INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

Hungry Rabbit Tour (D-/D) #1

General information
Tour system
Single Elimination
Tour type
Max. players allowed
Date of the tour
2009-11-10 20:02
Check in starts
2009-11-10 19:32
Age of member accounts
14 days
Additional information
Minimal points
Maximal points
op hrt
Tournament Admins
avatar #1 n-a 08 Nov 2009 @ 11:28 CET


Round 1: Destination 1.1 -- best of 1

Round 2: Python 1.3 -- best of 1

Round 3: Tau Cross -- best of 3

Round 4: Lost Temple 2.4 -- best of 3

Good luck!

avatar #2 n-a 09 Nov 2009 @ 04:23 CET

Please sign me out, I am in EST and cannot make this time as I have school. :(...

avatar #3 n-a 09 Nov 2009 @ 09:00 CET


If you tell me what time is more suitable for you, I'll try to rearrange the schedule next time, so that more people can participate.

avatar #4 n-a 09 Nov 2009 @ 04:50 CET

gg gl

avatar #5 RU Psylaj 09 Nov 2009 @ 09:05 CET

Please confirm all the guys and an admin please be online And then tired Kids tournaments can not organize anything

avatar #6 n-a 09 Nov 2009 @ 09:10 CET


I'll review all the participant before chekin in order to kick smurfers. And I'll be constantly online 1 hour before start of the tournament.


avatar #7 RU Psylaj 09 Nov 2009 @ 19:54 CET

admin what to do if written Single Elimination And in our last tournament had to play 2 games or ??? admin who decides to pass as the last tournament admin was

avatar #8 n-a 10 Nov 2009 @ 12:06 CET

Поясни на русском о чем реч?

avatar #9 n-a 10 Nov 2009 @ 05:07 CET

how many hours until tourney?

avatar #10 n-a 10 Nov 2009 @ 05:41 CET

sorry i cant play in tourney read the time converter wrong =\

avatar #11 RU Psylaj 10 Nov 2009 @ 09:00 CET

Beginning the tournament in 22 00?

avatar #12 n-a 10 Nov 2009 @ 10:32 CET

Yes, the beginning is at 22:00 Moscow time, 20:00 central european time.

avatar #13 RU Psylaj 10 Nov 2009 @ 12:06 CET

Thanks for the information

avatar #14 n-a 10 Nov 2009 @ 13:41 CET


avatar #15 n-a 10 Nov 2009 @ 17:52 CET

I'm afraid, many people expect the last map to be lost temple already. However, since we have so many players, I need to add another round. Thus, I can put Blue Storm in the third round (best of 1). Does this sound like a solution?

On the other hand, it would be nice if you can explain, why you want to change the last map? This is a beginners tournament, I believe, they are more experienced with lost temple than with Blue storm, etc...

avatar #16 RU Psylaj 10 Nov 2009 @ 17:28 CET

No admin would be better if we do nothing will not change as a stupid Ukrainian woman closes her mouth and will just play

avatar #17 n-a 10 Nov 2009 @ 17:54 CET

Please, calm down and respect other players.

avatar #18 RU Psylaj 10 Nov 2009 @ 19:17 CET

As you say admin

avatar #19 RU Psylaj 10 Nov 2009 @ 19:26 CET

Admin but is the maximum number of participants is not 32??

avatar #20 RU Psylaj 10 Nov 2009 @ 19:27 CET

диджитал то есть ты говоришь по русски а я как конченный мудлан сижу тут и пишу тебе через переводчик ?????? 9.gif

avatar #21 RU Psylaj 10 Nov 2009 @ 19:35 CET

sc1f.lavar до встречи на турнире хохол!

avatar #22 UA Jackie)_(Chan 02 May 2013 @ 20:18 CET

Good Luck And Have Fun for all player smile.png

GL&HF Let's go smile.png

avatar #23 RU jonyBiceps 10 Nov 2009 @ 19:56 CET





O_O man

avatar #24 CN Jackie.__.Chan 29 Jun 2013 @ 11:28 CET

GL&HF 成龍 smile.png

avatar #25 n-a 10 Nov 2009 @ 19:58 CET

The following player was disqualified from the tournament:

megabluestar -- no games played