invoker rampage

User replay


Slithereen Guard
  • APM: 100
  • level: 16


Doom Bringer
  • APM: 105
  • level: 17


  • APM: 204
  • level: 24


Ember Spirit
  • APM: 132
  • level: 22


Priestess of the Moon
  • APM: 74
  • level: 17


  • APM: 111
  • level: 17


Phantom Assassin
  • APM: 69
  • level: 15


Lord of Olympia
  • APM: 137
  • level: 17


  • APM: 85
  • level: 10


Sand King
  • APM: 68
  • level: 16


invoker rampage

Posted by



11 Aug 2020 @ 20:24 CET


(0 / 5.0 | 0 voted)

Game Version




Game Type



Sentinel Won


no descryption

Game length: 38m : 01s
Slithereen Guard
Doom Bringer
Ember Spirit
Priestess of the Moon
Phantom Assassin
Lord of Olympia
Sand King
Time Nickname Message
00:00 Priestess of the Moon psy17

Shortest load by player bskvaruk was 3.52 seconds

00:00 Priestess of the Moon psy17

Longest load by player kyka_kz was 13.93 seconds

00:00 Priestess of the Moon psy17

Your load time was 6.14 seconds

00:03 Invoker kpaum6pepu


00:03 Invoker kpaum6pepu


00:04 Priestess of the Moon psy17


00:07 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


00:10 Priestess of the Moon psy17


00:19 Priestess of the Moon psy17


00:25 Slithereen Guard biiitch


00:27 Slithereen Guard biiitch


00:46 Priestess of the Moon psy17


00:48 Slithereen Guard biiitch

mne wr picnete

00:49 Slithereen Guard biiitch


00:50 Priestess of the Moon psy17


00:56 Priestess of the Moon psy17


00:57 Priestess of the Moon psy17


01:05 Invoker kpaum6pepu


01:05 Invoker kpaum6pepu


01:08 Slithereen Guard biiitch


01:11 Slithereen Guard biiitch


01:11 Invoker kpaum6pepu


01:12 Invoker kpaum6pepu


01:12 Priestess of the Moon psy17


01:14 Invoker kpaum6pepu


01:14 Invoker kpaum6pepu


01:15 Invoker kpaum6pepu


01:15 Invoker kpaum6pepu


01:16 Slithereen Guard biiitch

mne picknet kto?

01:16 Priestess of the Moon psy17


01:17 Invoker kpaum6pepu

-water random

01:17 Invoker kpaum6pepu

-water random

01:18 Invoker kpaum6pepu


01:19 Invoker kpaum6pepu


01:19 Invoker kpaum6pepu


01:19 Invoker kpaum6pepu


01:27 Priestess of the Moon psy17


01:36 Invoker kpaum6pepu


01:36 Priestess of the Moon psy17


01:36 Invoker kpaum6pepu


01:49 Priestess of the Moon psy17


01:51 Slithereen Guard biiitch


01:56 Invoker kpaum6pepu


01:56 Invoker kpaum6pepu


01:56 Priestess of the Moon psy17


01:58 Necrolic HaRd_FiRe-


02:01 Invoker kpaum6pepu


02:01 Invoker kpaum6pepu


02:02 Invoker kpaum6pepu


02:02 Invoker kpaum6pepu


02:04 Priestess of the Moon psy17


02:12 Priestess of the Moon psy17


02:24 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

-water green

02:38 Ember Spirit void23



Creep spawning

03:25 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


03:33 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

got level 2

03:43 Invoker kpaum6pepu


03:43 Invoker kpaum6pepu


03:44 Slithereen Guard biiitch


03:45 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 2

03:45 Slithereen Guard biiitch


03:47 Slithereen Guard biiitch


03:58 Phantom Assassin bskvaruk

got level 2

04:00 Ember Spirit void23

got level 2

04:13 Slithereen Guard biiitch


04:13 Sand King kyka_kz

got level 2

04:14 Slithereen Guard biiitch


04:15 Slithereen Guard biiitch


04:16 Slithereen Guard biiitch


04:16 Slithereen Guard biiitch


04:20 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 3

04:27 Doom Bringer Tillo123

got level 2

04:27 Slithereen Guard biiitch

got level 2

04:30 Invoker kpaum6pepu


04:31 Invoker kpaum6pepu


04:38 Necrolic HaRd_FiRe-

got level 2

04:41 Ember Spirit void23

got level 3

04:42 Invoker kpaum6pepu


04:42 Invoker kpaum6pepu


04:43 Phantom Assassin bskvaruk

got level 3

04:46 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

got level 3

04:59 Slithereen Guard biiitch


05:01 Slithereen Guard biiitch

poka tebe

05:02 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


05:02 Slithereen Guard biiitch


05:08 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 4

05:11 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

got level 2

05:18 Invoker kpaum6pepu


05:18 Invoker kpaum6pepu


05:19 Slithereen Guard biiitch

got level 3

05:32 Invoker kpaum6pepu


05:38 Ember Spirit void23

got level 4

05:39 Slithereen Guard biiitch

da neujeli

05:40 Slithereen Guard biiitch


05:42 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

got level 4

05:44 Phantom Assassin bskvaruk

got level 4

05:54 Priestess of the Moon psy17


06:08 Invoker kpaum6pepu


06:09 Invoker kpaum6pepu


06:11 Priestess of the Moon psy17


06:15 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 5

06:18 Priestess of the Moon psy17


06:23 Doom Bringer Tillo123

got level 3

06:33 Priestess of the Moon psy17


06:34 Priestess of the Moon psy17


06:34 Sand King kyka_kz

got level 3

06:34 Necrolic HaRd_FiRe-

got level 3

06:45 Phantom Assassin bskvaruk

got level 5

06:46 Ember Spirit void23

got level 5

06:56 Invoker kpaum6pepu


07:00 Slithereen Guard biiitch

got level 4

07:02 Invoker kpaum6pepu


07:02 Invoker kpaum6pepu


07:04 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

got level 5

07:30 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 6

07:30 Invoker kpaum6pepu

First Kill: Killed SteadyBull

07:31 Priestess of the Moon psy17


07:35 Sand King kyka_kz

Destroyed external sentinel bottom Tower

07:36 Slithereen Guard biiitch


07:36 Priestess of the Moon psy17


07:37 Slithereen Guard biiitch


07:39 Slithereen Guard biiitch


07:41 Slithereen Guard biiitch


07:41 Slithereen Guard biiitch


07:44 Slithereen Guard biiitch


07:49 Invoker kpaum6pepu


07:49 Invoker kpaum6pepu


08:02 Invoker kpaum6pepu


08:02 Invoker kpaum6pepu


08:04 Priestess of the Moon psy17

got level 2

08:04 Priestess of the Moon psy17

Killed kyka_kz

08:04 Slithereen Guard biiitch

got level 5

08:05 Ember Spirit void23

got level 6

08:08 Priestess of the Moon psy17


08:09 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

got level 3

08:09 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

Killed biiitch

08:09 Phantom Assassin bskvaruk

got level 6

08:10 Priestess of the Moon psy17


08:12 Invoker kpaum6pepu


08:12 Invoker kpaum6pepu


08:16 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

got level 4

08:36 Priestess of the Moon psy17

got level 3

08:39 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 7

08:41 Necrolic HaRd_FiRe-

got level 4

08:44 Invoker kpaum6pepu


08:44 Invoker kpaum6pepu


08:49 Priestess of the Moon psy17


08:56 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

got level 6

08:58 Invoker kpaum6pepu


08:58 Invoker kpaum6pepu


09:01 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed Bakhtiyarov

09:06 Invoker kpaum6pepu


09:07 Invoker kpaum6pepu


09:12 Slithereen Guard biiitch

Killed HaRd_FiRe-

09:13 Sand King kyka_kz

Killed Tillo123

09:13 Sand King kyka_kz

got level 4

09:13 Priestess of the Moon psy17


09:14 Invoker kpaum6pepu


09:14 Invoker kpaum6pepu


09:15 Invoker kpaum6pepu


09:15 Doom Bringer Tillo123


09:15 Priestess of the Moon psy17

got level 4

09:20 Priestess of the Moon psy17


09:25 Priestess of the Moon psy17


09:32 Priestess of the Moon psy17


09:45 Invoker kpaum6pepu


09:46 Invoker kpaum6pepu


09:47 Slithereen Guard biiitch

got level 6

09:55 Invoker kpaum6pepu


09:55 Invoker kpaum6pepu


10:02 Priestess of the Moon psy17


10:03 Priestess of the Moon psy17


10:04 Priestess of the Moon psy17


10:08 Priestess of the Moon psy17


10:12 Ember Spirit void23

Killed kyka_kz

10:12 Doom Bringer Tillo123

got level 4

10:13 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 8

10:14 Phantom Assassin bskvaruk

got level 7

10:20 Priestess of the Moon psy17


10:27 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

got level 7

10:37 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

got level 5

10:44 Invoker kpaum6pepu


10:45 Invoker kpaum6pepu


10:49 Invoker kpaum6pepu


10:49 Invoker kpaum6pepu


10:57 Slithereen Guard biiitch

got level 7

11:00 Priestess of the Moon psy17


11:09 Invoker kpaum6pepu


11:26 Ember Spirit void23

got level 7

11:30 Necrolic HaRd_FiRe-

got level 5

11:45 Necrolic HaRd_FiRe-

Destroyed external sentinel top Tower

11:58 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

got level 8

12:03 Priestess of the Moon psy17


12:05 Priestess of the Moon psy17


12:30 Doom Bringer Tillo123

got level 5

12:37 Phantom Assassin bskvaruk

got level 8

12:37 Slithereen Guard biiitch

got level 8

12:43 Priestess of the Moon psy17


12:52 Phantom Assassin bskvaruk

Killed Tillo123

12:53 Priestess of the Moon psy17


12:54 Doom Bringer Tillo123


12:58 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

got level 6

13:15 Sand King kyka_kz

got level 5

13:16 Sentinels

Killed HaRd_FiRe-

13:17 Priestess of the Moon psy17

got level 5

13:28 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 9

13:28 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed SteadyBull

13:28 Ember Spirit void23

got level 8

13:30 Priestess of the Moon psy17


13:40 Invoker kpaum6pepu


13:40 Invoker kpaum6pepu


13:57 Priestess of the Moon psy17


14:00 Priestess of the Moon psy17


14:11 Invoker kpaum6pepu


14:12 Invoker kpaum6pepu


14:16 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed kyka_kz

14:17 Priestess of the Moon psy17


14:22 Invoker kpaum6pepu


14:22 Invoker kpaum6pepu


14:30 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


14:38 Invoker kpaum6pepu


14:39 Invoker kpaum6pepu


14:43 Doom Bringer Tillo123

got level 6

14:46 Priestess of the Moon psy17

Killed SteadyBull

14:46 Priestess of the Moon psy17

got level 6

14:47 Priestess of the Moon psy17


14:48 Invoker kpaum6pepu


14:48 Invoker kpaum6pepu


14:50 Priestess of the Moon psy17


14:52 Priestess of the Moon psy17


14:52 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


15:03 Priestess of the Moon psy17


15:05 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 10

15:14 Invoker kpaum6pepu


15:15 Invoker kpaum6pepu


15:16 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed bskvaruk

15:17 Priestess of the Moon psy17


15:19 Necrolic HaRd_FiRe-

got level 6

15:19 Slithereen Guard biiitch


15:19 Priestess of the Moon psy17


15:19 Invoker kpaum6pepu


15:20 Invoker kpaum6pepu


15:20 Slithereen Guard biiitch


15:22 Sand King kyka_kz

got level 6

15:22 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


15:30 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 11

15:34 Ember Spirit void23

got level 9

15:38 Slithereen Guard biiitch


15:40 Slithereen Guard biiitch


15:41 Invoker kpaum6pepu


15:41 Slithereen Guard biiitch


15:41 Invoker kpaum6pepu


15:44 Invoker kpaum6pepu


15:45 Invoker kpaum6pepu


15:56 Priestess of the Moon psy17


16:12 Priestess of the Moon psy17


16:14 Slithereen Guard biiitch

got level 9

16:14 Priestess of the Moon psy17


16:17 Doom Bringer Tillo123

got level 7

16:18 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed kyka_kz

16:19 Necrolic HaRd_FiRe-

Destroyed external sentinel mid Tower

16:19 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

Killed psy17

16:19 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

got level 7

16:20 Priestess of the Moon psy17


16:21 Priestess of the Moon psy17


16:29 Priestess of the Moon psy17


16:49 Phantom Assassin bskvaruk

got level 9

16:54 Priestess of the Moon psy17


17:00 Sand King kyka_kz

Denied external scourge top Tower

17:07 Priestess of the Moon psy17


17:20 Doom Bringer Tillo123

got level 8

17:21 Priestess of the Moon psy17


17:32 Sand King kyka_kz

got level 7

17:56 Invoker kpaum6pepu


17:57 Invoker kpaum6pepu


17:58 Necrolic HaRd_FiRe-

got level 7

18:01 Priestess of the Moon psy17


18:09 Slithereen Guard biiitch


18:09 Slithereen Guard biiitch


18:10 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

got level 9

18:10 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

Killed void23

18:12 Invoker kpaum6pepu


18:12 Invoker kpaum6pepu


18:13 Sand King kyka_kz

Killed psy17

18:14 Priestess of the Moon psy17


18:15 Invoker kpaum6pepu


18:15 Invoker kpaum6pepu


18:17 Priestess of the Moon psy17

eq cerf

18:21 Priestess of the Moon psy17


18:28 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

got level 8

18:28 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

Killed Tillo123

18:28 Sand King kyka_kz

got level 8

18:28 Invoker kpaum6pepu


18:28 Priestess of the Moon psy17


18:28 Invoker kpaum6pepu


18:29 Doom Bringer Tillo123


18:34 Priestess of the Moon psy17


18:36 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 12

18:44 Priestess of the Moon psy17


18:53 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

got level 10

19:07 Priestess of the Moon psy17

got level 7

19:07 Priestess of the Moon psy17

Killed kyka_kz

19:12 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


19:16 Phantom Assassin bskvaruk

got level 10

19:18 Priestess of the Moon psy17


19:27 Ember Spirit void23

got level 10

19:28 Priestess of the Moon psy17


19:28 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 13

19:42 Necrolic HaRd_FiRe-

got level 8

19:47 Necrolic HaRd_FiRe-


19:47 Necrolic HaRd_FiRe-


19:56 Priestess of the Moon psy17


20:06 Priestess of the Moon psy17


20:11 Ember Spirit void23

got level 11

20:24 Invoker kpaum6pepu


20:24 Invoker kpaum6pepu


20:36 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

Killed void23

20:36 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

got level 11

20:36 Phantom Assassin bskvaruk

got level 11

20:36 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

got level 9

20:37 Priestess of the Moon psy17


20:46 Invoker kpaum6pepu


20:46 Invoker kpaum6pepu


20:49 Slithereen Guard biiitch

got level 10

20:54 Invoker kpaum6pepu


20:54 Invoker kpaum6pepu


21:05 Doom Bringer Tillo123

got level 9

21:06 Priestess of the Moon psy17


21:21 Invoker kpaum6pepu


21:21 Invoker kpaum6pepu


21:29 Invoker kpaum6pepu


21:29 Invoker kpaum6pepu


21:31 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 14

21:31 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed HaRd_FiRe-

21:35 Invoker kpaum6pepu


21:35 Invoker kpaum6pepu


21:39 Priestess of the Moon psy17


21:39 Doom Bringer Tillo123

got level 10

21:40 Priestess of the Moon psy17

got level 8

21:53 Slithereen Guard biiitch

got level 11

21:55 Sand King kyka_kz

got level 9

22:04 Invoker kpaum6pepu


22:04 Invoker kpaum6pepu


22:14 Priestess of the Moon psy17


22:18 Invoker kpaum6pepu


22:18 Invoker kpaum6pepu


22:19 Priestess of the Moon psy17


22:20 Invoker kpaum6pepu


22:20 Invoker kpaum6pepu


22:23 Ember Spirit void23

Killed bskvaruk

22:24 Invoker kpaum6pepu


22:24 Invoker kpaum6pepu


22:26 Invoker kpaum6pepu


22:26 Invoker kpaum6pepu


22:29 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

got level 10

22:30 Ember Spirit void23

Killed SteadyBull

22:31 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

Killed biiitch

22:31 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

got level 11

22:32 Priestess of the Moon psy17


22:33 Invoker kpaum6pepu


22:33 Invoker kpaum6pepu


22:37 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


22:38 Priestess of the Moon psy17


22:39 Doom Bringer Tillo123

got level 11

22:54 Invoker kpaum6pepu


22:55 Invoker kpaum6pepu


22:58 Priestess of the Moon psy17


23:01 Priestess of the Moon psy17


23:02 Priestess of the Moon psy17


23:12 Sand King kyka_kz

got level 10

23:12 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

Killed psy17

23:13 Priestess of the Moon psy17


23:19 Priestess of the Moon psy17

кд 1 сек

23:21 Priestess of the Moon psy17


23:22 Invoker kpaum6pepu


23:22 Invoker kpaum6pepu


23:22 Priestess of the Moon psy17


23:23 Priestess of the Moon psy17


23:24 Ember Spirit void23

Killed kyka_kz

23:24 Ember Spirit void23

got level 12

23:27 Priestess of the Moon psy17


23:28 Doom Bringer Tillo123


23:34 Ember Spirit void23

got level 13

23:36 Priestess of the Moon psy17


24:02 Sentinels

Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower

24:05 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

Denied external scourge mid Tower

24:08 Priestess of the Moon psy17


24:28 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed kyka_kz

24:28 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 15

24:29 Priestess of the Moon psy17


24:39 Priestess of the Moon psy17


24:55 Invoker kpaum6pepu


24:55 Invoker kpaum6pepu


24:57 Necrolic HaRd_FiRe-

got level 9

25:13 Priestess of the Moon psy17


25:19 Priestess of the Moon psy17

got level 9

25:20 Invoker kpaum6pepu


25:20 Invoker kpaum6pepu


25:27 Priestess of the Moon psy17


25:34 Sand King kyka_kz

got level 11

25:35 Priestess of the Moon psy17


25:48 Priestess of the Moon psy17


25:58 Slithereen Guard biiitch


26:12 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

got level 12

26:20 Ember Spirit void23

got level 14

26:21 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed HaRd_FiRe-

26:21 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 16

26:23 Priestess of the Moon psy17


26:30 Doom Bringer Tillo123

Killed bskvaruk

26:30 Priestess of the Moon psy17

got level 10

26:30 Invoker kpaum6pepu


26:30 Invoker kpaum6pepu


26:32 Priestess of the Moon psy17


26:37 Priestess of the Moon psy17


26:38 Ember Spirit void23

Killed SteadyBull

26:38 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull


26:38 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull


26:41 Priestess of the Moon psy17


26:41 Invoker kpaum6pepu


26:41 Invoker kpaum6pepu


26:43 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


26:48 Priestess of the Moon psy17


26:51 Invoker kpaum6pepu


26:51 Invoker kpaum6pepu


26:53 Priestess of the Moon psy17

Killed kyka_kz

26:53 Priestess of the Moon psy17

got level 11

26:54 Priestess of the Moon psy17


27:02 Slithereen Guard biiitch

got level 12

27:02 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed Bakhtiyarov

27:02 Priestess of the Moon psy17


27:06 Phantom Assassin bskvaruk


27:06 Phantom Assassin bskvaruk


27:06 Invoker kpaum6pepu


27:07 Invoker kpaum6pepu


27:07 Invoker kpaum6pepu


27:08 Invoker kpaum6pepu


27:14 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Destroyed intermediate scourge mid Tower

27:15 Doom Bringer Tillo123

got level 12

27:16 Priestess of the Moon psy17


27:22 Priestess of the Moon psy17


27:23 Slithereen Guard biiitch


27:32 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


27:46 Slithereen Guard biiitch


27:49 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

got level 12

27:51 Ember Spirit void23

got level 15

27:51 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 17

27:51 Slithereen Guard biiitch

got level 13

27:52 Priestess of the Moon psy17


27:53 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


28:14 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed bskvaruk

28:15 Priestess of the Moon psy17


28:19 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


28:21 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed HaRd_FiRe-

28:23 Invoker kpaum6pepu


28:24 Invoker kpaum6pepu


28:28 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


28:30 Invoker kpaum6pepu


28:30 Invoker kpaum6pepu


28:36 Invoker kpaum6pepu


28:37 Invoker kpaum6pepu


28:40 Doom Bringer Tillo123

got level 13

28:48 Priestess of the Moon psy17


29:08 Slithereen Guard biiitch


29:10 Invoker kpaum6pepu


29:10 Invoker kpaum6pepu


29:21 Phantom Assassin bskvaruk

got level 12

29:26 Priestess of the Moon psy17


29:34 Priestess of the Moon psy17

Killed HaRd_FiRe-

29:36 Priestess of the Moon psy17


29:37 Invoker kpaum6pepu


29:37 Invoker kpaum6pepu


29:38 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

got level 13

29:38 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

Killed Tillo123

29:38 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

got level 13

29:39 Priestess of the Moon psy17


29:39 Doom Bringer Tillo123


29:45 Priestess of the Moon psy17

got level 12

29:45 Ember Spirit void23

Killed Bakhtiyarov

29:47 Ember Spirit void23

got level 16

29:47 Slithereen Guard biiitch

Killed kyka_kz

29:47 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 18

29:52 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


29:56 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed SteadyBull

29:56 Priestess of the Moon psy17

got level 13

29:57 Priestess of the Moon psy17


30:01 Ember Spirit void23

Killed bskvaruk

30:01 Slithereen Guard biiitch

got level 14

30:03 Doom Bringer Tillo123


30:03 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


30:03 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


30:04 Priestess of the Moon psy17


30:05 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


30:06 Necrolic HaRd_FiRe-


30:06 Necrolic HaRd_FiRe-


30:07 Invoker kpaum6pepu


30:07 Invoker kpaum6pepu


30:10 Invoker kpaum6pepu


30:10 Invoker kpaum6pepu


30:10 Priestess of the Moon psy17


30:13 Invoker kpaum6pepu


30:13 Invoker kpaum6pepu


30:33 Slithereen Guard biiitch

Destroyed base scourge mid Tower

30:35 Priestess of the Moon psy17


30:35 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


30:36 Ember Spirit void23

Killed HaRd_FiRe-

30:37 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


30:37 Priestess of the Moon psy17


30:38 Invoker kpaum6pepu


30:38 Invoker kpaum6pepu


30:41 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


30:44 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 19

30:48 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed kyka_kz

30:49 Priestess of the Moon psy17


30:50 Invoker kpaum6pepu


30:50 Invoker kpaum6pepu


30:54 Invoker kpaum6pepu


30:54 Invoker kpaum6pepu


30:54 Priestess of the Moon psy17

got level 14

30:55 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Destroyed scourge mid ranged Barracks

30:56 Invoker kpaum6pepu


30:56 Invoker kpaum6pepu


31:02 Priestess of the Moon psy17


31:03 Sand King kyka_kz

got level 12

31:03 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

Killed void23

31:03 Sand King kyka_kz

got level 13

31:05 Priestess of the Moon psy17


31:06 Invoker kpaum6pepu


31:06 Invoker kpaum6pepu


31:09 Doom Bringer Tillo123

got level 14

31:10 Priestess of the Moon psy17

Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower

31:10 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

got level 14

31:12 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

got level 14

31:21 Priestess of the Moon psy17


31:56 Invoker kpaum6pepu


31:57 Invoker kpaum6pepu


31:58 Priestess of the Moon psy17


32:03 Priestess of the Moon psy17


32:05 Invoker kpaum6pepu


32:05 Invoker kpaum6pepu


32:12 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower

32:24 Phantom Assassin bskvaruk

got level 13

32:24 Necrolic HaRd_FiRe-

Killed biiitch

32:25 Priestess of the Moon psy17


32:31 Slithereen Guard biiitch

Ves aul zdes

32:32 Priestess of the Moon psy17


32:32 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed kyka_kz

32:36 Priestess of the Moon psy17


32:39 Invoker kpaum6pepu


32:39 Invoker kpaum6pepu


32:43 Priestess of the Moon psy17

Killed Bakhtiyarov

32:43 Doom Bringer Tillo123

got level 15

32:46 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed bskvaruk

32:46 Priestess of the Moon psy17

got level 15

32:46 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 20

32:47 Priestess of the Moon psy17


32:53 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

got level 15

32:53 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

Killed psy17

32:54 Priestess of the Moon psy17


32:54 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


32:57 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


33:03 Ember Spirit void23

got level 17

33:03 Ember Spirit void23

Killed SteadyBull

33:07 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


33:07 Priestess of the Moon psy17


33:09 Priestess of the Moon psy17

SteadyBull has left the game.

33:12 Doom Bringer Tillo123


33:12 Priestess of the Moon psy17


33:18 Necrolic HaRd_FiRe-

got level 10

33:20 Invoker kpaum6pepu


33:20 Invoker kpaum6pepu


33:26 Invoker kpaum6pepu


33:26 Invoker kpaum6pepu


33:30 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

-l 25

33:34 Priestess of the Moon psy17


33:48 Ember Spirit void23

Killed HaRd_FiRe-

33:48 Ember Spirit void23

got level 18

33:51 Sand King kyka_kz

got level 14

34:00 Invoker kpaum6pepu


34:00 Invoker kpaum6pepu


34:02 Priestess of the Moon psy17


34:03 Ember Spirit void23

Killed kyka_kz

34:03 Slithereen Guard biiitch

got level 15

34:05 Priestess of the Moon psy17


34:22 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 21

34:33 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

got level 15

34:33 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

Killed psy17

34:33 Phantom Assassin bskvaruk

got level 14

34:34 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

got level 16

34:34 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

Killed Tillo123

34:35 Doom Bringer Tillo123


34:43 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

got level 16

35:06 Slithereen Guard biiitch

Killed HaRd_FiRe-

35:07 Slithereen Guard biiitch

Killed SteadyBull

35:07 Ember Spirit void23

got level 19

35:07 Slithereen Guard biiitch

got level 16

35:19 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed kyka_kz

35:31 Ember Spirit void23

Destroyed base scourge bottom Tower

35:32 Invoker kpaum6pepu


35:32 Invoker kpaum6pepu


35:36 Invoker kpaum6pepu


35:36 Invoker kpaum6pepu


35:49 Phantom Assassin bskvaruk

got level 15

35:49 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

Killed biiitch

35:53 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 22

35:53 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed Bakhtiyarov

35:53 Ember Spirit void23

got level 20

35:54 Priestess of the Moon psy17


35:59 Doom Bringer Tillo123

got level 16

36:03 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed HaRd_FiRe-

36:03 Sentinels

Destroyed scourge bottom ranged Barracks

36:05 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed bskvaruk

36:09 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov

got level 17

36:10 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 23

36:11 Ember Spirit void23

got level 21

36:19 Priestess of the Moon psy17

Warning! Desync detected!

36:19 Priestess of the Moon psy17

Players in game state 1: Tillo123

36:19 Priestess of the Moon psy17

Players in game state 2: bskvaruk, psy17, void23, kpaum6pepu, biiitch, Bakhtiyarov, HaRd_FiRe-, kyka_kz

36:19 Priestess of the Moon psy17

Tillo123 was dropped due to desync.

36:19 Ember Spirit void23

Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks

36:19 Priestess of the Moon psy17


36:28 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed Bakhtiyarov

36:30 Priestess of the Moon psy17


36:33 Sand King kyka_kz

got level 15

36:33 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

got level 17

36:33 Lord of Olympia SteadyBull

Killed kpaum6pepu

36:33 Sand King kyka_kz

got level 16

36:40 Invoker kpaum6pepu


36:40 Invoker kpaum6pepu


36:41 Slithereen Guard biiitch


36:43 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed kyka_kz

36:45 Priestess of the Moon psy17

Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks

36:45 Priestess of the Moon psy17


36:53 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed SteadyBull

36:53 Priestess of the Moon psy17

got level 16

36:53 Invoker kpaum6pepu

got level 24

36:56 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed HaRd_FiRe-

36:57 Priestess of the Moon psy17


37:12 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Killed kyka_kz

37:12 Doom Bringer Tillo123

got level 17

37:13 Priestess of the Moon psy17


37:15 Priestess of the Moon psy17


37:16 Slithereen Guard biiitch


37:18 Invoker kpaum6pepu


37:18 Invoker kpaum6pepu


37:22 Invoker kpaum6pepu


37:22 Invoker kpaum6pepu


37:23 Slithereen Guard biiitch

Ce necr

37:25 Invoker kpaum6pepu

Destroyed final scourge mid Tower

37:30 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


37:31 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


37:32 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


37:32 Priestess of the Moon psy17


37:32 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


37:33 Slithereen Guard biiitch

nice triplu pofarmil vnizu?

37:34 Invoker kpaum6pepu


37:35 Invoker kpaum6pepu


37:35 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


37:37 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


37:41 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


37:43 Invoker kpaum6pepu


37:43 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


37:43 Invoker kpaum6pepu


37:43 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


37:45 Ember Spirit void23

got level 22

37:45 Ember Spirit void23

Killed HaRd_FiRe-

37:45 Priestess of the Moon psy17

got level 17

37:45 Sentinels

Destroyed final scourge mid Tower

37:46 Invoker kpaum6pepu


37:46 Invoker kpaum6pepu


37:46 Priestess of the Moon psy17


37:48 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


37:48 Necrolyte Bakhtiyarov


37:51 Priestess of the Moon psy17



Frozen Throne at 75%

37:53 Slithereen Guard biiitch

ti mid na free

37:55 Slithereen Guard biiitch



Frozen Throne at 50%

37:57 Priestess of the Moon psy17


37:58 Priestess of the Moon psy17



Frozen Throne at 25%

38:00 Slithereen Guard biiitch



Frozen Throne at 10%


Sentinel Won


Sentinel Won


Sentinel Won


Sentinel Won


Sentinel Won


Sentinel Won


Sentinel Won


Sentinel Won