INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

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#1 Posted: 31 Jul 2023 @ 02:23 CET quote
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So the moment has come when it is worth announcing the results of the competition:

Views on student life and ordinar


image place and 60 image for his work receives image Yettenslin

image place and 40 image for his work receives image Xetralis

image place and 20 image for his work receives image Jhone

Thank you all for participating, see you very soon!

Grateful to everyone for taking your precious time for participating our EVENT. Thank you for your honest opinions and further plans for up coming year! We wish all your dreams comes true! keep it up and GOOD LUCK !!! super.gif

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EU Ladder & EU CAT FA
PLANET iCCup.Raksana [ EU Ladder & EU CAT FA ]
  • yesterday @ 23:04 CET
  • 20 Feb 2023
#2 Posted: 31 Jul 2023 @ 23:49 CET quote
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Good job, guys! agr.gif

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EU Tech SA & EU Tour TSA
EU iCCup.mystick [ EU Tech SA & EU Tour TSA ]
  • yesterday @ 23:07 CET
  • 04 Oct 2017
#3 Posted: 04 Aug 2023 @ 23:24 CET quote
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Have familiarized.

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  • today @ 03:08 CET
  • today @ 03:08 CET
# Posted: today @ 03:08 CET quote
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