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EU CAT & EU Events FA
AVENGERS iCCup.mystick [ EU CAT & EU Events FA ]
  • 26 Jun 2024 @ 03:08 CET
  • 04 Oct 2017
#1 добавлено: 21 Jun 2024 @ 22:54 CET цитировать
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This topic exists for the contest: Horror Stories part 3.

Flood / Off-top will be removed for the first time' if you relapse, you will get banned for 3 days.

We wish you all good luck!

  • yesterday @ 21:51 CET
  • 13 May 2024
#2 добавлено: 25 Jun 2024 @ 23:10 CET цитировать
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Конкурсник сезона
CONTEST Panok [ Конкурсник сезона ]
  • yesterday @ 21:03 CET
  • 04 Jul 2019
#3 добавлено: yesterday @ 08:56 CET цитировать
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My scary story censor.gif


As a child, I loved scary stories. I was scared, and I clung to my parents, it was both scary and at the same time I celebrated safety. Time has passed, I have grown, but scary stories continue to excite me. My story begins in a city surrounded by forest and unfulfilled desires. The time of year is autumn, there is fog and fallen leaves everywhere. The sky is cloudy. prohype.gif

The main character of the story is a young man. His name is Sergei.

HE is curious, resourceful and loves mysticism. Also present in the story is his younger sister Veronica, who is not as brave as her brother. secret.gif

One day, Sergei found a book in the attic with frightening predictions and notes about his beautiful but creepy city. Among the predictions was a story about a house on the edge of the forest. Anyone who spends the night on October 19, 2023 in a specific house on the edge of the forest will be able to fulfill any of his wishes. Our hero told this to his sister (he himself was afraid to go into the house), boff.gif and together they decided to try their luck, since it was 18/10/2023.

image At first everything was normal in the house - a house like a house. But after 00.00 some kind of crap started. A strong wind and draft began to wander through the house. Everything began to creak, and the house came to life. Whispers and rustling noises began to be heard, and the electricity went out. Sergei began to see some shadows with his sister. The heroes were under the bed, and saw only hooves that walked around the room. prosuka.png When the strange creature left the room with its hoof, the heroes tried to leave the room - but could not, the doors were locked. At the most critical moment, Sergei realizes that he needs to save himself and his sister - and decides to burn the book. Sergei burns the book, and suddenly silence comes, everything stops, the doors open and our hero and his sister leave the House. Everything is quiet and calm. Our heroes come home and happily try to discuss everything that happened before. And the first thing they saw was the same burnt book on the table, without traces of fire. Sergei opened the book and saw the inscryption - YOUR SOULS ARE MY. stewie.png


The active search for Sergei and his sister Veronica lasted about a month. They disappeared under mysterious circumstances. prosurprise.png

Curiosity can lead to dangerous consequences. Perhaps if Sergei and Veronique had not burned the book, everything would have been different. The conclusion is simple - if you decide to make a deal with mystical forces, do not burn the agreement. avtorklif.gif


Отредактировано Panok (yesterday @ 09:53 CET)
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