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  • 09 Sep 2024 @ 18:07 CET
  • 24 Dec 2022
#1 Posted: 19 May 2023 @ 07:21 CET quote
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Good day dear users and the administration of this platform! Here I want to share my memories with you when I protected my sister and her friend from a bad guy.


It was in 2009 if I am not mistaken. One day in summer we were playing football with my older sister. Then she decided to call her friend to play with us. I said OK, you could ask me if you need help. OK she replied then went to her friend's home. I was playing alone and I almost forgot about my sister and her friend. When I wanted to go and see if they were coming suddenly one old man told me that my mom at the school was calling me. Then I thought it would not be possible because I exactly remember that my mom was out of the city. Then I asked myself why this man wanted to cheat me ? Then I got what was happening there ! That older man probably kidnapped both my sister and her friend ! I was terribly afraid but still thinking about the way to save them and also save myself from that man.We were standing at the street I saw a bunch of people and shouted them as loud as I could. HELP US ! HELP US ! The kidnapper was almost identified as one of the man called cops. They came to him and got him with one punch. Then I was crying without knowing where my sister and her friend. I thought they were already dead. But then I saw a car nearby and I thought my sister and her friend should be in this car. I didnt saw anything from outside of the car because it's windows were dark. I took a big stone and hit the windows of that car with it. I saw my sister and her friend hands and mouth tied but they were still breathing. Thank god they were alive.From there and then I never let my sister to walk in the street alone.

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PLANET iCCup.Raksana [ EU Ladder & EU CAT FA ]
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  • 20 Feb 2023
#2 Posted: 20 May 2023 @ 20:27 CET quote
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