INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP DotA AllStars: кастом карты, статистика, хост-боты

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  • 18 Sep 2024 @ 20:26 CET
  • 24 Jan 2023
#1 добавлено: 22 Jun 2023 @ 18:51 CET цитировать
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I changed one time from 0 points limit to 1000

and return it again to 0 and after this the game does not fill up fast

it takes 4 to 5 minutes to become full and everyone has limit above 2000

From the moment i changed the limit and reset it,my games are not showing up to everyone to join!

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  • 18 Sep 2024 @ 20:26 CET
  • 24 Jan 2023
#2 добавлено: 24 Jun 2023 @ 20:33 CET цитировать
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Games does not fill up! What is going on ! 5 minutes in lobby with pro account!

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EU Ladder & EU CAT FA
PLANET iCCup.Raksana [ EU Ladder & EU CAT FA ]
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  • 20 Feb 2023
#3 добавлено: 21 Aug 2023 @ 01:34 CET цитировать
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Check your host-bot via /bot

and choose the most convenient for you hostings' bot

in addition, for PA when hosting a game, you need to use commands such as -lat (25-35-50), /pub, /lc w

after all this, if it did't help you, then you can contact our support HERE


Отредактировано iCCup.Raksana (21 Aug 2023 @ 01:38 CET)
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