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EU Head Admin Assistant
ME iCCup.Maneken [ EU Head Admin Assistant ]
  • Foydalanuvchi Online
  • 20 Sep 2017
#1 qo`shildi: 09 Aug 2023 @ 15:54 CET ajratib ko`rsatish
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"Thriller" is a music video and short film directed by John Landis,

produced by John Landis and Michael Jackson.

The video was made to accompany the song of the same name from Michael Jackson's album "Thriller," released in 1982.


Key details about the "Thriller" music video would be:

Exact Release Date:The music video was premiered on December 2, 1983, and it played a significant role in popularizing the song and the album.

Running Time: The music video has a runtime of approximately 13 minutes and 42 seconds, making it one of the longest and most elaborate music videos of its time.


The music video starts with Michael Jackson and his date (played by Ola Ray) walking through a dark and eerie forest. As they continue their walk, Jackson transforms into a werewolf, and the video transitions into a series of dance sequences and horror-themed scenes.

The video features several iconic moments, including the famous "Thriller" dance sequence, where Jackson and a group of zombies perform synchronized dance moves. The video pays homage to classic horror films, and Vincent Price provides a voice-over for the eerie narration.

Or just take a look.



The "Thriller" music video was produced with a budget of approximately $800,000, a substantial amount for its time. The production involved elaborate set designs, makeup and special effects, and intricate choreography.

Influence and Legacy:

"Thriller" had a massive impact on the music industry and pop culture. It elevated the status of music videos as a promotional tool and as a form of entertainment in their own right. The music video's dance sequences, especially the "Thriller" dance, became iconic and have been imitated and parodied countless times.



Awards and Recognition:

The "Thriller" music video received numerous awards and accolades, including several MTV Video Music Awards. It is often cited in discussions about the greatest music videos of all time.

Cultural Impact:

"Thriller" remains a cultural phenomenon. The music video's dance moves, costumes, and imagery are instantly recognizable, and the video is still celebrated and referenced in various forms of media.




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Eski izoh
  • 29 May 2024 @ 20:43 CET
  • 20 Jul 2023
#2 qo`shildi: 09 Aug 2023 @ 22:56 CET ajratib ko`rsatish
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nice popcorm.gif

Eski izoh
EU Head Admin Assistant
ME iCCup.Maneken [ EU Head Admin Assistant ]
  • Foydalanuvchi Online
  • 20 Sep 2017
#3 qo`shildi: 09 Aug 2023 @ 23:46 CET ajratib ko`rsatish
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Appreciate it! :) Feel free to give suggestion what would you like to see more :)

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