INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

The new season is coming soon — don’t miss your chance to reach your best rank with the Ladder Bonus !

Time remaining - 05:23:50:05 517805

WarCraft III and DotA - timeless classic and lots of fun

iCCup Players online:
Season 61
06.12.2024 - 07.03.2025
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ICCup Dota XLTB: day best streaker wins

m1br 7-0
Th3_Flash 7-0
TEMIRLAN_999 5-0
Hulk_) 5-0
Tima.001 5-0
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ICCup Dota XLTB: best streaker wins

Aliy 49-0
LeDota 39-0
EG 37-0
Zubair 26-0
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238 - 113
319 - 248
246 - 212
301 - 226
263 - 192
264 - 203
211 - 171
424 - 356
260 - 198
287 - 227

Team rankings

1463 - 1035
1527 - 1268
1273 - 959
1747 - 1494
913 - 677
1577 - 1200
1276 - 950
1552 - 1223
1010 - 749
1186 - 1012