INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats
09 Aug 2024 @ 20:50 CET
xtase Changed personal info in their Profile
17 May 2024 @ 22:36 CET
xtase Got an award Settler
13 Apr 2024 @ 22:35 CET
xtase Signed up for the tour EU iCCup Shadow Fiend 1x1 Tour
13 Apr 2024 @ 22:35 CET
xtase is now level 3
13 Apr 2024 @ 22:34 CET
xtase Signed up for the tour iCCup Sniper Wars 1x1
12 Apr 2024 @ 01:18 CET
xtase Download file iCCup лаунчер
16 Mar 2024 @ 19:53 CET
xtase Changed personal info in their Profile
16 Mar 2024 @ 19:53 CET
xtase Changed personal info in their Profile
16 Mar 2024 @ 19:53 CET
xtase Changed their avatar avatar
04 Feb 2024 @ 13:04 CET
xtase Joined the team RDTBOSS.

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