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[Contest-Dota]-The annihilator of souls
Congratulations to the following players who will receive their prizes for completing the contest.
All the participants played their heroes well, even so I will name the most interesting positions in my opinion.
Winners of the contest:
save 80
Kokci 60
Any complaints regarding the contest should be sent to the administrator: iCCup.xanaxy iCCup.Dep3kuu
I appreciate that you have taken the time to run the contest for all participants, even so it is advisable to reiterate that you always read the rules carefully to avoid inconveniences and future sanctions.
PLEASE read the bases and rules of each contest carefully to avoid inconveniences and misunderstandings.
Sincerely iCCup.GonzaTV
save: thank you
Thank you for participating, pay attention to the next contest that I will be uploading. Greetings :)
Just I could not take screentshot. Next time I will fix it.
Just I could not take screentshot. Next time I will fix it.
Good luck next time bro. Greetings
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