K/D/A : 3697 / 1541 / 2410
K 3.2
KDA - parameter that defines your skill
Location #5004
5877 Match List
Win/Lose/Leave 21 / 5 / 1
Couriers killed 0
Neutrals killed 6648
Hours in game 153
Win Ratio 81%
Leave 1
Best stats: Ymir 45 - 8 - 24
Max win streak 11
Current streak 1
Рейтинг команды -
Leader KZiloveyoubaby-
Registered 14 Apr 2020 @ 11:03 CET
Players 3
Heroes statistics
Last games
hero mode Duration K / D / A Changes
Tormented Soul Tormented Soul xl, TB 31:38 21 / 7 / 12 +253 bonus
Murloc Nightcrawler Murloc Nightcrawler xl, TB 21:55 0 / 7 / 0 -55 armor
Slayer Slayer xl, TB 52:57 19 / 12 / 10 +258 bonus
Tormented Soul Tormented Soul xl, TB 57:51 36 / 14 / 24 +202 bonus
Lord of Olympia Lord of Olympia xl, TB 64:54 25 / 14 / 27 -41 armor
Top heroes

Top hero

Slithereen Guard Slithereen Guard

coolness factor: 11.5

Top killer

Skywrath Mage Skywrath Mage

average kills value: 31.33

Top assister

Nerubian Assassin Nerubian Assassin

average assists value: 36

Longest game

Storm Spirit Storm Spirit

game length: 76:19

top farmer

Storm Spirit Storm Spirit

creeps: 5270

Top pusher

Storm Spirit Storm Spirit

towers denied: 52

game modes
Previous Seasons
Season #49
117 - 92
Season #50
19 - 7
Season #52
2 - 1
Season #54
5 - 2
Season #55
14 - 6
Season #56
30 - 13
Season #57
1 - 5
Season #58
67 - 38