INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

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#1 Posted: 30 Jul 2023 @ 18:17 CET quote
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Hi guys! And here are the results of the Eclipse


image place and 60 image for his result receives imageCuC9I

image place and 40 image for his result receives image.DreaM.TEAM.

---+--- disqualification ---+---

CLAY - Screenshots from the replay will not be accepted.

Thank you all for participating, you are the best. nsm47.png

We will hold another Dota Quest soon, participate!

Edited by iCCup.Raksana (31 Jul 2023 @ 23:33 CET)
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  • 15 Sep 2024 @ 07:53 CET
  • 20 Jul 2023
#2 Posted: 31 Jul 2023 @ 18:48 CET quote
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Nega unaqa kutlik qilasan hammasi turibdiyu kurinib kesib tu'g'irlab kursatilgan bo'lsa qoida bilasanmi uzi?

User was banned for this post till 07 Aug 2023 @ 23:37 CET by admin iCCup.mystick.
Reason: flood + spam
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  • 03 Sep 2024 @ 01:24 CET
  • 25 Mar 2023
#3 Posted: 31 Jul 2023 @ 18:49 CET quote
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SA check please this content!

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  • 26 Jul 2024 @ 21:08 CET
  • 07 Jul 2019
#4 Posted: 31 Jul 2023 @ 19:58 CET quote
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Where is my result??

Posted in 19:58:10

-Mancunian- :
Where is my result??

I posted my result, I had 8 kills. Who deleted my result???? are you kidding?

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#5 Posted: 31 Jul 2023 @ 21:01 CET quote
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-Mancunian- :
Where is my result??

Posted in 19:58:10

-Mancunian- :
Where is my result??

I posted my result, I had 8 kills. Who deleted my result???? are you kidding?

No one deleted your post, you didn’t even throw off your result.

SHohruh :
Nega unaqa kutlik qilasan hammasi turibdiyu kurinib kesib tu'g'irlab kursatilgan bo'lsa qoida bilasanmi uzi?
Read the rule carefully. Screenshots from the replay are not accepted, especially cut ones.

If you are dissatisfied with the decision of the administration, Сontact here

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  • today @ 14:07 CET
  • today @ 14:07 CET
# Posted: today @ 14:07 CET quote
  • yesterday @ 15:48 CET
  • 16 Feb 2023
#6 Posted: 31 Jul 2023 @ 22:04 CET quote
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Where is SA"? check content

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EU Ladder & EU CAT FA
PLANET iCCup.Raksana [ EU Ladder & EU CAT FA ]
  • today @ 12:38 CET
  • 20 Feb 2023
#7 Posted: 31 Jul 2023 @ 23:37 CET quote
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Made changes based on the results

image place and 20 image for his result receives image SHohruh

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EU Tech SA & EU Tour TSA
EU iCCup.mystick [ EU Tech SA & EU Tour TSA ]
  • yesterday @ 23:08 CET
  • 04 Oct 2017
#8 Posted: 04 Aug 2023 @ 16:50 CET quote
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issued, close

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