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  • 09 Sep 2024 @ 18:07 CET
  • 24 Dec 2022
#1 Posted: 09 May 2023 @ 18:18 CET quote
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Hi there. I will tell you there my imagination about my future date with my soulmate. I must admit that I did not have any meeting with girls but anyway let me share some of my thoughts regarded to that meeting.

First of all, the girl I date is very beautiful, her eyes as clean as water and she is exactly born to be with me. I am here in a restaurant waiting for my love. Yes, you are right I am a little bit nervous and I am thinking what to do, what to say, how to start our lovely conversation, I am planning... I received the message that came recently from my girl (by the way lets call her Madina) and I know that she is coming in 10 minutes. I look at mirror, I know everything is here ready and they are also waiting for my angel. I ordered a special table for two of us and the restaurant is closed so that no one can bother us. The music group Madina loves is here waiting for my command to sing. There, yeah there goes my baby I see her and the group started to sing, with the sound of guitar and piano I stand up and say to sit down. Waiter goes to serve our food and asks for a drink we would like to have and I exactly order something without alcohol. I say Hi Madina, how are you, how was your ride to come here ? She says: "fine thanks, I am good, I am good, yeah it was err...". "She is also nervous I think" I say to myself. We both know what the theme are we going to talk about but none of us want to start first.

So she asks me not to break my promise about singing her favourite song. I say: what ? "You promised me to sing my favourite song when we meet, you forgot ?" Oh girl, come on dont ask me to do this in front of people. "There is no people" she says. So then I start to sing that song.

After having delicious cake for dessert as all of you know I say her: hey I have something to show you (the ring for our wedding). "Ice-cream !!!!" she shouts. You know she is still a child)) her heart is so soft, she has a pure soul and thats the reason why I chose her. OK, then I say and bring her favorite ice-cream. She is so happy, she is over the moon. Then I give her gold ring and finally I say her how much I love her, "you mean a lot to me" she says. You know what, that is the word I want to hear from the girl I love and Im ready to do anything for that girl. Its 8 p.m and still we have a time to dance. I offer her to dance with me to this song.

"I'd like to be with you forever", "how to breath without you, I cant imagine my life without you" I said. "You are my life, you are my heart. Dont worry Im yours" she replied. Then I drive to her home. As we get to her home I kiss her before she enters. She is shy because its the first time I kiss her. "Bad guy, see you tomorrow have a good rest" she says and I get back home after receiving a phone call from my parents.

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PLANET iCCup.Raksana [ EU Ladder & EU CAT FA ]
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  • 20 Feb 2023
#2 Posted: 10 May 2023 @ 23:02 CET quote
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