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#1 qo`shildi: 26 Jun 2023 @ 21:10 CET ajratib ko`rsatish
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Good day dear users and the administration of this platform. Each of us had memorable and unforgettable moments in our life. Here I want to share one of the moments that made me so happy.

It was in august 2020. I was 18 years old. I applied one of the prestigious universities in my country and was expecting the results (good results). Actually, I hadnt studied hard. But I think I was smart enough to solve the tests that had been given by DTM (Government test centre)in university entrance exams

Can you imagine it was just a week after I took the exam ? It is said that waiting for something or someone can be the worst thing to do. I can not stand waiting for something. Especially, if the thing Im waiting for is related to some result. I just can not control my emotions and feelings nsm41.png

Now some of you may be thinking oh come on boy, it was just an entrance exam, what are you talking about ? But believe me I just can not describe the level of my excitement when Im waiting for any results. Plus, it was not just me waiting for the entrance exam results, but all my relatives and all of the people who know about me were expecting the effects of my father's hard work and they were curious about my attitude, my response to this hard work. They were talking about me all day. Some say he is a good boy he can do this, he was the best among his peers and some other say no he is not intelligent enough to study there, he can not do any work etc. So it was not just an entrance exam. It was a time for me to prove myself who am I, what can I do, where is my future.

Naturally, Im a kind of boy who always needs support and motivation from someone. I was in need that motivation but because of his work my father couldnt support me spiritually. He always gave me money to study and didnt say anything...

Days passed. I couldnt sleep, I couldnt eat well, I couldnt find a place to go. I tried to distract myself with computer games. But after 2 or 3 hours it didnt work anymore. I felt pressure, I felt the responsibility of breadwinner in family... Because I was thinking, if I can not enter the university I can not study and can not find the field I want to work in. I can not find support my family financially. And actually I was obsessed with this feeling.

The reason why Im sharing this memory with you is, we all (men) should feel responsibility to our families. YES, WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR WELL-BEING. And I wish for all adolescent boys to have an easier time in this period of becoming a real man. Because as I mentioned above, I think that I had a lot of trouble during this period. May we all be blessed to be a good man for our family and society. Let our brothers and sisters be proud with tears in their eyes when they talk about us.

Thank you for reading.

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#2 qo`shildi: 29 Jun 2023 @ 22:44 CET ajratib ko`rsatish
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Link to the topic for work, Closed!

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