62 INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats


User replay


  • APM: 149
  • level: 15


Winter Wyvern
  • APM: 94
  • level: 17


Legion Commander
  • APM: 106
  • level: 19


  • APM: 108
  • level: 20


Nerubian Assassin
  • APM: 49
  • level: 12


Troll Warlord
  • APM: 118
  • level: 18


  • APM: 30
  • level: 14


Ogre Magi
  • APM: 87
  • level: 15


Ancient Apparition
  • APM: 107
  • level: 17


  • APM: 91
  • level: 14



Posted by



02 Jan 2025 @ 20:38 CET


(0 / 5.0 | 0 voted)

Game Version




Game Type



Sentinel Won


no descryption

Game length: 39m : 02s
Winter Wyvern
Legion Commander
Nerubian Assassin
Troll Warlord
Ogre Magi
Ancient Apparition
Time Nickname Message
00:00 Omniknight Matrix

Shortest load by player koni_dohnut was 3.09 seconds

00:00 Omniknight Matrix

Longest load by player Pro_M was 12.06 seconds

00:00 Omniknight Matrix

Your load time was 6.97 seconds

00:45 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


00:45 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


00:57 Legion Commander Kylie


00:57 Legion Commander Kylie


00:58 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


00:58 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


00:58 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


01:02 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


01:02 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


01:02 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


01:03 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


01:03 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


01:25 Ymir mirazimcher


01:25 Ymir mirazimcher


01:25 Ymir mirazimcher


01:32 Ymir mirazimcher


01:32 Ymir mirazimcher


01:32 Ymir mirazimcher


01:36 Ymir mirazimcher


01:36 Ymir mirazimcher


01:36 Ymir mirazimcher


02:02 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

-swap 5

02:02 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

-swap 5

02:03 Ymir mirazimcher

-swap 4

02:03 Ymir mirazimcher

-swap 4

02:05 Gorgon dontcare-


02:05 Gorgon dontcare-


02:05 Gorgon dontcare-


02:06 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


02:06 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


02:11 Gorgon dontcare-


02:11 Gorgon dontcare-


02:11 Gorgon dontcare-


02:12 Gorgon dontcare-


02:13 Gorgon dontcare-


02:13 Gorgon dontcare-


02:32 Ymir mirazimcher


02:32 Ymir mirazimcher


02:41 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


02:41 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


03:21 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

First Kill: Killed dontcare-

03:22 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


03:22 Ancient Apparition Pro_M



Creep spawning

03:48 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


03:48 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


04:01 Ymir mirazimcher

Killed koni_dohnut

04:05 Spiritbreaker remilings

got level 2

04:07 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


04:07 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


04:15 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

Killed dontcare-

04:15 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

got level 2

04:18 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


04:18 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


04:22 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

got level 2

04:33 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


04:33 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


04:39 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 2

04:40 Ymir mirazimcher

got level 2

04:41 Ogre Magi SHEVCHENKO-7

got level 2

04:45 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 2

04:48 Legion Commander Kylie

Враг ушел с линии!

04:56 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

got level 2

04:56 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

got level 2

05:06 Ymir mirazimcher

got level 3

05:13 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


05:13 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


05:15 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

Killed remilings

05:16 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 3

05:18 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


05:18 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


05:20 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 3

05:21 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

Killed Pro_M

05:21 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

got level 3

05:22 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


05:22 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


05:26 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


05:26 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


05:34 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


05:34 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


05:38 Omniknight Matrix

got level 2

05:53 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

got level 3

05:53 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

.abilitystate A2LA 2 0 0

05:53 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

.abilitystate A2NE 1 0 0

05:55 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

.abilitystate A3DX 1 51706 0

05:55 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

.abilitystate A3DX 1 51531 0

06:00 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 4

06:02 Ogre Magi SHEVCHENKO-7

got level 3

06:07 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

got level 3

06:09 Spiritbreaker remilings

Killed Kylie

06:09 Spiritbreaker remilings

got level 3

06:10 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


06:10 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


06:13 Ymir mirazimcher

got level 4

06:21 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

got level 3

06:44 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 4

06:45 Gorgon dontcare-


06:45 Gorgon dontcare-


06:57 Gorgon dontcare-

v rot bral

06:58 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

got level 4

07:12 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 5

07:15 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

got level 4

07:29 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

got level 4

07:38 Omniknight Matrix

got level 3

07:41 Ymir mirazimcher

got level 5

07:42 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

got level 5

07:53 Ymir mirazimcher

Killed koni_dohnut

07:54 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 6

07:54 Gorgon dontcare-

Killed mirazimcher

07:55 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 5

07:57 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


07:57 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


08:08 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


08:08 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


08:19 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


08:19 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


08:44 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

got level 4

09:00 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

got level 5

09:01 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 7

09:15 Spiritbreaker remilings

got level 4

09:27 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

Killed Pro_M

09:27 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

got level 5

09:28 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


09:28 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


09:33 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


09:33 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


09:38 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


09:38 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


09:39 Ymir mirazimcher

got level 6

09:45 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 6

09:46 Ogre Magi SHEVCHENKO-7

got level 4

09:57 Legion Commander Kylie


10:03 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

got level 6

10:27 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 8

10:32 Omniknight Matrix

got level 4

10:50 Legion Commander Kylie

Враг ушел с линии!

10:57 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

Killed dontcare-

10:57 Ymir mirazimcher

got level 7

10:57 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

got level 6

11:01 Gorgon dontcare-


11:02 Gorgon dontcare-


11:02 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

got level 5

11:03 Gorgon dontcare-


11:04 Gorgon dontcare-


11:04 Gorgon dontcare-


11:05 Gorgon dontcare-


11:05 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


11:05 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


11:08 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 7

11:09 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


11:17 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


11:17 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


11:17 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut


11:23 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


11:23 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


11:32 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


11:32 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


11:38 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


11:38 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


11:43 Legion Commander Kylie

Killed mirazimcher

11:44 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

got level 7

11:44 Spiritbreaker remilings

Killed koni_dohnut

11:51 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


11:51 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


11:53 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 8

11:55 Spiritbreaker remilings

got level 5

12:18 Gorgon dontcare-

Destroyed external scourge mid Tower

12:18 Legion Commander Kylie

Killed remilings

12:19 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


12:19 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


12:26 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

got level 6

12:39 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

got level 7

12:45 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


12:45 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


12:51 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut


12:55 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


12:55 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


12:55 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

got level 6

12:55 Gorgon dontcare-

Killed mirazimcher

12:56 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


12:56 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


12:57 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 9

12:58 Omniknight Matrix

got level 5

13:13 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


13:13 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


13:22 Ogre Magi SHEVCHENKO-7

got level 5

13:53 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


13:53 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


13:58 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

.abilitystate I0MI 1 13361 0

14:05 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

.abilitystate A0Z0 1 39123 0

14:09 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

got level 7

14:17 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

got level 8

14:18 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 9

14:18 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

Killed koni_dohnut

14:24 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


14:24 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


14:28 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

Killed Matrix

14:28 Ymir mirazimcher

got level 8

14:31 Ymir mirazimcher

Killed CKa3a4HiK(UA)

14:32 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


14:32 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


14:36 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


14:36 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


14:37 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

got level 8

14:46 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


14:46 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


14:59 Legion Commander Kylie

Killed remilings

15:01 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


15:01 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


15:01 Legion Commander Kylie

Killed mirazimcher

15:07 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


15:07 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


15:08 Legion Commander Kylie


15:10 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


15:10 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


15:18 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


15:18 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


15:48 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


15:48 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


15:51 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

Destroyed external scourge top Tower

15:53 Spiritbreaker remilings

got level 6

15:58 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


15:58 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


16:00 Omniknight Matrix

got level 6

16:20 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 10

16:22 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 10

16:27 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

got level 8

16:36 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


16:36 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


16:47 Ymir mirazimcher

Killed koni_dohnut

16:49 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


16:49 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


17:01 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

got level 7

17:01 Legion Commander Kylie

Killed remilings

17:02 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

Killed Pro_M

17:02 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 11

17:03 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


17:03 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


17:21 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


17:21 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


17:37 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


17:37 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


17:42 Ogre Magi SHEVCHENKO-7

got level 6

17:45 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

got level 9

17:46 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 11

18:00 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


18:00 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


18:20 Gorgon dontcare-

Killed remilings

18:22 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


18:22 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


18:22 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

got level 8

18:22 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)


18:23 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


18:23 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


18:28 Legion Commander Kylie


18:53 Omniknight Matrix

got level 7

19:23 Ogre Magi SHEVCHENKO-7

got level 7

19:32 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

Killed Pro_M

19:32 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

got level 9

19:33 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


19:33 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


19:36 Ymir mirazimcher

Killed CKa3a4HiK(UA)

19:36 Ymir mirazimcher

got level 9

19:39 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

got level 10

20:14 Spiritbreaker remilings

got level 7

20:45 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


20:45 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


20:46 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

Killed mirazimcher

20:55 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

Destroyed external sentinel top Tower

20:56 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

got level 9

20:56 Omniknight Matrix

got level 8

20:56 Omniknight Matrix

Killed remilings

20:58 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

Killed Pro_M

20:58 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 12

20:59 Scourges

Killed Matrix

21:00 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


21:00 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


21:00 Legion Commander Kylie


21:00 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 12

21:01 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

got level 11

21:18 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower

21:20 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

got level 10

21:33 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 13

21:45 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


21:45 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


21:49 Gorgon dontcare-

Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower

21:51 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


21:51 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


21:55 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


21:55 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


21:58 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


21:58 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


21:58 Ogre Magi SHEVCHENKO-7

got level 8

21:59 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)


22:07 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

got level 9

22:07 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

Killed dontcare-

22:07 Spiritbreaker remilings

got level 8

22:09 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

got level 10

22:09 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

Killed mirazimcher

22:09 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

got level 11

22:09 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


22:09 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


22:12 Omniknight Matrix

Killed remilings

22:12 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

got level 11

22:40 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


22:40 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


23:07 Legion Commander Kylie

Killed cadaveric_spot

23:07 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 14

23:14 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

got level 10

23:14 Ymir mirazimcher

got level 10

23:14 Ymir mirazimcher

Killed Kylie

23:37 Spiritbreaker remilings

got level 9

23:37 Ymir mirazimcher

got level 11

23:37 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

Killed Matrix

23:37 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

got level 11

23:38 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


23:38 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


23:44 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

Killed mirazimcher

23:50 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 13

23:50 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

Killed remilings

23:52 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

Killed Pro_M

23:53 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


23:53 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


23:55 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


23:55 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


24:20 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


24:20 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


24:25 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


24:25 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


24:30 Gorgon dontcare-

Destroyed base scourge bottom Tower

24:34 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


24:34 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


24:40 Legion Commander Kylie

.abilitystate I04H 1 9085 0

24:45 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


24:45 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


24:52 Omniknight Matrix

got level 9

24:52 Omniknight Matrix


24:56 Legion Commander Kylie

Killed mirazimcher

24:56 Nerubian Assassin CKa3a4HiK(UA)

got level 12

25:04 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


25:04 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


25:08 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


25:08 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


25:09 Sentinels

Destroyed scourge bottom ranged Barracks

25:16 Legion Commander Kylie

Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks

25:22 Omniknight Matrix

Player CKa3a4HiK(UA) has lost the connection

25:23 Legion Commander Kylie


25:23 Omniknight Matrix

SHEVCHENKO-7 has voted to drop laggers

25:23 Omniknight Matrix

dontcare- has voted to drop laggers

25:23 Omniknight Matrix

Pro_M has voted to drop laggers

25:23 Omniknight Matrix

koni_dohnut has voted to drop laggers

25:23 Omniknight Matrix

mirazimcher has voted to drop laggers

25:23 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


25:23 Omniknight Matrix

Kylie has voted to drop laggers

25:23 Omniknight Matrix

remilings has voted to drop laggers

25:23 Omniknight Matrix

cadaveric_spot has voted to drop laggers

25:23 Omniknight Matrix

CKa3a4HiK(UA) was dropped from the game.

25:24 Legion Commander Kylie


25:26 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


25:26 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


25:34 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


25:34 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


25:40 Sentinels

Destroyed intermediate scourge mid Tower

25:47 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


25:47 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


25:51 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


25:51 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


25:56 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 15

26:12 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 14

26:12 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

got level 12

26:17 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


26:17 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


26:19 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


26:19 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


26:20 Gorgon dontcare-

Killed remilings

26:23 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


26:23 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


26:24 Omniknight Matrix


26:37 Omniknight Matrix

got level 10

26:37 Omniknight Matrix

Killed mirazimcher

26:37 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

got level 13

26:41 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


26:41 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


26:46 Gorgon dontcare-

Killed Pro_M

26:46 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 15

26:48 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


26:48 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


26:50 Ymir mirazimcher


26:50 Ymir mirazimcher


26:50 Ymir mirazimcher


26:52 Ymir mirazimcher


26:52 Ymir mirazimcher


26:52 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


26:52 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


27:04 Legion Commander Kylie

Destroyed base scourge mid Tower

27:11 Legion Commander Kylie


27:11 Omniknight Matrix

got level 11

27:14 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


27:14 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


27:23 Gorgon dontcare-

Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks

27:25 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


27:25 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


27:34 Legion Commander Kylie

Killed remilings

27:34 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 16

27:34 Sentinels

Destroyed scourge mid ranged Barracks

27:39 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

got level 12

27:39 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

Killed Kylie

27:39 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

got level 13

27:42 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


27:42 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


27:57 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

got level 14

28:08 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


28:08 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


28:11 Ogre Magi SHEVCHENKO-7

got level 9

28:22 Spiritbreaker remilings


28:22 Spiritbreaker remilings


28:22 Spiritbreaker remilings


28:22 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


28:22 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


28:37 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

Killed Kylie

28:37 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

got level 12

28:37 Spiritbreaker remilings

got level 10

28:44 Spiritbreaker remilings

got level 11

28:44 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

got level 14

28:47 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


28:47 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


28:53 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


28:53 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


28:59 Sentinels

Chicken Slayn Pro_M

29:10 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


29:10 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


29:11 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

got level 13

29:21 Ymir mirazimcher

got level 12

29:28 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

Killed koni_dohnut

29:33 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


29:33 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


29:42 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 16

29:42 Sentinels

Killed remilings

29:43 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


29:43 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


29:44 Omniknight Matrix


30:11 Gorgon dontcare-

Killed mirazimcher

30:13 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

Killed Matrix

30:13 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

got level 15

30:22 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


30:22 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


30:24 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

got level 14

30:24 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

Killed dontcare-

30:28 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

got level 16

30:28 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

Killed Kylie

30:28 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

got level 15

30:28 Ogre Magi SHEVCHENKO-7

got level 10

30:29 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


30:29 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


30:42 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


30:42 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


30:45 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


30:45 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


31:39 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


31:39 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


31:50 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 17

31:55 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


31:55 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


32:14 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


32:14 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


32:28 Spiritbreaker remilings

got level 12

32:28 Spiritbreaker remilings

Killed Kylie

32:28 Spiritbreaker remilings

got level 13

32:29 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


32:29 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


32:30 Legion Commander Kylie

Da uebiwe

32:34 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


32:34 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


32:38 Ogre Magi SHEVCHENKO-7

got level 11

32:38 Ymir mirazimcher

got level 13

32:38 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

Killed koni_dohnut

32:42 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


32:42 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


32:44 Omniknight Matrix

got level 12

32:44 Gorgon dontcare-

Killed cadaveric_spot

32:44 Omniknight Matrix

got level 13

32:46 Spiritbreaker remilings


32:50 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


32:50 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


32:51 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


32:51 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


33:08 Ogre Magi SHEVCHENKO-7

Killed dontcare-

33:08 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

got level 16

33:16 Sentinels

Destroyed final scourge mid Tower

33:25 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


33:25 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


33:50 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


33:50 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


33:56 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

got level 15

34:13 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


34:13 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


34:18 Ymir mirazimcher

got level 14

34:19 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


34:19 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


34:38 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


34:38 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


34:56 Legion Commander Kylie

Killed cadaveric_spot

34:56 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 17

35:05 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


35:05 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


35:09 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot


35:09 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot


35:09 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot


35:10 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

got level 16

35:11 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


35:11 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


35:17 Spiritbreaker remilings

got level 14

35:24 Gorgon dontcare-

Destroyed final scourge mid Tower

35:31 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


35:31 Ancient Apparition Pro_M



Frozen Throne at 75%

35:41 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


35:41 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


35:50 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

Killed remilings

35:57 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 18

35:57 Legion Commander Kylie

Killed mirazimcher

35:59 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


35:59 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


36:01 Ogre Magi SHEVCHENKO-7

got level 12

36:01 Ogre Magi SHEVCHENKO-7

Killed Matrix

36:01 Ogre Magi SHEVCHENKO-7

got level 13


Frozen Throne at 50%

36:01 Ogre Magi SHEVCHENKO-7

Killed koni_dohnut

36:01 Ancient Apparition Pro_M

got level 17

36:04 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


36:04 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


36:10 Gorgon dontcare-

Killed Pro_M

36:10 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 18

36:11 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


36:11 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


36:12 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

got level 17

36:23 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


36:23 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


36:26 Ogre Magi SHEVCHENKO-7

got level 14

36:26 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

Killed Kylie

36:35 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


36:35 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


36:39 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


36:39 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


36:47 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 19

37:02 Gorgon dontcare-


37:26 Ogre Magi SHEVCHENKO-7

got level 15

37:39 Troll Warlord cadaveric_spot

got level 18

37:59 Omniknight Matrix

got level 14

37:59 Omniknight Matrix

Killed remilings

37:59 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


37:59 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


38:11 Gorgon dontcare-

got level 20

38:14 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


38:14 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


38:35 Legion Commander Kylie

Killed cadaveric_spot

38:40 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

got level 17

38:40 Winter Wyvern koni_dohnut

Killed Pro_M

38:40 Omniknight Matrix

got level 15

38:41 Gorgon dontcare-


38:41 Legion Commander Kylie

got level 19

38:41 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


38:41 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


38:51 Legion Commander Kylie

Killed mirazimcher

38:54 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


38:54 Ancient Apparition Pro_M



Frozen Throne at 25%

38:57 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


38:57 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


38:57 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


38:58 Ancient Apparition Pro_M


38:58 Ancient Apparition Pro_M



Frozen Throne at 10%


Sentinel Won


Sentinel Won


Sentinel Won


Sentinel Won


Sentinel Won


Sentinel Won


Sentinel Won


Sentinel Won


Sentinel Won

39:03 Omniknight Matrix

Player Pro_M has lost the connection

39:04 Omniknight Matrix

Matrix has left the game.

39:04 Gorgon dontcare-

mirazimcher has left the game.

39:05 Gorgon dontcare-

SHEVCHENKO-7 has left the game.