INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

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#1 Posted: 25 Jul 2022 @ 18:31 CET quote
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The wise turtle says: "If you wish to nurture and guide a disciple and can believe in him, then even a clumsy panda can defeat Tai Lung. At the climax of the cartoon, Dragon warrior PO and Tai Lung will meet in a duel


In the fight with Tai Lung, PO skillfully used his abilities and shortcomings. Its clumsiness and completeness. And the message of this fight is that you need to be able to turn your shortcomings into advantages or not to get hung up on them at all. The cartoon shows that nothing is impossible. Each of us is unique and it is important not to copy or imitate someone in order to become a Kung Fu master. You need to be yourself, you need to look for talents and abilities that others do not have. After all, to do something special - you just have to believe that it's special. To do this, you need to believe in yourself)))) Just do it, my friend.


Here is my favorite cartoon and hero. According to the terms of the contest, it is necessary to say about the hero - whether he is positive or negative. So - the hero in my opinion is not good and not bad. And in general, there are no bad heroes here, each hero has his own motivation and a situation that he did not choose. But I will try to say this - at the beginning of the cartoon, everyone was bad, by the end they all made sense and acted in the name of good. In general, he is a positive hero))))

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AURORA iCCup.cassel [ I.S.D & Events SA ]
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#2 Posted: 31 Jul 2022 @ 09:22 CET quote
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