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you broke it crash info will be sent to our developers
FATAL ERROR ? Bütün oyunu sildim herşeyi tekrardan yükledim sorun çözülmedi. Oyuna giriyor 30 saniye sonra oyundan atıyor. Windows 11 kullanıyorum.
Bende 11 kullanıyordum sürekli oyundan atıp fatal veriyordu araştırdım 11 ile alakalı olabileceğini düşündüm windows 10 a geçtim 2 haftadır 1 tane bile hata yemedim çok memnunum
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We can advise you to switch from Windows 11 to Windows 10. With the latest patch, Windows 11 basically crashed a lot of games. It seems, that something they just didn’t finish.
Considering, that Warcraft is an old game, i’m not at all sure that it should work stably on new systems. Taking into account the fact, that there is also directx 9 there (or even 8).
If the problem goes away - it means the problem is in the system
+ antivirus must be turned off on your device.
With best regards, Chief Administrator of EU Department iCCup.BILL
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