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Upper Moon Four
REBELLION Hantengu [ Upper Moon Four ]
  • 13 Oct 2024 @ 17:43 CET
  • 09 Nov 2022
#1 Posted: 09 May 2023 @ 12:09 CET alinti
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Hello everyone! My name is Dake and I'm excited to share my work with you all. I've put a lot of time and effort into this project, and I'm eager to hear your thoughts and feedback. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it. Thank you in advance for taking the time to review my work, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

My First Date with Aidan: A Memorable Experience


When I was 14 years old, I went on my first date with a girl named Aidan. I remember feeling really excited and nervous at the same time. I had never been on a date before, and I wasn't sure what to expect. It was December 12, and the weather was cold and frosty, which made the day feel even more magical. I arrived at the park where we had planned to meet, and I saw that Aidan was not there yet. I waited for her for what felt like forever, and I began to feel anxious that she wouldn't show up. After 45 minutes, Aidan finally arrived, and I was relieved to see her.


To show her how much I appreciated her coming, I gave her a chocolate bar and a rose that I had bought earlier. She smiled and thanked me, and I could feel my heart racing with excitement. We decided to walk around the park and talk, and I was surprised at how easily the conversation flowed. Aidan was really kind and funny, and we laughed and chatted for hours. We talked about our hobbies, our favorite books and movies, and our families. I felt like I could tell her anything, and I was grateful to have met someone so easy to talk to.As the sun began to set, I started to feel more nervous about the date ending. I didn't want it to be over yet! But then, I realized that I had a surprise for her. I had bought two tickets to the cinema to see her favorite movie. When I presented the tickets to her, her face lit up with joy, and I knew that I had made the right decision. We watched the movie together, holding hands, and I felt like I was on cloud nine. At the end of the movie, I mustered up the courage to kiss her on the cheek. It was a small gesture, but it felt huge to me. I felt like I had made a connection with Aidan that was deeper than just friendship.


As we walked back to her house, I felt a sense of sadness that the day was coming to an end. I didn't want it to be over! When we arrived at her doorstep, I gave her a big hug and said goodbye. I remember feeling like my heart was full of happiness and joy. Looking back on that day, I realize that my first date with Aidan was a truly magical experience. It was a day full of surprises, laughter, and most importantly, love. I will always remember that special day and cherish the memories that we made together.

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EU Tour SAA & EU Ladder FA
PLANET iCCup.Raksana [ EU Tour SAA & EU Ladder FA ]
  • today @ 02:55 CET
  • 20 Feb 2023
#2 Posted: 10 May 2023 @ 23:02 CET alinti
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