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+12 EU Хомяк? Миллиарды?

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  • 22 Jul 2023 @ 15:46 CET
  • 26 Aug 2022
#1 Posted: 16 Jan 2023 @ 15:36 CET quote
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Hello everyone! The topic is My City. Hello, my name is Shokhruz, I was born in 1998 in the city of Kokan, Uzbekistan. I lived in apartment buildings until 2010. As you know, there are a lot of children there. We used to start playing early in the morning in the summer. I only entered the house to eat. In our native city, people show respect for each other and neighbors live very well with each other. Uzbeks have a lot of traditions, which are well known to tourists who have visited Uzbekistan. We have many customs and traditions and it will take a lot of time to tell them all. After hearing it a thousand times They say it's better to see it once. Our city is rich in artisans, and therefore in 2021 we had an International Craftsmen's Festival, and there are people among you who visited this exhibition. What else can I say? My city, my dear homeland, is very beautiful. I am proud to have been born here. If you have the opportunity, come to Uzbekistan, you will not regret it. Our country is a paradise. Thank you all and good luck to the participants

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  • 19 Aug 2024 @ 21:34 CET
  • 30 Aug 2022
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    Намеренный, публичный слив ролей в «Мафии». Срыв игры.

#2 Posted: 16 Jan 2023 @ 15:43 CET quote
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EU Tech SA & EU Tour TSA
EU iCCup.mystick [ EU Tech SA & EU Tour TSA ]
#3 Posted: 17 Jan 2023 @ 07:08 CET quote
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