INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

Commands available on DotA-server

Standart commands:
  /help -(Ex: /help whisper)
  Displays the information about using commands for communication between players.
  /whois [user] — (Ex: /whois iCCup.x64)
  Looks up some basic information on a user, including their account number and their current location. This is an excellent way to find your friends online. typing /whois #[number] (E.G. /whois #1).
  Aliases for this command: /where /whereis
  /whoami — (Ex: /whoami) — displays your information on
  /w [user] — (Ex: /w JohnS Hello, how are you?)
  Sends a private message to a user if he's online, regardless of the channel he use right now. This is an excellent way to let your friend know that you are online.
  Aliases for this command: /m /msg /whisper
  /r [text] — (Ex:/r How was it?)
  Sends a private message to the user, who was the last one who sent you a message. The message is sent even if the reciever is at another channel or in game.

  Aliases for this command: /reply


  /ignore [user] — (Ex: /ignore BFitch)
  Ignores any messages from that user effectively muting that user to you. If behaviour of a person is really awful, you can use thiscommand.            
  Aliases for this command: /squelch
  /unignore [user] — (Ex: /unignore BFitch)
  Allows a previously squelched user to talk to you normally.
  Aliases for this command: /unsquelch
  /away [text] — (Ex: /away eating dinner)
  Displays a message that you are away from keyboard whenever someone whispers to you or does a /whois command on you. To disable this command, use it again.
  /dnd [text] — (Ex: /dnd sorry playing a game with GFraizer)
  «Do Not Disturb» — prevents ALL whispers from displaying to your screen. Its use is similar to the /away command. To turn the DND mode off, just type /dnd without a reason. This will prevent people from sending whispers to you while you in  game. You are still able to see all normal public channel messages.
  /who [channel] — (Ex: /who Open Tech Support)
  Displays a list of all users in the specified channel.
  Shows all administrators who are online at the moment.
  /stats [user] ID — (Ex: /stats DavidN STAR)
  Displays the player's Win/Loss/Disconnect record for both normal and Ladder games.  If you type just "/stats" at the channel it will show your statistics, if you type just "/stats" in game, it will show statistics of all in-game players.


  Displays the number of currently online users on
  Displays the current time. 
  /join [name of the channel]
 — (Ex: /join Ladder A-B) 
  Immediately connects you to the channel you've written.

  Aliases for this command: /channel
  /me [text] — (Ex:/me Rolling on the floor laughing)
  Use this command to show your emotions about what's going on.
  /rejoin — (Ex:/rejoin)
  Use this command to rejoin the channel, which are you staying on at the moment.

  For channel operators:
  /kick [user] — (Ex:/kick iCCup.x64)
  Expels the user from the channel (use it as warning). Kicked user can join channel after kick. The command is available for people who have a rank of channel operator or higher.

  /ban [user] -(Ex:/ban iCCup.x64)
  Expels the user from the channel. As a result of this command, the user can't join this channel until the operator unbans him.

The command is available for people who have a rank of channel operator or higher.
  /unban [user] — (Ex:/ban iCCup.x64)
  Allows the already banned player to join the channel. The command is available for people who have a rank of channel operator or higher.

  Friends system:
  /friends (possible: /f)
  All the commands connected with friends should begin with this letter.
  /friends list (posiible: /friends l or /f l)
  Displays you your friends list and gives you short information about what your friend are doing at the moment.
  /friends add [nickname](possible: /f a)
  Adds the name you've written to your friends list. If something goes wrong(your friends list is full or the name is incorrect) you will be informed with a special message.
  /friends remove [nickname] (possible: /f r)
  Removes the name from your friends list. If there is no such a nickname you will be informed with a special message.
  /friends msg [message] (example: /friends m)
  Sends the message to all your friends.
  /friends promote [name] numbered of position in your list (possible: /friends p)
  Replaces the chosen friend with the one above. If the position number isn't selected or it equals to zero, user will be moved to a position higher. 
  /friends demote [name] numbered position in your list (possible: /friends d)
  Replaces the chosen name with the one below. If the position number isn't selected or it equals to zero, user will be moved to a position lower.


 Clan commands:


  /clan (possible: /c)

  All the commands connected with clan should begin with this letter.


  /clan list (possible /clan l or/c l)

  Displays you clan members list and gives you short information about what your friend are doing at the moment.


  /clan msg [text] (possible: /clan m or/c m)

  Sends the message to all clan members.


  /clan online (possible: /clan o or/c o)

  Displays list of clan members who are online now and gives you short information about what your friend are doing at the moment.


  /clan off (possible: /c off)

  Blocks messages about actions of all clan members and messages, which are sent using /clan msg command.


  /clan on (possible: /c on)

  Unblocks messages about actions of all clan members.


  /clan state (possible: /c state)

  Shows you if the messages about actions of clan members are blocked or not.

  Ladder commands:
  Displays the ladder commands help.
  /clearstats YES
  Clears your Dota statistics, giving you 1000 points, D rank and null the numer of leaves. Using this command is allowed once a month.
  /transfer [accout] -(Ex:/transfer iCCup.x64)
  Tansfers your Dota ladder stats and all points on the chosen account. Using this command is allowed once a two week period.
  /ah [user] — (Ex: /ah iCCup.x64) 
  Dislays the information about the user's antihack. If you use this command at the channel, your antihack status will be displayed, If you use this command in a game, antihack status of all in-game players will be shown.
  Possible: /antihack 
  Displays the number of online bots and the number of free bots.
  /defaultmap [EN/RU/KR] — (Ex.: /defaultmap EN) 
  Displays/install the default host map.
  /host [game name] — (Ex.: /host ap D+/C-/C) 
  Creates public game. Works only while you're on channel. 
  /hostprivate [game name] — (Ex.: /hostprivate ap for clan) 
  Creates private game. Works only while you're on channel. 
  /hostclose /hop — to close the game
  Changes the status of private game to public. 
  Changes the status of public game to private. 
  Possible: /priv 
  Deletes the public/private game you've created.
  Starts the game. Works only when the game is full(10 players)
  /hold [user] — (Ex.: /hold iCCup.x64) 
  Reserves a slot for the player. If the game is full, a random player will be kicked.


  /unhold [slot number] — (Ex.:/unhold 2)

  Deletes reservation of a chosen slot.

  /kick [slot number] — (Ex.: /kick 8) 
  Kicks the player from the game. 
  /ban [slot number] — (Ex.: /ban 4) 
  Kicks the player from the game and gives him a ban. 
  /close [slot number]
 — (Ex.: /close 3) 
  Close the slot.
  /open [slot number] — (Ex.: /open 3) 
  Opens the slot.
  Close all slots. 
  Opens all slots. 
  Shuffles players 
  Possible: /sp 
  /swap [slot number] [slot number] (Ex.: /swap 2 7) 
  Swaps those players, whose slot number you've typed.
  Possible: /switch 
  Blocks/unblocks users, who play without antihack. 
  /ranklimit [lowest grade] [highest grade] — (Ex.: /ranklimit C+ B-) 
  Use this command to put limits for your game. 
  Possible: /rl


  In-game commands:


  -latency [number] — (Ex.: -latency 150)

   Sets in-game latency to a selected level. If no parameters follow the command, the information about current latency will be shown.



  Adds you to a list of people who voted for finish of the current game. If all players of a team vote for fast finish the game will be ended.

  Possible: -ff -surrender -finish


/votekick [slot]

Voting is called At the same time

allies must register a command of their choice /yes /no

Commands for custom games:


  /customhost (possible:  /chost)

  All the commands connected with custon games should begin with this letter.


  /customhost BT [game name] (possible:  /chost BT)

  Creates custom game with a Battleships Crossfire map.


  /customhost CF [game name] (possible:  /chost CF)

  Creates custom game with a Castle Fight map.


  /customhost FF [game name] (possible: /chost FF)

  Creates custom game with a Footmen Frenzy map.


  /customhost LTD [game name] (possible: /chost LTD)

  Creates custom game with a Legion TD Warv.


  /customhost PW [game name] (possible:  /chost PW)

  Creates custom game with a Pudge Wars Advanced map.


  /customhost SW [game name] (possible:  /chost SW)

  Creates custom game with a Shadowraze Wars map.


  /customhost VF [game name] (possible:  /chost VF)

  Creates custom game with a Vampirism Fire map.


  /customhost WS [game name] (possible:  /chost WS)

  Creates custom game with a Warlock map.


  /customhost YTD [game name] (possible: /chost YTD)

  Creates custom game with a You TD map.


  /addfake [clot number] — (Ex.:/addfake 7)

  Creates an artificial player in the chosen slot.


 /delfake [clot number] — (Ex.: /delfake 7)

   Deletes an artificial player from the chosen slot.





   Blocks users who don't use antihack.



  Blocks users, whose percentage of leaves if higher than 15%.

  Possible: /nol /nl



  /banlist show — (Ex.: /banlist show) 
  Shows all users, who blocked on you host, in the form of a list.
  Possible: /banlist s
  /banlist сheck [user] — (Ex.: /banlist сheck iCCup.x64) 
  Checks is that user banned or not 
  Possible: /banlist с 
  /banlist ban [user] — (Ex.: /banlist ban iCCup.x64) 
  Blocks the user(ban)
  Possible: /b /banleaver /banlist b 
  /banlist unban [user] — (Ex.: /banlist unban iCCup.x64) 
  Unblocks the user(unbans him/her) 
  Possible: /banlist u