62 INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

DotA iCCup Patch 454

20 Mar 2025 @ 01:27 CET


Changes in iCCup DotA 454


This new patch introduced several significant updates and balance changes to improve gameplay.



Hero Adjustments


Centaur Warchief

Double Edge: Cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds.

Return: Strength-based damage increased across all levels, now scaling from 30% up to 75%.

Stampede: Duration increased from 3.75 to 4 seconds.


Crystal Maiden

Crystal Nova: Cooldown now scales from 13 down to 9 seconds with leveling.

Brilliance Aura: Mana regeneration for allies remains the same up to level 3 but increases to 3 at level 4; self-mana regeneration significantly boosted at level 4 from 5 to 8.



Base attributes adjusted: Strength reduced from 19 to 17, Agility from 20 to 14, and Intelligence from 22 to 16; base damage increased from 13-19 to 19-25.

Invoke: Starts at level 1; levels up at 6, 11, and 16; at level 25, grants a bonus of +6 to all attributes.

Forged Spirit: Health now scales with Quas, mana with Exort; attack damage reduced at lower levels.

Ghost Walk: Cooldown increased from 35 to 45 seconds at levels 1-3 of Wex.

Alacrity: Damage and attack speed bonus adjusted to scale from 10 up to 115.

Tornado: Vision radius reduced from 600 to 200.

Deafening Blast: Mana cost increased from 200 to 300.


Chaos Knight

Reality Rift: Attack bonus damage increased 60/100/140/180.

Phantasm: Cooldown reduced from 140 to 130 seconds



Base Intelligence increased from 21 to 25.

Force of Nature: Treant attack damage increased; regular Treants from 26-30 to 30-34, and greater Treants from 78-90 to 90-102.


Twin Head Dragon (Jakiro)

Base damage increased from 46-54 to 53-61.

Improved turn speed rate.

Ice Path: Stun duration now scales from 1 up to 2.5 seconds.

Macropyre: Range extended from 900 to 1400; duration with Aghanim's Scepter increased from 20 to 30 seconds.

Dark Seer

Wall of Replica: The crash with the ability have been fixed.




Item Changes


Ancient Tango of Essifation


Charges reduced from 4 to 3.

Cost decreased from 125 to 90 gold.

Dust of Appearance

Charges reduced from 2 to 1.

Cost decreased from 180 to 90 gold.


Observer Wards

Cost reduced from 75 to 65 gold.

Restock time in the shop decreased from 180 to 150 seconds.

Duration reduced from 420 to 360 seconds.

Gold bounty for destroying increased from 50 to 100.

Experience for destroying increased from 25 to 100.


Sentry Wards

Cost reduced from 100 to 50 gold.

Duration increased from 240 to 360 seconds.

Now starts with a stock of 3 in the shop, with a maximum stock of 10.

Restock time set at 60 seconds.




You are invited to write to our Bugtracker team with bug reports and suggestions.

Additionally, a detailed guide discussing the new features and adjustments in Patch 454 is available at DotA Changelog.

You can always download a new version of the map in Files section.

avatar #1 UZSTAN ShohaSolo 21 Mar 2025 @ 23:41 CET

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