or has no confirmation from official sources, as well as information that may mislead users.
Punishment: ban from 3 to 14 days. In exceptional cases — 30 days.
3.1.5. Publication of text that insults the honor and dignity of the iCCup website (an objective assessment in an adequate form is welcome).
Punishment: ban from 30 days to *indefinitely*.
3.1.6. Posting multiple swear words or expressions.
Punishment: ban from 3 to 14 days.
3.2. Offenses
3.2.1. Flood — meaningless or uninformative information that does not carry any semantic load, for example, messages: “+1”, “haha”, “lol/lmao” or messages written with emoticons; emoticons also do not carry sufficient semantic load.
Punishment: Deletion. In cases of abuse, a ban from 3 to 30 days is possible.
3.2.2. Overquoting. Bringing up a large volume (four or more) of quotes from other comments in the tournament. Unjustified multi-step quotations.
Punishment: Deletion. In cases of abuse, a ban of 3 to 30 days is possible.
3.2.3. Off-topic or messages not related to the tournament being discussed.
Punishment: Deletion. In cases of abuse, a ban of 3 to 30 days is possible.
3.2.4. Provoking a conflict or committing other deliberate actions that entailed a violation of the rules by other forum participants, as well as committing actions aimed at causing a conflict on the forum and between participants.
Punishment: ban from 10 to 60 days.
3.2.5. Abuse of rating on the site.
Punishment: ban up to *indefinitely*.
3.3. Insults
3.3.1. Direct or indirect insults that offend the honor and dignity of a certain person.
Punishment: ban from 3 to 14 days.
3.3.2. Direct or indirect insults to relatives.
Punishment: ban from 14 to 30 days.
3.3.3. Insults containing racist statements.
Punishment: ban for 30 days.
3.4. Administration
3.4.1. Insulting the Administration.
Punishment: ban from 7 days to *indefinitely*.
3.4.2. Impersonating a representative of the administration. Phrases like «I'm an admin» or «I have a friend who is an admin».
Punishment: ban from 30 days to *indefinitely*.
3.4.3. Misleading or intentionally deceiving the administration.
Punishment: ban from 30 days to *indefinitely*.
3.4.4. Public discussion of the actions of the administration. If you do not agree with the decision of the administration, write in the section "Complaints against admin".
Punishment: ban from 14 days to *indefinitely*.
3.5. Trade
3.5.1. Selling/exchanging your account/stats on our server.
Punishment: ban up to *indefinitely*, resetting statistics + blocking the account.
3.5.2. Selling/buying/exchanging keys or invites to various games. For example, Dota2.
Punishment: ban from 14 days.
3.6. Advertising
3.6.1. Posting any kind of advertising of goods or services without the consent of the Tournament Section administration.
Punishment: ban from 30 days to *indefinitely*.
3.6.2. Intrusive advertising, including advertising of Internet resources.
Punishment: ban up to *indefinitely*.
3.6.3. Posting any advertising that contains information about hacker sites and advertising of various kinds of programs that provide advantages in the game over honest users of the portal.
Punishment: ban up to *indefinitely*.
3.6.4. Spam — mass mailing of messages of various nature (advertising, informational) that do not correspond to the topic of the tournaments, as well as the publication of the same type of comments in all tournaments.
Punishment: ban up to *indefinitely*. 4. Strictly prohibited (you will be blacklisted) and punishable as well, due to:
4.1. Registering several accounts for a tournament by one player.
Punishment: The violator will receive blacklisting for a period of 14 days or more.
4.2. Upon confirmation of participation in the tournament and failure to show up for the tournament/no-show.
Punishment: Players will receive disqualification with their account blacklisted for a period of 7 days or more.
4.3. Using any bugs or cheats.
Punishment: Violators will receive an account ban and blacklisting them forever.
5. Additional information:
5.1. The Administration has the right to interpret controversial issues that are not clearly specified in these rules at its own discretion and make decisions on punishments and penalties, guided by life experience and common sense.
5.2. The Administration has the right to refuse a user's participation in a tournament if his nickname violates the platform rules/contains obscene words.
5.3. The administration of the iCCup platform has the right to refuse to provide gaming services to any User without explanation.
5.4. The administration also reserves the exclusive right to delete tournaments at its own discretion, as well as the right to change both the general rules of conduct and the text of current rules.
5.5. Ignorance of the rules does not relieve you from responsibility.