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EU Forum & EU News FA
CL iCCup.GonzaTV [ EU Forum & EU News FA ]
  • today @ 04:00 CET
  • 21 May 2024
#1 Posted: 10 Jun 2024 @ 05:05 CET quote
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Did Illidan Stormrage betray Furion Stormrage?



Furion Stormrage is a fictional character from the Warcraft universe, especially prominent in the world of Warcraft III and World of Warcraft. In the plot, there is no direct betrayal of Furion Stormrage as such. However, if you are talking about the conflict around the Sunwell in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Illidan Stormrage (Furions brother) attempts to seize power from the Well of Eternity, which could be considered an indirect betrayal of interests. of his brother and the well-being of his people, the night elves. However, Illidan's motivations are more complex than simple betrayal and are tied to his desire for power to combat the Burning Legion.

Furion Stormrage's Role in Walcraft 3

In Warcraft III, Furion Stormrage is a playable hero of the Night Elf race. Also known as Malfurion Stormrage, he is an iconic character within the Warcraft universe. Furion is the archdruid of the Night Elves and one of the leaders of the Alliance in the fight against the Burning Legion.

In the game, Furion is a versatile hero who can play multiple roles. His main ability is Tranquility

, which allows him to channel energy to heal nearby friendly units and regenerate their mana. Additionally, he has abilities such as "Entwined Roots", which immobilizes enemy units, and "March of the Tree of Life", which allows him to summon a tree that can attack and grant vision.


Furion is known for his ability to control nature and summon powerful creatures to aid him in battle. His presence in the game is essential in many Night Elf strategies, whether as a supportive healer or a damaging crowd controller.


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Custom HA Assistant
AVENGERS iCCup.Moose [ Custom HA Assistant ]
  • yesterday @ 22:28 CET
  • 01 Oct 2016
#2 Posted: 10 Jun 2024 @ 13:32 CET quote
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good job

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EU Forum & EU News FA
CL iCCup.GonzaTV [ EU Forum & EU News FA ]
  • today @ 04:00 CET
  • 21 May 2024
#3 Posted: 10 Jun 2024 @ 21:28 CET quote
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Trank you bro :)

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EU Forum Trial SA
AR iCCup.xanaxy [ EU Forum Trial SA ]
  • yesterday @ 04:27 CET
  • 28 Dec 2023
#4 Posted: 11 Jun 2024 @ 03:28 CET quote
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buena gonzalito

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EU Forum & EU News FA
CL iCCup.GonzaTV [ EU Forum & EU News FA ]
  • today @ 04:00 CET
  • 21 May 2024
#5 Posted: 11 Jun 2024 @ 05:26 CET quote
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