INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

The new season is coming soon — don’t miss your chance to reach your best rank with the Ladder Bonus !

Time remaining - 00:15:45:37 56737

WarCraft III and DotA - timeless classic and lots of fun

iCCup Players online:
Season 61
06.12.2024 - 07.03.2025
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ICCup Dota XLTB: day best streaker wins

Bce7DaBeceJlo 9-0
wanderer1404 8-0
evO(-_-) 8-0
warrior_check 7-0
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ICCup Dota XLTB: best streaker wins

Aliy 54-0
EG 37-0
Zubair 26-0
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270 - 227
341 - 261
251 - 129
226 - 184
321 - 247
457 - 389
284 - 220
179 - 127
302 - 242
208 - 149

Team rankings

1564 - 1128
1399 - 1063
1837 - 1602
1688 - 1324
982 - 756
998 - 753
1158 - 887
1020 - 858
1033 - 805
1341 - 1118