INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

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  • Strength


  • Agility


  • Intelligence


Advanced Statistics

Damage: 46-50 Armor: 3
Movespeed: 290 Attack range: 128
Attack speed: 1.7 Health: 511
Health per level: 38 Mana: 208
Mana per level: 26


Spectre is the embodiment of vengeance and fury of long-dead souls. It's the darkness who was ancient even at the moment of creation. In the pursuit of their enemies, it is able to throw a special dagger that enables her to move beyond the material obstacles. Desperation and fear fills the hearts of those who are not lucky to face it alone. Her thirst for destruction is insatiable, and the upcoming battle, exactly what she so long waited for.


Spectral Dagger

Spectral Dagger

Throws a deadly dagger leaves a shadow path, dealing damage to all in its path. Those who touched the dagger, also leave a shadow trail. The Spectre passes through obstacles, moving along the trail. Spectre gets bonus movement speed and slows the enemy.

Damage: 50 / 100 / 150 / 200
Increase the speed of Spectre: 8% / 12% / 16% / 20%
Reducing the speed of the target: 8% / 12% / 16% / 20%
Requires mana 130 / 140 / 150 / 160
Cooldown: 16

— Damage type: magical.
— Damage is blocked by spell immunity. The slowdown is not blocked.
— Illusions only get the bonus move speed.



Deals bonus damage that ignores armor when attacking an enemy, if there are no allied units. Works on illusions.

DOP. damage: 20% / 35% / 50% / 65%

— Damage type: pure.
— Locked invulnerability spell.
— You can disable it using break.
— Used illusions.
Not a unique attack modifier.
— A separate instance of damage that is applied before is applied to real attacks. This means that it deals damage even when the attack fails.
— Works against any enemy object, except wards and buildings.
— Damage type: magical.
— Damage is blocked by spell immunity. The slowdown is not blocked.
— Illusions only get the bonus move speed.



Any damage done to Mercurial, scatters and is redirected to all enemies in radius.

Radius: 1000
Return damage: 10% / 14% / 18% / 22%

— Damage type: decrease health.
— Locked invulnerability spell.
— You can disable it using break.
— Is not used by illusions.



Creates behind each of the enemy heroes the illusion of pursuing his victim. Illusions cannot be controlled, they receive 200% damage, and deal 30% damage and can only attack a persecuted hero. The illusion start to attack after 1 second of activation.

Duration: 4 / 5 / 6
Requires mana: 150
Recharge: 120

— Not blocked by invulnerability spell.
— Illusions can not be controlled.
— No longer kills the target the illusion, but just changing places with her.
— Illusions have 400 movement speed and ignore terrain.



Hero instantly changes places with the illusion.

Radius: global
Recharge: 0

— Available after leveling Haunt.
— Can be used multiple times until the Haunt will not stop or all the illusions will disappear.