INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats
07 Nov 2022 @ 11:51 CET
aztec)) Got an award Колонист
02 Dec 2021 @ 23:46 CET
aztec)) Added new friend itsnevermoreee
28 Oct 2021 @ 18:20 CET
aztec)) Joined the team FaceToFace_
23 Sep 2021 @ 18:02 CET
aztec)) Signed up for the tour iCCup Invoker Wars 1x1
23 Sep 2021 @ 17:59 CET
aztec)) Changed personal info in their Профайле
23 Sep 2021 @ 17:59 CET
aztec)) Changed their avatar avatar

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