The Demon shadows of the Burning Legion is able to absorb the souls of others, is so terrible that causes tremors even from their colleagues. In battle, Shadow Fiend increases his power at the expense of absorbed souls and sends them at enemies with powerful magic blasts. Those lucky people that survived the battle with him, I consider him the worst of enemies, and those who died fighting with him, waiting for a truly terrible fate.
Shadow Fiend strikes enemies in the area 250 at a distance of 200, 450 or 700 units away from himself. All abilities Shadowraze studied in parallel and have a common delay time after use.
When Shadow Fiend kills a target, he captures her soul and keeps to himself. For every captured soul, he gets +2 to damage. When death loses half of captured souls. The destruction of buildings and neutral creeps also gives you souls The accumulated increase of souls ultimate hero Requiem of Souls.
The presence of such horrid creatures lead the enemies in terror, reducing their armor in a 900 radius. Compatible with all other abilities and effects that lower armor.
Causes of devil spirits around him, dealing damage to units in an area around him. The number of spirits depends on the number of captured souls, but reducing movement speed and reducing the attack related to the distance to Shadow Fiend within a radius of 675. The closer the units, the more damage and slow.
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