Мы продолжаем дорабатывать систему справедливого распределения наград для игроков состоящих в топ-кланах по итогам сезона. Подробнее об изменениях читайте в новости!
Good day, dear users of our platform!
We are pleased to present the results of the New Year contest "Decorate the Christmas Tree."
Enjoy the games, and have a Happy New Year!
Calling all Thai DotA enthusiasts! A new era of competitive gaming awaits you on ICCup for DotA players worldwide. We're launching an exciting initiative to unite Thai players.
Ever thought you knew everything about DotA 6.83s? Think again! Here are some advanced mechanics and tricks that might surprise even the most seasoned players.
We continue to celebrate the winners of the 60th season in various categories! It's time to summarize the results in the TECH, MEDIA, FORUM, and CUSTOM SECTIONS!