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#1 Posted: 05 Nov 2023 @ 14:03 CET quote
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Lord of Avernus




image Lord of Avernus

Strength / Agility / Intelligence


16+1.7 / 16+1.6 / 16+2.9

Abaddon, having spent countless days near the Font of Avernus, absorbed deeply - more deeply than any other offspring of his family - those prophetic vapors that exude from the font. Now possessing supernatural powers, Abaddon unleashes deadly Mist Coils to wound enemies or heal allies. A dark mist envelops his allies, forming an Aphotic Shield that absorbs any damage before exploding and damaging nearby enemies. His sword curses enemies with the Curse of Avernus, entangling their movements with a dark mist, allowing allies to attack the enemy with greater speed. But the Font's most important gift is revealed only in the heat of battle.


Gifted with Borrowed Time, Abaddon rushes into the enemy's formation and sows terror in them, as each blow he receives only strengthens the lord. Anything that should have hurt Lord Averno only makes him a more formidable opponent.


Now we are all connected by the bonds of life and death.


History: The Averno family feeds the font - a fissure in the earth's firmament that emits mysterious energy for generations. Each newborn of the family is immersed in this dark mist, thereby bestowing a connection with their land and its mysterious power. The children grow up with an unwavering belief in protecting family values and the traditions of the land, but in reality they are guarding the font itself, whose true intentions are unknown. When the newborn Abaddon was being baptized, something went wrong. A spark of intelligence flashed in the baby’s eyes, frightening everyone present and causing the priests to whisper.


He was raised to follow the path of all the offspring of the family: war and defense of the homeland at the head of the army. But Abaddon himself did not pay much attention to this. While others were training in the use of weapons, he meditated at the font. He breathed deeply into the dark mist, learning to be one with the power that flowed deep beneath the earth of his home. Ultimately, he became a creature of the black mist. The Averno family disapproved of this decision, accusing him of neglecting his duties. But all these accusations ceased when Abaddon entered his first battle and showed that newfound power over life and death that other members of the family could not even dream of.


Edited by iCCup.CLAY (05 Nov 2023 @ 14:26 CET)
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#2 Posted: 25 Dec 2023 @ 20:20 CET quote
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ABA nsm31.png

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#3 Posted: 24 May 2024 @ 10:19 CET quote
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ABA JE AB :D nsm32.png

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