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  • 14 Sep 2024 @ 11:23 CET
  • 01 Aug 2020
#1 Posted: 09 Dec 2022 @ 04:09 CET alinti
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Hello friends, today we will be discussing a rather interesting topic, that is What is the meaning of life. Different people have different approaches on this topic in my concern, but here is what i have thought of. . . . .

My meaning on life

The real meaning of life is the value it holds for others. A life spent helping others is worth much more than a life spent in solitude. The importance of the true meaning of life lies in how it is spent caring and helping others. The more we spread love to others in life, the more beautiful it will be. Life is like a standing tree which faces the elements of nature, the birds and the passers-by and it is more beautiful than a man living alone who closes his eyes to the people around him .

Moreover, human life is a great gift as it is the most powerful of the existing life forms. Humans have the extraordinary ability to dream, work, and achieve goals, and there is no other species on the planet like it. Furthermore, humans affect each and every life on the planet for both good and bad reasons. Human life is a gift because it is meant to save and preserve other weak and vulnerable lives. This was the harmony or beauty of life. Now let's focus on the physical beauty of life. Humans are created with exceptionally nimble limbs and efficient brains, making them considered superior to others. The real beauty of these powers depends on how many lives it affects for all the good reasons of life.

One of the prerequisites of life is the development of life. Where there is life there is growth. As there are stages of development, so does the journey of life. Let us consider the example of human life. When a child is born, it is small and they are not developed physically and mentally, but as time passes by, the child keeps on growing. The same happens with all other species as well. Take a look at the image at the bottom of this post.


Every single life is important and they are interrelated with each other. Each species, be it human, animal or bird, fulfills its purpose in this world and all affect each other directly or indirectly. Even if it is of a small species and vanishes from this planet, it affects other living beings as well. If the deer is extinct, the tiger will remain, and a chain will begin that will one day kill the planet and change the whole planet.

Thus i feel like we should live a life respecting every other organism and using our specialized brains to its fullest potential so that we can accomplish many tasks and deeds, and aid others in their way too. Thank You!


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  • 01 Aug 2024 @ 07:14 CET
  • 24 Sep 2022
#2 Posted: 09 Dec 2022 @ 19:31 CET alinti
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Perfective nsm34.png

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#3 Posted: 12 Dec 2022 @ 11:55 CET alinti
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