K/D/A : 1726 / 1818 / 2456
K 1.6
KDA - parameter that defines your skill
Location #1043
8096 Match List
Win/Lose/Leave 58 / 50 / 3
Couriers killed 0
Neutrals killed 4383
Hours in game 161
Win Ratio 54%
Leave 3
Best stats: Lord of Olympia 22 - 3 - 17
Max win streak 9
Current streak 1
Рейтинг команды -
Leader UZMr_Joker)))
Registered 21 Dec 2023 @ 08:54 CET
Players 5
Heroes statistics
Last games
hero mode Duration K / D / A Changes
Necrolyte Necrolyte xl, TB 51:51 16 / 8 / 10 +197 bonus
Necrolyte Necrolyte xl, TB 55:33 18 / 7 / 4 -55 armor
Clockwerk Goblin Clockwerk Goblin xl, TB 61:43 14 / 11 / 8 -68 armor
Rogue Knight Rogue Knight xl, TB 43:20 2 / 9 / 8 -68 armor
Necrolyte Necrolyte xl, TB 49:18 9 / 5 / 5 +197 bonus
Top heroes

Top hero

Omniknight Omniknight

coolness factor: 4.83

Top killer

Moon Rider Moon Rider

average kills value: 17

Top assister

Ancient Apparition Ancient Apparition

average assists value: 28

Longest game

Goblin Techies Goblin Techies

game length: 76:32

top farmer

Necrolyte Necrolyte

creeps: 1750

Top pusher

Spectre Spectre

towers denied: 15

Tournament Forum
Tournament Title Date Place
 iCCup Captain Mode 5х5 Tour 25.06.23 17-32 brackets
game modes
Previous Seasons
Season #41
3 - 1
Season #42
0 - 1
Season #44
52 - 35
Season #45
36 - 26
Season #46
170 - 197
Season #47
141 - 163
Season #48
101 - 103
Season #49
248 - 278
Season #50
221 - 228
Season #51
252 - 278
Season #52
296 - 302
Season #53
218 - 220
Season #54
259 - 310
Season #55
157 - 173
Season #56
50 - 69
Season #57
128 - 110
Season #58
201 - 210