INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

EU Dota Tournaments

24 Jun 2024 @ 09:36 CET


Results of last week's tournaments [11.06.2024-16.06.2024]

Hello, dear users of our gaming platform! Week after week, and the tournaments remain originally interesting and exciting, in which you can test your strength and show others what you are capable of. A lot of tactical games, beautiful moments and other goodies can be found in these championships, and now let's move on to the review.


EU iCCup Lina 1x1 Tournament



The tournament of the 59th season was held with a bang, in which a variety of players participated and proved themselves, but only the strongest won

[ i ] Tournament's info Winners Prizes
1st Place SFARENA  EoL1ch 80 imageCups
2nd Place ES BarongFamiIy 60 imageCups
3rd Place KG 1ceStorm- 40 imageCups

EU iCCup Kunkka 1x1 Tournament


The royal tournament, in which the guys do not feel sorry for themselves, but in the end, the efforts do not pass without a broken jackpot.

[ i ] Tournament's info Winners Prize
1st place USSR FUNNY 80 imagecups
2nd place UZSTAN Akkauntam.Nes 60 imagecups
3rd place  KZ Feitz- 40 imagecups

EU iCCup Pudge 2x2 Tournament 



A tournament that will allow us to find out the best player in this tournament. Let's see whose strategy is better!

[ i ] Tournament's info Winners Prize
1st place

image FUNNY

image CAT

each 55 image + 350 pts 
2nd place

image beliySF

image h4ze-_-

each 35 image + 200 pts 

On this good note, we bid farewell to you in the Eu News section. We wish you good luck and victories in games.

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Results of the 58th Season: Part 3

11 Jun 2024 @ 17:30 CET


In the last news we summed up the clans of season 58! Now it's time to announce the nominations within TECH, MEDIA, FORUM and CUSTOM SECTIONS! 




ClearStats Arena allows you to quickly resolve a gaming dispute and prove in a fair fight who is the coolest. This is where you can meet the most desperate players who are not afraid to lose their hard-earned PTS!

No. Nickname Reward 
1. EoL1ch 250
2. DIORAMA] 150
3. Kasym 100



First he called you a weakling, and then you call your friends to send him to the bottom of the ocean. Our gladiators «ClearStats Arena 5x5».

No. Nickname Reward 
1. TheCrown 100
2. Qvazar
3. TheProGameCMBK
4. Aoiro
5. EviIArtas



His aggressive manner of communication and desire to be in all places at the same time, tirelessly responding to his ill-wishers, deservedly receives this nomination. Hello, Season 58 Crane — Johann.Kraus7.

He gets 200 seasonal rewards: the title “ Crane of the Season”, a unique flag “ ”, as well as a unique achievement “ Crane of Honor”!



He does not sleep or eat; he appeared long before neural networks, which were then trained from his texts. Nobody knows who this person really is and what is happening to him, but he consistently produces tons of text about the heroes, creates his own metas and constantly calculates something. Perhaps this is the creator of Dota himself, stuck in the fifth dimension. Meet the forum member of the season — eba(-_-)shaka Bucks!

He receives 300 , the title “ Forum Member of the Season”, seasonal rewards: message highlighting, a unique flag “ ”, as well as a unique achievement “ Please tell me more”! 



Brilliant answers, encyclopedic knowledge and incredible intuition more than once led him to victory. He is a true role model and inspiration for all participants in forum events. It's time to announce the winner of the honorary award in the “Season 58 Competitor” category! Stormy applause, drum roll… And this title is won with honor, dignity and rightfully by an unsurpassed connoisseur, erudite and simply activist of the Panokforum .

For his efforts and work, he receives: 300 , seasonal awards: the title “ Competitor of the Season”, message highlighting, a unique flag “ ”, as well as a unique achievement “ Playing”! 



A deserted street, an abandoned house, on the top floor there is a single dilapidated door with a sign “Flamer”… No one was able to enter this door… Perhaps next season, the flamer will be found!



This time, when the powers of creativity become especially valuable, our hero is armed only with ideas and inspiration. He penetrates into the most mysterious corners of the “Miscellaneous Infectious” section, filling it with new ideas, creative experiments and an explosion of emotions.

His posts are not just messages on the forum, they are entire stories in which every word is imbued with energy and passion for creativity. He doesn't just create content, he makes us smile, think and dream. Meet IIo4tu_BaTa)!

For his efforts and work, he receives: 300 , seasonal awards: the title “ Content Maker of the Season”, message highlighting, a unique flag “ ”, as well as a unique achievement “ Content Maker”!



This topic will always be relevant, especially this summer. Make barbecues and post photos in this thread, let's support TS — [war3]_durexin his love for delicious food and his topic.

For his efforts he receives: 200



They are the ones who instill terror; at the sight of them, their opponents' hands begin to shake! But when war is inevitable and they clash with each other, the real battle for survival begins! Each of them is capable of discouraging their enemy! The best fighters based on the results of the last season!

No. Nickname Reward
1. Kazuya)    500 image+
Tournament Champion” achievement
2. EoL1ch 400image
3. DorogaKokaina 300image


No. Nickname Reward
1. Kazuya)    350 image+
EU Tournament Champion” achievement
2. CAT 250image
3. JENYACOMBACK 150image



These guys don't really care whether they make it to the top of the ladder or not. Their skills were honed in tournaments day after day. You regularly see them on streams. They are always heard, always at the center of events. They are always distinguished by beautiful play, interesting picks and incredible coordination of actions. Therefore, it is not surprising that these tigers took the main trophy in the grand tournament among the winners of the CM tournaments of the season!

No. Nickname Reward for each player
1. GCardinal 300 image+
Tournament Champion” achievement, as well as seasonal rewards: title “ 5x5 CM Champion”, flag “ image
2. sh 200image
3. ProjectSolo 100image



They have learned all the skills of the art of defense! Their intelligence is beyond imagination! Any creature that comes into their possession knows that they are going to their death and they have no chance of survival! 


No. Nickname Reward
1. yK 350image 
2. C7R  300image
3. K2  250image
4. Wizer-.- 200image
5. Hop.Hop 150image


No. Nickname Reward
1. yK   500image 
2. Hop.Hop 450image
3. K2  400image
4. MenTalProTeKT  350image
5. C7R  100image



Worthy players who actively participated in “Custom Arena Other” will also not remain without our attention. Let's highlight those who showed their best side!


No. Nickname Reward
1. ChitayuKartu 175image 
2. BeliySF 100image
3. California 50image


No. Nickname Reward
1. CeKc[ToPHaDo] 200image 
2. [JKD]CreddyBoo 175image
3. Aresu 150image
4. Everburner 100image
5. vovka5249 50image



They have learned all the skills of the art of defense! Their intelligence is beyond imagination! Any creature that comes into their possession knows that they are going to their death and they have no chance of survival! 


No. Nickname Reward
1. HHF 100image 


Don't forget about our gladiators, they showed their skills in the game and proved that they are the best in their field. Congratulations to the strongest.


No. Nickname Reward
1. apec111 300 image+
Champion Challenge” achievement
2. yK 250image
3. C7R  200image
4. ChitayuKartu 150image
5. GoSexTraxex 100image
- HyKy( 50image
- save 50image
- MenTalProTeKT 50image


No. Nickname Reward
1. ace_Sharifi 100image 
2. Fanta©-_- 50image
3. (aRt1x- 50image



Summing up the results of the Custom Closed Games season 58, we would like to congratulate our “strongest” players who, through blood and sweat, made their way to the top results. For the whole season they achieved their goal, strived for the very top, showing their potential and high skill. We present to you the TOP 3 players of Custom Closed Game's from Custom Maps, congratulations!

No. Nickname Reward
1. ChitayuKartu 500image 
2. forest-_ 400image
3. Creddy 300image
4. BeliySF 200image
5. ToTSamiyBek 100image



No. Nickname Reward
1. MadGamer 300image 
2. DC 200image
3. STAR.PRO, Akkauntam.Nes 75image



Tournaments are one of the most important events in the Custom Section. Here our players show their skills, compete with each other and win prizes! Well, we present the 5 best players in Custom tournaments this season.

No. Nickname Reward
1. ChitayuKartu 500 image 
+ seasonal reward " "
2. CeKc[ToPHaDo] 400image
3. Creddy 300image
4. apec111 200image
5. Art 100image


On this wonderful note, we finish summing up the outgoing 58th season. Congratulations to all the winners and wish them success in the new, 59th season!Be healthy, less crayfish and livers on your team! Quick games and easy PTS!

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Results of the 58th Season: Part 2

11 Jun 2024 @ 16:30 CET


In the last news we summed up the main results of the 58th season! Now it's time to announce the nominations within the BEST TEAM RESULTS and their best players!



Holders of the entire platform. The best players with the biggest pts.
You ask:
— Where are the top players?
— In our clan!
We present to your attention the TOP TEAMS of this season:

Teams Prize Points
1. Nekontrims9  5000 22039
2. BEZKAPONA.  4500 21183
3. 77  4000 20699
4. KAZAKHSTAN  3500 18964
5. YouTube_PHOENIX_TEAM  3000 18525
6. 1883  2500 17694
7. GoTeamTop1  2000 17532
8. RODNOYLORRR  1750 17499
9. RDTB  1500 17199
10. SAMAKAND_662  1250 13915


TEAM «Nekontrims9»

The clan «Nekontrims9» receives a fund of 5000caps for getting into the TOP-1

Nickname Prize  Points
1. WODOTA-by-AMAL 880 24949
2. HEROIC 1187 24640
3. Waxriyor-_- 1029 22248
4. ares 851 20112
5. sh 1053 18245



The clan «BEZKAPONA.» receives a fund of 4500caps for getting into the TOP-2

Nickname Prize  Points
1. PULSAR 977 22872
2. Veteranseksa 955 21797
3. goodbye 942 21169
4. Aoiro 942 21155
5. qwe_123 685 18921


TEAM «77»

The clan «77» for getting into the TOP-3, you receive a fund of 4000caps.

Nickname Prize  Points
1. TBo9_CMepTb 783 25028
2. Lina 587 20553
3. -Salax 560 20321
4. topponcha 695 19724
5. stopmebro 690 19448
6. Kendall 685 19122



The clan «KAZAKHSTAN» for getting into the TOP-4, you receive a fund of 3500caps.

Nickname Prize  Points
1. eTo.BeKa 1116 22107
2. -DoNDiGiDoN 1221 19118
3. l0lbxdl0l 1163 15666



The clan «YouTube_PHOENIX_TEAM» for getting into the TOP-5, you receive a fund of 3000caps.

Nickname Prize  Points
1. CAT 1042 21383
2. Pro.DiggY 1010 19192
3. Phoeni)( 948 15000


TEAM «1883»

The clan «1883» for getting into the TOP-6, you receive a fund of 2500caps.

Nickname Prize  Points
1. EoL1ch 533 24174
2. DIORAMA] 464 17797
3. -Brave 344 16975
4. lagunabled 372 16071
5. Niyazov) 390 15735
6. beggi...ebaw 397 15414


TEAM «GoTeamTop1»

The clan «GoTeamTop1» for getting into the TOP-7 receives a fund of 2000caps.

Nickname Prize  Points
1. ProjectSolo 689 19645
2. Mefistro 664 17243
3. shayanafarm 647 15708



The clan «RODNOYLORRR» for getting into the TOP-8 receives a fund of 1750caps.

Nickname Prize  Points
1. KGZ 353 24234
2. KitanoMO 335 17468
3. GCardinal 405 15976
4. Qvazar 331 15657
5. cuteitssmile 327 14162



The clan «RDTB» for getting into the TOP-9, you receive a fund of 1500caps.

Nickname Prize  Points
1. KNYZeBOSH 307 17981
2. Levin- 306 17850
3. xtcy 304 17612
4. LegendsOFpain 303 17528
5. kapone. 279 15026



The clan «SAMAKAND_662» for getting into the TOP-10, you receive a fund of 1250caps.

Nickname Prize  Points
1. JoyBoy 351 16961
2. Ov3r1oRd.lsFl 324 13514
3. bekvsola 270 13095
4. Jingle.Bells 306 12088

Caps distribution rules:
News Date
1. Season-Results — Clans Update 20.06.2022
2. Clans Update 1.1 24.11.2022
Rule Limitation
1. The clan was created less than 90 days before the end of the season Clan disqualification
2. If clan members joined the clan less than 30 days before the end of the season Player disqualification
3. If 50% or more of clan members joined the clan earlier than 30 days before the end of the season Clan disqualification


We have summed up the main results for the 58th season! Congratulations to all the winners and wish them success in the new, 59th season! The nominations for other sections of the platform will soon be summed up and published in subsequent parts.

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Results of the 58th Season: Part 1

11 Jun 2024 @ 15:30 CET

Here comes our wonderful, blooming spring time, and the summer, hot and so joyful, has come. When it comes, we rejoice in the warmth, the really hot sun, the green grass, and most importantly, it's time for vacation! How time flies… Together with spring, our 58th season has ended! The platform has prepared a couple of nominations for you and determined several winners in them!


Popular iCCup Dota heroes (6.85)

Let's start with the most interesting part — the most popular heroes! It was with these characters that our professionals annihilated the ladder! Or lost someone's rinks… Let's get acquainted with our favorites on the 6.85 map!

Hero %
1.  #dota_dlg.Earthshaker Earthshaker  36.67
2. #dota_dlg.Butcher Butcher  31.78
3. Ogre Magi 24.86
4.  Legion Commander 24.58
5. Spiritbreaker 24.32
6. Necrolyte 24.18
7. #dota_dlg.PhantomAssassin Phantom Assassin 21.61
8. #dota_dlg.DwarvenSniperDwarven Sniper  21.05
9. #dota_dlg.MurlocMurloc Nightcrawler 20.85
10. Lifestealer 20.63
Popular Legacy Dota Heroes (6.83)

Stay with us on your favorite platform, enjoy cozy meetings with friends anywhere — on Drank or in high level TBs! Let's winter together, the whole community from London to… Where is the last time zone — it's warmer that way!

Hero %
1. #dota_dlg.Earthshaker Earthshaker  48.61
2. #dota_dlg.Butcher Butcher  39.92
3. #dota_dlg.DwarvenSniperDwarven Sniper  28.86
4. #dota_dlg.SpiritbreakerSpiritbreaker  27.05
5. Slayer 26.33
6. Storm Spirit 23.26
7. #dota_dlg.MurlocMurloc Nightcrawler 22.94
8. Lord of Olympia 22.91
9. Faceless Void 22.71
10. Stone Giant 22.03



GAMER OF THE SEASON — The nomination for the largest number of games goes to the one who has the ability to go into a pub every time and play until he turns blue. You can't leave without a reward a person who tries to reach Olympus day after day, but his teammates are like a wheel of fortune: either they carry victory with them, or they disappear faster than water flows.

Nickname Prize Wins Loss Games
1. IQ-555 200 443 724 1167
2. -Salax 175 408 396 804
3. goodbye 150 412 381 793
4. imba[kenZo] 125 411 374 785
5. Gorjan0011 100 284 494 778



DAEMON OF THE SEASON — The nomination for hours played goes to someone who has the tireless ability to devote endless amounts of time to our beloved Dota. You can't leave a person who just plays for fun, sometimes even instead of sleeping and eating, without a reward.

Nickname Prize Games  Time (Watch)
1. imba[kenZo]  200 1523 989:45:27
2. IQ-555  175 1332 853:18:44
3. Thelan.7  150 1058 734:41:06
4. NuRi.SoLo  125 1041 706:55:17
5. xudognik11  100 1077 691:28:02



THE FARMER OF THE SEASON — someone who strives to destroy everything that moves! And he will not relax until he achieves his goal. So, meet the 5 best farming players of the season!

Nickname Prize  Number of creeps
1. imba[kenZo] 200 157179
2. NuRi.SoLo 175 115354
3. vuzuvayshi 150 97716
4. UZBJAGER 125 95579
5. Smokedontchoke 100 91943



GOLDMASTER — These players can be called the bankers of the season. How did they earn so much gold? Credit or installment? None of them will reveal their secrets, but such tricks exist.

Nickname Prize  Gold
1. IQ-555 200 5250050
2. imba[kenZo] 175 3925728
3. FB-Go 150 3444994
4. NuRi.SoLo 125 2443236
5. UralSteel 100 2171560



PUSHER OF THE SEASON — a man whose goal is destruction. Ever since he was a child, he was breaking everything that came to hand, and now that he has grown up, he has found a new goal for himself — to destroy as many buildings in DotA as possible! So, meet the top 5 PUSHERS players of the season!

Nickname Prize  Towers
1. imba[kenZo] 200 1531
2. Saicors 175 1398
3. NuRi.SoLo 150 1343
4. UZBJAGER 125 1265
5. IQ-555 100 1231



SUPPORT OF THE SEASON — These are heroes whose goal is to keep their allies alive and give them a chance to get more gold and experience. They don’t know what pain and fatigue are, but they want to help their allies and win the game, so they help their allies until the end of their lives. So, meet the TOP-5 best supports of the season!

Nickname Prize  Help
1. imba[kenZo] 200 14267
2. Daxuya_Gapirma 175 11184
3. spk_krava 150 11127
4. NuRi.SoLo 125 10379
5. scoooby-doo 100 10260



THE CRAB OF THE SEASON — a man whose calling is to feed and bring destruction to every game! A player who plays only for fun. A sea of ​​insults is thrown at him, but he still continues to go towards his goal. So, here are the TOP-5 crab players of the season!

Nickname Prize  Wins Loss Games Points
1. IQ-555 200 443 724 1167 1
2. K-aleks-aL 175 195 288 483 1
3. Max7x9 150 125 328 453 1
4. AnTosha2023 125 124 221 345 1
5. Vangosso1234 100 61 243 304 1



CREEPDENIES OF THE SEASON —  An important task in the game is to leave the enemy without the slightest option for purchase. And how to do it? Correctly! Prevent him from farming on the lane and in the forest. The main defenders of their team and the enemy's suffocators! So, here are the TOP-5 best players of the season in the CREEPDENIES nomination!

Nickname Prize  Creeps
1. imba[kenZo] 200 12753
2. .YouRDaddY. 175 10364
3. IQ-555 150 7693
4. A3A4TOSTOBOY 125 6805
5. -Salax 100 6624



GAMEKEEPER OF THE SEASON — If we consider the chances of success of survival of jungle creeps, they are negligible. After all, they understand that their time will soon come and they can only hide to prolong the time of their miserable existence! Destroy our forests and GAMEKEEPER will also become the best forester! It turns out that many forest bastards died for the sake of a higher goal! So, here are the TOP-5 best players of the season in the GAMEKEEPER nomination!

Nickname Prize  Creeps (Forest)
1. Saicors 200 75763
2. IQ-555 175 67778
3. ToruS.dno 150 57571
4. Ep6a_cTepBa 125 51624
5. SAWAT 100 46124


These players feel the taste of blood wherever the enemy hides. They do not rest on their laurels and constantly hone their skills. All attention is focused on them, because they are the best! So, meet our best 5X5 players:

Nickname Prize  Wins Loss Points
1. TBo9_CMepTb 2500 181 107 25028
2. WODOTA-by-AMAL 2000 209 139 24949
3. HEROIC 1500 265 174 24640
4. KGZ 1000 223 162 24234
5. EoL1ch 750 57 0 24174
6. PULSAR 500 49 39 22872
7. Waxriyor-_- 500 240 171 22248
8. eTo.BeKa 500 322 279 22107
9. Veteranseksa 500 117 82 21797
10. CAT 500 207 171 21383



Now let's go over the XLTB streakers. They are also called the chasers of victory. They are ready to give almost everything for the sake of victory. And these guys can also drag 1x9 rollers. Catch the nicknames of our owners of nerves of steel — our draggers!

Nickname Prize Streak
1. Wizer-.-  500 53
2. aomeni.dake  400 51
4. Respect  200 48
5. Kokci  100 24


We have summed up the main results for the 58th season! Congratulations to all the winners and wish them success in the new, 59th season! The nominations for other sections of the platform will soon be summed up and published in subsequent parts.

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Custom Tournaments

05 May 2024 @ 16:37 CET


Hello, dear users of our gaming platform! Week follows week, and the tournaments were incredibly interesting and exciting, in which you were able to test your strength and show others what you are capable of. Now let's move on to the review.


Results of last week's tournaments!

iCCup Echo Islends 1x1


And so the time has come again to test your abilities in a 1v1 tournament, where the strongest players will once again compete for the right to be called the best of the best.

Nickname Reward
1 RU DotaHavoline 80
2 RU Andre1k488 50

iCCup BMT 1x1



Nickname Reward 
1 WORLDCeKc[ToPHaDo] 50
2 HEALTHArt 30
3 SOVIETGelak 20

iCCup 101 Rounds 1x1



Nickname Reward 
1 RUNikitaPolehin 50
2 WORLDCeKc[ToPHaDo] 30
3 GBRforest-_ 20

iCCup Custom Battle (OTHER) 1x1



Nickname Reward 
1 WORLDCeKc[ToPHaDo] 30
2 UZToTSamiyBek 20
3 GGPro.DiggY 10

iCCup Shadowraze Wars 2x2



Nickname Reward 
1 KAR ChitayuKartu & KZ Zamena  80
2 UZSTANsave & BALL apec111  60
3 HEALTH Art & WORLDCeKc[ToPHaDo]  40

iCCup RFTD2 1x1



Nickname Reward 
1 MSsleza 30
2 SOLMenTalProTeKT 20
3 USSRBeliySF 10

iCCup Pudge Wars 2x2



Nickname Reward 
1 GBR [JKD]CreddyBoo & FI vovka5249  50
3 GEM Evergarden & HOKAGE NUEKI  20

TOP 15 Custom Tournaments Winners!

On this good note, we bid farewell to you in the Eu News section. We wish you good luck and victories in games

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Dota Tournaments

05 May 2024 @ 16:01 CET


Results of last week's tournaments

Hello, dear users of our gaming platform! Week after week, and the tournaments remain originally interesting and exciting, in which you can test your strength and show others what you are capable of. A lot of tactical games, beautiful moments and other goodies can be found in these championships, and now let's move on to the review.


EU iCCup Lina 1x1 Tour


Congratulations to the winners!!!

[ i ] Tournament's info Winners Prizes
1-st Place


80 imageCups
2-nd Place


60 imageCups
3-rd Place


40 imageCups

EU iCCup Invoker 1x1 Tour


The royal tournament, in which the guys do not feel sorry for themselves, but in the end, the efforts do not pass without a broken jackpot.

[ i ] Tournament's info Winners Prize
1-st place RFNEWTBo9_CMepTb  80 image cups
2-nd place CMCM 60 image cups
3-rd place  UZKokci 40 image cups

EU iCCup Captain Mode 5x5 Tour


A tournament that will allow us to find out the best player in this tournament. Let's see whose strategy is better!

[ i ] Tournament's info Winners Prize
1-st place






70 imagecups + 450 pts
2-nd place






40 imagecups + 250 pts

On this good note, we bid farewell to you in the Eu News section. We wish you good luck and victories in games.

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Custom Tournaments

08 Apr 2024 @ 11:22 CET


Hello, dear users of our gaming platform! Week turns into week, and the tournaments were originally interesting and exciting, in which you were able to test your strength and show others what you are capable of.

And now let's move on to the review.


Results of last week's tournaments!

iCCup The Weakest Link 1х1


And so the time has come again to test your abilities in a 1x1 tournament, where the strongest players will once again compete for the right to be called the best of the best.

Nickname Reward 
1 UZ sniper_31 50
2 AFDarkness[55] 35
3 UZKhakimov_05 25


iCCup Castle Fight 1x1



Nickname Reward
1 UA Mitras 70
2 GB[JKD]CreddyBoo 50
3 MCDONALDSFanta©-_- 30


iCCup Pains Party 1x1



Nickname Reward
1 LION Creddy 50
2 GBRGgqweRty)) 30


iCCup Random Farm TD 1x1



Nickname Reward
1 SOL MenTalProTeKT 50
2 UZOMG_DD_gg_wp 35
3 VIGORC7r 25


iCCup Sniper Wars 2x2



Nickname Reward
1 KAR ChitayuKartu & AKATSUKIKnight по 70
2 USSRBeliySF & WORLD CeKc[ToPHaDo] по 50
3 UZSTANHHF & RFNEW TheVillain по 30


[GlaD Battle] iCCup RFTD 1x1



Nickname Reward
1 SOL MenTalProTeKT 15 и титул Gladiator RFTD


TOP 15 Custom Tournaments Winners!

On this wonderful note we say goodbye, see you in a week.

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iCCup Stream League: Finished

08 Apr 2024 @ 06:02 CET


Good day, dear users of our platform. We would like to present to your attention the winners of the “iCCup Stream League”.

Nickname Reward
1 KG.Eldos 300
2 CUkuba. 250
3 UAqwe_123 200
4 LORDColapse 150

Nickname Reward















And also, from April 22, 2024, a new league “iCCup Dota League” will start. Registration takes place in Discord. Players who apply for registration before 04/15/2024 will be able to take part in the new league. 

  • Minimum number of teams: 8

  • Maximum number of commands: 16

  • Mode: -cm

  • AB heroes: 3 ab hero + 3 will be added after the group stage

  • Game format: bo3

  • Final games: bo5

  • Prize for 1st place: 70% of the fund size

  • Prize for 2nd place: 30% of the fund size

  • Team fee: 2500 Russian rubles



Links to help you get more information:

More information about the league:iCCup DotA League

Registration in Discord:Registration + Information

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Custom Tournaments

26 Mar 2024 @ 22:11 CET


Hello, dear users of our gaming platform! Week turns into week, and the tournaments were originally interesting and exciting, in which you were able to test your strength and show others what you are capable of.

And now let's move on to the review.

Tournament results:

iCCup Hungry Hungry Felhound 1х1


One of the rare tournaments in which a variety of players participated and realized themselves, but only the bravest won.

[ i ] Tournament's info Winners Prizes
1st place 50 imageCups
2nd place 40 image Cups
3rd place UZSTAN HHF 30 image Cups


iCCup Hero Push 1x1


One of the rare tournaments in which a variety of players participated and realized themselves, but only the bravest won.

[ i ] Tournament's info Winners Prizes
1st place 50 imageCups
2nd place 30 image Cups
3rd place RFNEW MaksPro 20 image Cups


iCCup Desert Fury 1x1


One of the rare tournaments in which a variety of players participated and realized themselves, but only the bravest won.

[ i ] Tournament's info Winners Prizes
1st place
70 imageCups
2nd place 50 image Cups


iCCup LTDх10 1x1


One of the rare tournaments in which a variety of players participated and realized themselves, but only the bravest won.

[ i ] Tournament's info Winners Prizes
1st place 80 imageCups
2nd place 60 image Cups
3rd place ENDER metam0RphOsIs 40 imageCups


iCCup Mirana Wars 2x2


One of the rare tournaments in which a variety of players participated and realized themselves, but only the bravest won.

[ i ] Tournament's info Winners Prizes
1st place 70 imageCups for each
2nd place 50 image Cups for each
3rd place SOVIET Hy6oKuJlJleP & UZ RankleTV 30 image Cups for each


iCCup Tropical Tower Wars 1х1


One of the rare tournaments in which a variety of players participated and realized themselves, but only the bravest won.

[ i ] Tournament's info Winners Prizes
1st place 70 image
2nd place 50 image
3rd place 30 image


iCCup Pudge Wars 2x2


One of the rare tournaments in which a variety of players participated and realized themselves, but only the bravest won.

[ i ] Tournament's info Winners Prizes
1st place 60 imageCups for each
2nd place 45 imageCups for each
3rd place 30 imageCups for each

Rating of Custom Tournaments players TOP-10 [UPD: 26.03.2024]

Playe Player's nickname Points
1. SECRET QueenOfPain 84
2. revenant Hop.Hop 66
3. world CeKc[ToPHaDo] 58
4. 46
5. 44
6. 38
7. 36
8. 32
9. 26
10. 26
TOP 100 Custom Tournaments winners!


On this fine note, the News section ends this review.
Meet me on impossible ground.
Be healthy, and less crayfish for your team!

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Dota Tournaments

25 Mar 2024 @ 17:31 CET


Results of last week's tournaments

Hello, dear users of our gaming platform! Week after week, and the tournaments remain originally interesting and exciting, in which you can test your strength and show others what you are capable of. A lot of tactical games, beautiful moments and other goodies can be found in these championships, and now let's move on to the review.


EU iCCup Pudge 1x1 Tour


The tournament of the 58th season was held with a bang, in which a variety of players participated and proved themselves, but only the strongest won

[ i ] Tournament's info Winners Prizes
1-st Place

TYAS Fleurie-

80 image Cups
2-nd Place


60 image Cups
3-rd Place


40 image Cups


EU iCCup Earthshaker 1x1 Tour


The royal tournament, in which the guys do not feel sorry for themselves, but in the end, the efforts do not pass without a broken jackpot.

[ i ] Tournament's info Winners Prize
1-st place NYAN Nienna 80 image cups
2-nd place USSR impossible 60 image cups
3-rd place  KG ExpressMus1c 40 image cups

EU iCCup Captain Mode 5x5 Tour


A tournament that will allow us to find out the best player in this tournament. Let's see whose strategy is better!

[ i ] Tournament's info Winners Prize
1-st place

KZ theprogamecmbk





70 image cups + 450 pts
2-nd place

LUCI Evil-.-Arthas


SOVIET goodbye

SG EllaGross.

EU Kendall

40 image cups + 250 pts

On this good note, we bid farewell to you in the Eu News section. We wish you good luck and victories in games.

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