INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

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#1 Posted: 16 Jul 2023 @ 15:15 CET alinti
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Hi guys! And here are the results of the Mana Burner


image place and 60 image for his result receives image SMS

image place and 40 image for his result receives image Nezuko

image place and 20 image for his result receives image .DreaM.TEAM.

---+--- Incentive prizes ---+---

For their efforts, they receive 15image


Thank you all for participating, you are the best. nsm47.png

We will hold another Dota Quest soon, participate!

Edited by iCCup.mystick (17 Jul 2023 @ 23:07 CET)
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  • 02 Sep 2024 @ 09:48 CET
  • 15 Jul 2023
#2 Posted: 18 Jul 2023 @ 16:27 CET alinti
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#3 Posted: 21 Jul 2023 @ 11:34 CET alinti
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Issued, close

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