INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

Custom Close Games

11 Jan 2024 @ 06:14 CET


Another week came to an end, how much sweat was shed, what battles took place on our field. There were a lot of games this week. It's time to talk about some of the games and events at Custom Closed Games!

Now let's move on to the results you've been waiting for.

Сustom Closed Games — Result for 22.12.2023

Winners Prize
1 image Senpaai  10 image
2 image Wava 10 image
3 image KPATOC 10 image
4 image ZoFa 10 image
5 image Imanam  5 image
6 image MaI)aRa 5 image
7 image TesL6 image
8 image OldFucKing image
9 image Infinite image
10 image AntiMege image
11 image Themacintosh image
12 image Sofrimento image
13 image ALHAMDULILLAH image
14 image Crossik image
15 image LEWAisBACK image

And now the announcements at Custom Closed Games

Card Sequence!


On that fine note, the News section ends this review.

See you next week. Be healthy!  sombrero.gif