World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (from English - “World of Warcraft: Cataclysm”) is the third addition to the computer game World of Warcraft. It was announced at the BlizzCon conference on August 21, 2009, but some details became known earlier. Released December 7, 2010
The central plot of the expansion is the return of the aspect of death, the black dragon Deathwing the Destroyer (originally Neltharion the Earth Warden). Deathwing was last featured in Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, which took place over two decades ago. Deathwing's return causes the barrier between the real world and the elemental plane to rupture, causing a massive cataclysm that changes much of the surface of Azeroth. When the connection between the elemental world and Azeroth was severed, chaotic elemental spirits and their tyrannical masters emerged to help Deathwing and the nihilistic Twilight Cult bring about the Hour of Twilight: the end of all life on Azeroth.
The cataclysm caused a number of political changes in the Horde and Alliance. After the cataclysm, the leader of the Horde, the orc shaman Thrall, laid down the mantle of leader, handing over the reins of power to the hot-tempered Garrosh Hellscream, son of Grommash Hellscream. In the midst of a global catastrophe, the global conflict for dwindling resource deposits between the Alliance and the Horde is renewed. The Horde dealt several harsh blows to the Alliance, and Garrosh ordered the Forsaken of Sylvanas Windrunner to attack the Kingdom of Gilneas, which was struck by the worgen curse. King Varian Wrynn of Stormwind, in response to the actions of the Horde, strengthened the Alliance's position in Kalimdor and also accepted the worgen into the Alliance. Intensifying the confrontation with the Horde at sea, the Alliance attacked the goblins from the island of Kezan, which contributed to their joining the Horde.
Alarmed by the terrible losses, the Zandalari troll empire united the scattered troll clans and tribes across Azeroth. The Zandalari rebuilt the fallen cities of Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman and began carrying out bloody raids into the territories that had once belonged to them. The growing troll army hoped to lead a great war against the other races of Azeroth, but the noble leader Vol'jin of the Darkspear tribe opposed the aspirations of his brethren and remained loyal to the Horde.
After a series of fierce battles, the heroes of Azeroth drove Ragnaros the Fire Lord and the Twilight's Hammer cult from Mount Hyjal. However, the threat to the world tree Nordrassil, located on Mount Hyjal, remained. Fearing a new elemental invasion, the defenders of Azeroth launched a daring attack on the burning realm of Ragnaros: the Firelands. Among the seething flames of this elemental realm, Ragnaros was the most powerful; Only the greatest defenders of the Horde and Alliance, aided by champion druids such as Malfurion Stormrage, were able to defeat the Fire Lord.
At the height of his madness, Deathwing the Destroyer fought to plunge the world into twilight - a devastated future, devoid of all life and subject to the Old Gods. The Dragon Soul, a powerful artifact lost in the distant past, was the only weapon capable of stopping Deathwing, and so the guardians of Azeroth - the Aspects of the Dragons - sent several brave heroes rushing through time to retrieve it. Despite being attacked by the mysterious Infinity Dragons while traveling through time, the champions returned the artifact to the present and delivered it to the shaman Thrall. With the help of the Dragon Soul, they managed to seriously wound Deathwing and engage him in a battle that began in the skies of Northrend and continued in the seething Whirlpool. Thanks to the combined efforts of the Aspects and their allies, Deathwing's madness finally came to an end. However, the remaining Aspects are forced to sacrifice their powers.
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