K/D/A :
K 2.3
KDA - parameter that defines your skill
Location | #8495 |
Rank | 4047 Match List |
Win/Lose/Leave | 16 / 4 / 0 |
Couriers killed | 0 |
Neutrals killed | 3677 |
Hours in game | 82 |
Win Ratio | 80% |
Leave | 0 |
Best stats: | 37 - 9 - 22 |
Max win streak | 9 |
Current streak | 9 |
Heroes statistics
Last games
hero | mode | Duration | K / D / A | Changes |
Stone Giant | xl | 25:17 | 10 / 1 / 6 | +130 |
Lord of Olympia | xl, TB | 23:40 | 13 / 1 / 9 | +230 |
Storm Spirit | xl, TB | 51:29 | 16 / 7 / 17 | +150 |
Faceless Void | rd, TB | 63:16 | 24 / 10 / 25 | +225 |
Necrolyte | rd, TB | 34:01 | 4 / 10 / 7 | +180 |
Top heroes
Top hero
Lord of Olympia
coolness factor: 11.88
Top killer
Dwarven Sniper
average kills value: 20
Top assister
Slithereen Guard
average assists value: 20.67
Longest game
Sacred Warrior
game length: 75:56
top farmer
creeps: 2884
Top pusher
towers denied: 42
Tournament Forum
Tournament Title | Date | Place | |
iCCup Custom Battle 1x1 | 08.12.24 | 9-16 | brackets |
[Glad Battle] iCCup RFTD 1x1 | 08.12.24 | 9-16 | brackets |
iCCup Bleach Vs One Piece 2x2 | 05.12.24 | 5-8 | brackets |
iCCup Sniper Wars 2x2 | 04.12.24 | 3-4 | brackets |
iCCup Captain Mode 5x5 Tour | 29.09.24 | 3-4 | brackets |