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    4.11.1. Запрещается продавать или передавать аккаунты, а также передавать статы другим игрокам (как с коммерческой, так и дружеской целями)

#1 Posted: 19 Nov 2022 @ 12:44 CET alinti
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"All professions are needed, All professions are important In Mayakovsky from a poem who to be?

No matter how obvious it was to begin with these lines, nevertheless, in the world there is really a great many professions of various calibers and for every taste where everyone can find their own application. Today, thanks to the World Wide Web and the technical process, a person has many more opportunities to realize his potential. In the modern world, a person is given complete freedom of who to be and how to manage his life. In this essay, I will talk about the work of my dreams, the reasons why I think so and the advantages of this activity.


Of all the professions that I had to experience, by trial and error, I, to my great happiness, found what I was looking for. This profession, no, rather art, suits me in everything. Of course, I’m talking about a translator, it just so happened that I was always good at things related to knowledge of languages, and plus, I’m a very sociable person, in other words, I had everything and life did everything possible to make me a translator. Briefly about my professional path, at school I didn’t really lean on languages, even Russian, then when I had to go to university, my mother threw me into English, saying that for my future, honestly, I didn’t care, so I studied according to my mood , over time, something began to turn out, I successfully passed the exam and entered, during my studies I passed the ielts (7.0) certificate, thanks to which I won a grant and flew to Germany, I had to start everything from scratch, but thanks to the language experience, I quickly got used to it. And summing up all my preparation, I became a specialist who speaks German, English, French (my second language at the university) got a job almost immediately after finishing a year, having worked in one company, I got a promotion in another, and from that moment my ideal job begins .

To say that she gives me pleasure means to say nothing, really I have everything there, flexible schedule, I come twice a week for 3 hours, I work with foreign clients and a number of European and overseas countries, I distribute the translation load between subordinates and go home , my work requires moderate work on myself, for such a short time of practice, I found a balance between work and rest, from which it follows that a third of the time I work in the office, another third is work on myself and the remaining time I devote to rest. The biggest advantage of my fishery is my income, I am well off enough to consider myself an above average person, if you watched the opening scenes from the films: "Duhless and Doctor Strange" then my life corresponds to this reality.


I am very grateful to fate for the given chance, because, you must admit, few find their favorite and at the same time highly paid calling, and even at such a young age. In closing, I would like to add. With my story, I do not call on anyone to be inspired and do something great. Agree it is much easier and more purposeful to become successful when you are either very rich or vice versa, very poor and you have nothing, but in my case I was absolutely average and no different from most others, I just lived with the flow until I started looking your calling. And in my opinion, becoming successful when you are absolutely mediocre is the greatest achievement.

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#2 Posted: 20 Nov 2022 @ 18:33 CET alinti
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