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  • 28 May 2024 @ 17:14 CET
  • 03 Nov 2019
#1 Posted: 27 Jun 2023 @ 08:50 CET quote
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Hi Everyone :)


I find myself reminiscing about a chilly winter evening from my teenage years. The air was crisp, and a delicate layer of snow had blanketed the landscape, transforming it into a winter wonderland. The world around me was hushed, as if nature itself held its breath in anticipation of something magical.

I ventured out into the stillness, bundled up in layers to protect against the biting cold. Each breath I took hung in the air, a visible reminder of life in its purest form. The sound of my footsteps echoed through the silence, creating a rhythm that matched the beating of my excited heart.

I made my way to a nearby frozen lake, its glassy surface shimmering under the soft glow of the moon. The scene was straight out of a fairytale, and I couldn't resist the urge to step onto the ice and glide across its frozen expanse.

With trepidation and exhilaration intertwined, I cautiously took my first steps onto the ice. The sound of cracking echoed, making my heart skip a beat, but the ice held firm beneath my weight. Emboldened by this newfound trust, I began to skate, my blades carving graceful arcs into the frozen canvas.

In that moment, all worries and anxieties dissolved. The world narrowed down to the rhythmic sound of my skates and the feeling of pure freedom. I twirled and spun, lost in a dance with the ice, feeling as if I were floating on a dream.

As I looked around, I noticed the moon shining brightly overhead, casting a soft, silver glow over the snow-covered trees. The stars seemed to sparkle with delight, as if they were cheering me on. It was a moment of pure enchantment, where time seemed to stand still.

With each glide, I felt a surge of adrenaline mixed with a profound sense of serenity. The cold air embraced me, invigorating my senses and filling me with a sense of exhilaration. The joy bubbling within me was infectious, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud, my laughter echoing through the stillness of the night.

Eventually, the cold began to seep into my bones, and I reluctantly made my way back to shore. As I stood on solid ground once again, a bittersweet feeling washed over me. The magic of that winter evening was etched into my soul, but I knew it was a fleeting moment, a memory to be cherished but not relived.


Now, as I recall that extraordinary winter night, a mix of nostalgia and gratitude fills my heart. It serves as a reminder that life is full of extraordinary moments, waiting to be discovered and embraced. And even though time may move forward, and the seasons may change, the memories we create and the emotions we experience have the power to stay with us, forever warming our souls in the coldest of winters.

Edited by Roully (27 Jun 2023 @ 08:51 CET)
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#2 Posted: 29 Jun 2023 @ 22:45 CET quote
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