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+11 EU Хомяк? Миллиарды?

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I.S.D & Events SA
AURORA iCCup.cassel [ I.S.D & Events SA ]
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  • 21 Feb 2022
#1 Posted: 21 Aug 2022 @ 06:42 CET quote
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This topic exists for the contest:

Letter to the Past

Flood / Off-top will be removed for the first time' if you relapse, you will get banned for 3 days.

We wish you all good luck! image

Edited by iCCup.cassel (21 Aug 2022 @ 23:52 CET)
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  • 08 Jun 2023 @ 20:21 CET
  • 15 Aug 2020
#2 Posted: 22 Aug 2022 @ 19:26 CET quote
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For me, from 5 yrs ago,

I am happy that you have so much fun playing video games.

Routinely you start your pc everyday.

Strictly saying I think you play too much.

Try other games? nooooo.

Perhaps you will have fun playing other games.

I think there are to few english speaking players on here.

Can you think of having fun outside of video games?

Kunkka is one of your favorite heroes, I know for sure.

Sometimes I think it would be better if you quit smoking weed.

Fight for the ones you love.

Maybe dont play for a few days?

In retrospective you will have a lot more of the day.

Demonstratively you will start your computer anyways.

Now only read the first letter of every sentence and know your destiny! nsm13.png

Edited by HermanThGerman (22 Aug 2022 @ 19:27 CET)
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  • 08 Oct 2023 @ 14:53 CET
  • 05 Aug 2021
#3 Posted: 25 Aug 2022 @ 19:28 CET quote
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Poland, August 25, 2022 - August 25, 2027

My adult me!

I am writing this letter with the hope that in 5 years time I will be able to read it to remind myself of what was important to me in the past and what is important to me now.

I think that the most important thing for me is work, I have been working for a year while writing this letter. Coming back to the subject of the letter, however, I think that work is something important to me, something that I must remember and constantly think about.

My friends are important to me. I must also remember about them. They help me whenever I have a problem, when I can't cope with, for example, science or problems. I can always rely on them and I can always turn to them for help. Apart from my friends, my girlfriend, whom I am dating, is also very important, and there is no indication that I will have another one in these 5 years after reading this letter.

I believe that my family is important to me. We have to support each other. Sometimes there are arguments in our family, but probably in all families it is like that. The family is important to me. Although we do not always agree in certain situations, we always try to find a solution.

I think that everything that is important to me now will always be important to me, but I know that the place of school will be taken by work, but friends and family will always be the most important for me.

I greet myself - Michał(Michael).

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Actively supports iCCup

  • 22 Sep 2022 @ 13:37 CET
  • 27 Jul 2022
  • Banned till: 19.01.2038 04:14
    Reason Использование хаков

#4 Posted: 26 Aug 2022 @ 05:26 CET quote
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  • 25 May 2023 @ 09:43 CET
  • 05 Aug 2022
#5 Posted: 27 Aug 2022 @ 00:07 CET quote
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  • today @ 00:17 CET
  • today @ 00:17 CET
# Posted: today @ 00:17 CET quote
#6 Posted: 27 Aug 2022 @ 07:12 CET quote
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image I'm Hello Mark. I have matured by 5 years. How are you ? Mother, father. Is our friend Sasha also alive? In short, I wanted to tell you something. Remember how you were a slacker as a child.image And now I have grown up. I study with good grades. I hear motivational podcasts. image Remember? You were lonely as a child. image

Now I'm talking with my friends image I realized that you always have to be a sincere person

Do you still remember we had a friend Kolya? If yes, then he is now sitting next to me studying in one of the students. We had a good time. I plan to buy a car and give it to my dad. I here filed that I was not good in my childhood. But now it has probably changed. Now friend Kolya sends you "hello"


Edited by Motivational (27 Aug 2022 @ 07:13 CET)
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  • yesterday @ 23:58 CET
  • 26 Feb 2022
#7 Posted: 28 Aug 2022 @ 15:39 CET quote
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My work

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Мрачный Царь
DEVIL Aid [ Мрачный Царь ]
  • 25 Sep 2024 @ 02:14 CET
  • 05 Jun 2022
#8 Posted: 28 Aug 2022 @ 15:40 CET quote
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I.S.D & Events SA
AURORA iCCup.cassel [ I.S.D & Events SA ]
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  • 21 Feb 2022
#9 Posted: 28 Aug 2022 @ 16:00 CET quote
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The contest is over. Expect results.

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