62 INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

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EU Tech-Supp Full Admin
NP iCCup.Nepal [ EU Tech-Supp Full Admin ]
  • 13 Mar 2025 @ 13:44 CET
  • 15 Sep 2023
#1 Posted: 01 Dec 2024 @ 05:47 CET quote
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Ancient writings tell of the seven sacred rays of light that were incompatible. The collision of these rays on the earth of mortals has created a fire of higher purity, thus was born the great Phoenix. Manifesting the Divine fire, it can create a level of death and destruction and the level of life and healing. Concentrated beam of energy that he can emit that could burn an entire army of opponents. He's not afraid to use his life force to defeat their enemies. Phoenix can also use the direct energy of the sun to create a stellar explosion.



Icarus Dive


Dives at a certain distance in a chosen direction, dealing damage and slows enemies, which makes contact, then returns to its initial position. Phoenix donates while 15% of current health.


Fire Spirits


Using 20% of its current vitality, Icarus creates 4 fire spirits that fly around him. Are activated all at once. For 16 seconds perfume circling around the hero and grow.


Launch Fire Spirit


Each fire spirit can be launched separately in a specific area. Affected enemy units take damage over time and the speed of their attack is greatly reduced.


Sun Ray


Using inner fire, Icarus taketh a giant beam of light due to its vital energy, wasting 6% of current health per second. All fell under the beam of the enemies will receive damage based on max health, and the allies on the contrary, will be healed, but only half this value.


Sunray Movement


Toggles slow forward movement during Sun Ray action.




Phoenix voluntarily parted with his life for the purpose of rebirth, turning into a blazing sun, scorching the enemies in a 1000 radius. The sun can be attacked by enemy heroes, and in the case of its destruction, the Phoenix dies, but if it will last 6 seconds, all enemies within the specified distance will be stunned and the Phoenix will be reborn with full health and mana. Only attacks from heroes can damage the sun. The sun defies spells. During the Supernova, Phoenix hidden away on the map. The ability to improve an artifact Aghanim's Scepter: allows you to use abilities on allies.


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  • today @ 21:18 CET
  • today @ 21:18 CET
# Posted: today @ 21:18 CET quote
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