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  • yesterday @ 15:45 CET
  • 16 Feb 2023
#1 qo`shildi: 17 Mar 2023 @ 10:55 CET ajratib ko`rsatish
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My Dream Country


Hello my dear subscribers. Today I stopped on a very interesting topic. My dream country. I can give many examples of this.Everyone has dreams to make his/her country big and democratically successful. A country where there is equality in all areas, and for all genders, it witnesses progress. Like others, I also have a dream for my Uzbekistan and the way it should be, so I can be proud to live and the coming generation too. Furthermore, a country where there is no discrimination of caste, color, gender, and economic status, sees development in a true sense. People in such countries also progress well in all senses.The country I visited is the best country in the world. This is Uzbekistan. There are many historical places and recreation centers.The Uzbekistan of my dreams would be a country that is self-sufficient in all areas. I want Uzbekistan to be technologically, agriculturally and scientifically developed. Every barren land in the country, which had not seen a crop for centuries, was cultivated for food grain. I am proud of my country, which is the backbone of agriculture and is advancing the production of gross domestic product.I am proud to live in a country with soil rich in useful minerals that help in the development of agriculture and farming. There are different types of soil in different states of Uzbekistan, for example, in Surkhandarya there is black soil suitable for growing cotton, in Kashkadarya there is suitable soil for growing wheat, etc. One of the best things that happened in the country was the Green Revolution, which offered intensive agricultural programs for farmers.

The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The middle class has been in the same situation ever since. This should not be an ideal situation for Uzbekistan. The more this gap is, the more our country and people will suffer. The Uzbekistan of my dreams should be a place where poor people are empowered, do not face poverty, do not go hungry and have a decent roof to live on.Poor children need an education so they have the confidence to face the world and lead successful lives. There should be no difference between rich and poor. National income should be distributed rationally among different sections of the society. In my opinion, socialism is the only tool that will help to overcome the problem.

Nowadays, it is very developed. I want Uzbekistan to be free from corruption, which will help the nation to grow. One of the reasons why the country cannot develop even after all these years is the corruption of the people. No matter how big or small the job is, you have to pay to get it done. You should prevent such situations. However, there is a government policy that cracks down on such people who seek bribes to do this task. I dream of a country where I can get the job done without taking any bribes.

My dream is to protect my country internally and externally. This is my dream and I will do it. I dream of Uzbekistan with good infrastructure and sanitary conditions. There are many villages where there is no sanitation and infrastructure. The government of Uzbekistan should work on these so that people get what they deserve. Adequate sanitation is essential; helps the villagers, especially the women, not to go out in the open and face health problems.

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#2 qo`shildi: 17 Mar 2023 @ 19:56 CET ajratib ko`rsatish
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Link to the topic for work, Closed!

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